LAUC-I Professional Development Committee 1998/1999 Report

The LAUC-I Professional Development Committee met 12 times during 1998/99.

Highlights of 1998/99

September 1998 October 1998 November 1999 February 1999 April 1999 June 1999

Funding Awarded 1998/99:

Base Tier 1 Tier 2 Extra
$283 $729 $486 $100
Amount $9,429.00 $15,863.12 $2,430.00 $1,700.00
# of Requests 34 24 5 17

LAUC Research & Professional Development Committee (Submitted by Pauline Manaka)

Committee Roster The Committee held one meeting in Oakland to review the final research proposals on October 10, 1999. Much of the business was via e-mail.

Seven research proposals were submitted for funding by LAUC Riverside (2), LAUC Los Angeles (3), LAUC San Francisco (1) and LAUC Berkeley (1). Two of these were requests for new initiatives on previously funded research. The applicants represented 5 unit and 3 non-unit members.

Five proposals were funded, there was one withdrawal because of a job change and one proposal was not funded. The funding was $26,660 out of the $30,000 allocated to LAUC for professional development.

Committee Charge:

The committee completed its standing charge:

  1. Serve as the review body for research proposals submitted to the University-wide Research Grants for Librarians Program by LAUC members and recommend funding of proposals to the Office of the President.
  2. Develop, monitor, and revise, as needed, procedures for carrying out the review of research proposals.
  3. Develop guidelines for application to the University-wide Research Grants for Librarians Program and recommend revisions as needed.
  4. Advise the President and the Executive Board on issues related to research and professional development for librarians and address other subjects at the request of the President.
Other Committee Accomplishments:

The committee was sad to hear of the passing away of Pat Flowers, two days after meeting in Oakland. Susan Allen's departure to the Getty Library after the decision to fund her research proposal was a sad occasion. The decision not to fund the proposal from UCSF was difficult, but unavoidable. Despite all these, we accomplished the following additional tasks:

  1. Mounting of the research program guidelines, cover sheet, and research projects list on the LAUC web site (
  2. Submitted an annual report outlining progress and funds expended.
  3. Submitted formal recommendations on grant recipients for approval by LAUC membership at the Spring Assembly.