Last updated: 12/4/98
Chair: Cathy Palmer
Vice Chair/Chair-Elect:Yvonne Wilson
Past Chair: Kathryn Kjaer
Secretary: Lorelei Tanji
Members at Large: Judy Horn,Ellen Broidy
Library Review Committee (LRC): Sara Eichhorn
Academic Librarianship:
Cultural Diversity:
Professional Development:
Program Committee:
Library Review Committee (LRC)
Joan Ariel (2001), Sara Eichhorn, Chair (1999), Steve MacLeod (1999),Barb Lucas (2000)
Nominating-Elections Committee (1998/99)
Kathryn Kjaer, Chair , April Love, Sally Tseng
Ad Hoc Committee on the LAUC-I Archives
Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction: Eric MacDonald (2000)
Cultural Diversity: Christina Woo (2000)
Library Plans and Policies: Barb Lucas (2001)
Professional Governance: Angela Yang (2001)
Research and Professional Development: Pauline Manaka (2001)
Scholarly Communication Web Page Editorial Committee: Dan Tsang (1999)
Governance Committee on Committees: No Librarian
Action Committee on Courses: John Sisson, 1999
Action Committee on International and Continuing Education: Angela Yang, 1999
Council on Educational Policy: Kathryn Kjaer, 2001 **new appointment**
Graduate Council: Ellen Broidy, 2000
Honors Program Advisory Council: No Librarian
Council on Planning and Budget: Julia Gelfand, 2000
Council on Research, Computing & Library Resources: Jim Crooks, 1999
Council on Rights, Responsibilities and Welfare: Judy Kaufman, 2000
Governance Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction: No Librarian
Governance Committee on Privilege and Tenure: Jackie Dooley, 2001 **new appointment**
Advisory Panel on Scholarly Honors and Awards: No Librarian
Action Committee on Student Affairs: Bill Wong, 2001 **new appointment**
*Committee on Teaching: Cathy Palmer, 2001 (Confirmed)
Action Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools and Colleges: Christina Woo, 2000
Action Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Financial Aid: Dan Tsang, 2001 **new appointment**
The Academic Senate list says that the "Council/Interschool Curricula" is inactive. LAUC-I has had a representative to this council in the past. Please inform us if the committee becomes active again so that we can select a new representative.