2021-2022 Officers & Committee Representatives Roster

LAUC-I Executive Board 2021-2022

Role LAUC-I Member
Chair Shu Liu/Stacy Brinkman
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Stacy Brinkman


Madelynn Dickerson


Derek Quezada


Melissa Beuoy

Chair, Library Review Committee

Christina Tsou

Chair, Research and Professional Development Committee

Scott Stone

Chair, Program Committee

Ying Zhang

LAUC Statewide Committees

Committee LAUC-I Representative Term Length & Completion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matthew Flyntz 2 yr / 2021
Professional Governance Audra Eagle Yun 2 yr / 2022
Research and Professional Development Sarah Wallbank 1 yr / 2021

LAUC-I Representation on UCI Academic Senate Committees

Committee/Council LAUC-I Representative Term Length & Completion
Council on Educational Policy (CEP) Ying Zhang 3 yr / 2021
Council on Equity and Inclusion (CEI) Thuy Vo Dang 3 yr / 2022
Council on Faculty Welfare, Diversity, and Academic Freedom (CFW) Shu Liu 3 yr / 2022
Graduate Council (GC) Danielle Kane 3 yr / 2021
Council on Planning and Budget (CPB) Kevin Ruminson 3 yr / 2021
Council on Research Computing and Libraries (CORCL) Nicole Carpenter 3 yr / 2022
Council on Teaching, Learning, and Student Experience (CTLSE) Stacy Brinkman 3 yr / 2021
Council on Enrollment Management and Admissions (CEMA) Krystal Tribbett 3 yr / 2021
Subcommittee on Courses & Continuing, Part-Time, & Summer Session Education (SCOC) Jolene Beiser 3 yr / 2022
Board of Undergraduate Scholarship, Honors & Financial Aid (BUSHFA) Nicole Arnold 3 yr / 2022
Campuswide Honors Collegium Board (CHCB) Richard Cho 3 yr / 2022

LAUC-I Meetings

Executive Board Meetings, 2021 - 2022

Executive Board meeting agendas and minutes are kept in the UCI Confluence wiki. 

General Membership Meetings, 2020 - 2021

Monday, November 30, 2021 Agenda | Minutes
Tuesday, March 7, 2022 Agenda | Minutes
Tuesday, June 8, 2022 Agenda | Minutes
