Present: Anderson, Bisom, Bube, Collins, Crooks, Gelfand, Grahame, Heiman (Recorder), Horn, Jacobs, Jazayeri, Kaufman, Kiehl, Landis, MacLeod (Chair), McAdam, Manaka, Riggs, Sisson, Urrizola, Wilson, Yu
1. Approval of August 13, 2001 General Membership Meeting Minutes
· The minutes were approved.
2. Library Review Committee Workshops-Judy Horn
· Judy Horn reported that the Library Review Committee was planning
workshops on preparing factual resumes and writing review letters. They are
intended for those up for review this year or those writing review letters,
but other librarians are welcome to attend. It is expected that the workshops
will be repeated in the future.
· Oct. 29, Nov. 6, and Nov. 13 were given as possible dates. Discussion
indicated that an early date was preferred due to the draft factual resume deadline
of Nov. 29. LRC would decide between Oct. 29 and Nov. 6 and notify via email.
[The LRC later chose Tuesday, November 6. The workshops will be held in SL 104;
the Factual Resume Workshop from 3:00-4:00 followed by the Writing Letters Workshop
from 4:00-4:30].
3. 2000/2001 Standing Committee Reports
Academic Librarianship Committee-Jim Crooks [Appendix 1]
Summary of Actions
· James E. Crooks was elected chair.
· Guidelines for the annual plan, formerly the workplan, were developed
and reviewed. Guidelines for Librarians' Annual Plans was issued April 11, 2001.
· Guidelines for Interpretation of the Criteria for Librarian Personnel
Actions within the UCI Libraries was revised.
· Bill Landis reviewed the LAUC-I web pages.
· Annual report submitted.
Recommendations to the Chair and Executive Board
· Evaluate the annual plan.
· Complete review of the revised Guidelines for Interpretation of the
Criteria for Librarian Personnel Actions within the UCI Libraries by general
membership. [Kaufman suggested the need for it to be submitted to the University
Librarian as a formal document and the Chair agreed].
· Update LAUC-I Peer Review Handbook.
· Explore adding links from our Website to external sites.
· Revitalize the mentoring of new librarians. [Discussion suggested the
importance of mentoring with the potential hire of several junior librarians.
The Chair pointed out that no standing charge exists for the Library Review
Committee; will work with Horn and Kaufman to create standing charge for the
Library Review Committee that will clearly distinguish its responsibilities
from the Academic Librarianship Committee].
Library Review Committee-Judy Horn (for Joan Ariel) [Appendix 2]
· The LRC reviewed 27 librarians. Six of these were 1999-2000 reviews
for Librarian IVs and Vs who had previously received No Actions and, with the
restructuring of the salary scale, were now eligible for merit increase reviews.
This included the appointment of four Ad Hoc Committees to assist in the reviews.
· Developed UCI Libraries: LRC Letters Guide, a template to provide guidelines
in drafting LRC review letters.
· Developed a list of issues, clarifications, and recommendations for
librarians under review and for review initiators.
· Reviewed three librarian appointment files.
· Projects
· Factual Resume Guidelines.
· Position Profile Guidelines. These have been reviewed and approved
by LAUC-I and are now being reviewed by Munoff and Kaufman.
· Annual Plan Guidelines.
Professional Development Committee-Vicki Grahame (for Angela Yang) [Appendix
Summary of major activity
· First call for Professional Development Fund Request sent Dec. 7, 2000.
· First Funding Allocation set Jan. 25, 2001.
Base $268
Tier I $635
Tier II $432
· Wanda Pittman Jazayeri appointed to the Committee in February replacing
Sara Eichhorn after her retirement.
· Early Birds held on March 22 and July 12, 2001.
· Provided input to the LAUC-I Executive Board regarding an Ad Hoc Committee
to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process. Grahame and Jazayeri appointed
to the Ad Hoc Committee in July.
· Linda Murphy represented LAUC-I to review the LAUC Research Grant proposals.
Budget Summary
· Total allocation of $34,438.
· Balance of $5,792 to rollover to next year.
Recommendations for action in 2001/2002
· Make sure the $5,792 will rollover.
· Further clarification of the appropriate use of the Professional Development
· Encourage members to report on professional development activities
either in print or in person at Early Bird forums.
Program Committee-Judy Bube [Appendix 4]
· Early Birds were held on March 22 and July 12.
· The LAUC-I Program "Open Door Policy, Behind Closed Doors or Pay
at the Door" was a success. There were 47 attendees with attendance from
outside UCI being down from past programs. The cost was $1,524 with an income
of $645 leaving a deficit of $879. Evaluation of the program indicated it was
· A program on the video "Generational Change in Librarianship"
is being discussed for the fall.
4. Update: LAUC-I Executive Board & Library Administration-Stephen MacLeod [Appendix 5]
· Steve MacLeod provided an update on efforts to improve communication
and collaboration between LAUC-I and Library Administration.
· The Executive Board has established quarterly meetings with Library
Administration. The first was held on Sept. 24 and notes from that meeting will
be posted shortly. The next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 2. In preparation
for future meetings, the LAUC-I membership will be surveyed in advance of each
meeting for suggested agenda items.
· Library Council reviewed methods of communication about LC at their
Oct. 2 meeting. Action outcomes of that meeting included: a charge for LC will
be developed by the UL for LC and will be made available to lib_all and posted
to the Library Administration Website; agendas for LC meetings will be shared
with lib_all in advance; agendas and notes from LC meetings will be posted to
the Library Administration Website; LC members have been encouraged to discuss
methods of communication within their own departments and bring any further
suggestions back to LC for review.
· Library Council will consider at their next meeting a request from
the LAUC-I Executive Board that the Chair of LAUC-I have a permanent seat on
LC. [Appendix 6]. UCI has in the past had membership on LC. UCLA currently is
the only UC campus that has equivalent representation.
· Rick Zwies has accepted appointment as Ad Hoc Webmaster for LAUC-I
for the year.
· The UL has started scheduling lunches with LAUC-I membership.
5. Professional Development Issues-Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process--Vicki Grahame [Appendix 7]
The Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process presented the issues/concerns [Appendix 8] developed by the Committee as part of its charge [Appendix 9]. Some highlights:
· Final report due Dec. 1, 2001.
· They are surveying other UC campuses to determine their models and
methods of distributing professional development funds, their method of allocating
administrative support funds for travel or professional development, and the
amount of supplemental funding provided by the UL.
· Need for a Web site for professional development. This may be accomplished
by updating the Library Human Resources Web site.
· Distribution issues-tier or even distribution or other model? Need
expressed for clear criteria for different tier categories if that model is
· Model needed in which money is distributed early in the funding cycle.
· What are the expectations of sharing information with colleagues when
expenses are chiefly funded out of pocket rather than by the library? Currently,
brief reports are recommended at the brown bags, but are not required. Desire
expressed for better way to share information in a timely fashion.
· The proposed funding for next year asks for a slightly higher level
of funding from last year. Potential new hires have been factored in.
Collins moved to end the meeting. It was seconded and the meeting adjourned.
Annual Reports
Appendix 3 -- Prof Dev 2000-01
Appendix 4 -- Prog Comm 2000-01
Appendix 5
October 8, 2001
TO: LAUC-I General Membership
FR: Steve MacLeod, Chair, LAUC-I, 2001-2002
RE: Improvements in Communication and Collaboration with Library Administration
In recent weeks there have been a number of efforts to improve LAUC-I communication
collaboration with Library Administration. These efforts include:
The LAUC-I Executive Board has established a quarterly meeting with Library
Administration, i.e. University Librarian and AULs. The first meeting was held
9/24/01. Notes from that meeting will be posted shortly. In preparation for
meetings, the LAUC-I membership will be surveyed at least two weeks in advance
each meeting for suggested agenda items.
Library Council reviewed methods of communication about Library Council at
10/2/01 meeting. Action outcomes of that meeting included: a charge for Library
will be made available to lib_all and be posted to the Library Administration
web site
(along with charges for other major library-wide committees); the agendas for
Council meeting will be shared with lib_all before Library Council meetings;
the agendas
and notes from Library Council meetings will be posted to the Library Administration
web site; Library Council members have been encouraged to discuss methods of
communication regarding Library Council within their own departments and bring
further suggestions back to Library Council for review.
Library Council will consider at their next meeting a request from the LAUC-I
Board that the Chair of LAUC-I have a permanent seat on Library Council. The
proposal is attached below.
Library Administration has queried the LAUC-I Executive Board and/or the LAUC-I
Chair several times in the last month regarding issues of mutual concern, e.g.
methods of
seeking nominations for AUL R&I candidates from librarians, possible workshops
librarians conducted by the LRC, etc.
The LAUC-I Executive Board and Library Administration have both contributed
to these
efforts, which represent a good start toward further improvements. Attached,
for your
information, is the list of suggestions for improvements that was shared with
Administration at the 9/24/01 meeting with the Executive Board. If you have
comments or
questions about these efforts please let me know.
Appendix 6
October 1, 2001
In the interests of broader and more effective communication, LAUC-I would
like to request that the Chair of LAUC- I have a permanent seat on Library Council.
In our view, this representative position will accomplish the following goals.
1. Article II, Section 3 of the LAUC-I By Laws states that a core objective of LAUC-I is to "secure a voice in library decision-making processes for librarians at UCI." LAUC-I is one of the key organizations within the UCI Libraries, and is charged with developing and maintaining librarywide perspectives on librarian/library issues and concerns.
2. Article II, Section 2 of the LAUC-I By Laws states that a core objective of LAUC-I is "to advise and assist the University Librarian in developing outstanding library service and collection building through optimum utilization of the professional talents and potential of librarians on the staff." Having a representative participate on Library Council allows LAUC-I to participate in the forum that identifies and articulates Library goals and objectives and assists in the determination and implementation of appropriate actions to reach these.
3. The LAUC-I representative will help provide a greater role for LAUC-I in the UCI Libraries strategic planning efforts and enhance utilization of LAUC-I's collective talent.
4. The LAUC-I representative will assist Library Administration in maintaining close communication with LAUC-I. The LAUC-I representative on Library Council will report to the membership on Library Council activities and act as a conduit between membership and management.
5. The LAUC-I representative will serve as a voice in articulating to Library Council the views of line librarians and provide Library Council with additional important perspectives.
LAUC-I Executive Board, 10-1-01
Appendix 7
The AdHoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process was charged to analyze and identify problems or areas of concern with the current process. Committee members have prepared the following outline of concerns for discussion at the October 8, LAUC-I General Membership meeting. Please join us for the discussion and let us know what additional concerns you have.
1. Reimbursement issues:
a. Time lags between travel and actual reimbursement
b. Investigate the possibility of direct payment of airfare, registrations,
c. Problems with the reimbursement schedule for travel occurring early in the
fiscal year
d. Amounts are not predictable from one year to the next
e. Reimbursement procedures are complex and governed by several layers of bureaucracy
f. Lacks flexibility to maximize funds through special airfares, early registrations,
2. Workload for Professional Development Committee members and Business Office staff
a. Excessive paper-work involved with current system
b. Formula for distribution is too confusing and time-consuming
c. Requires mid-year recalculation of tier amounts
d. Problems with end of year fiscal closing and carry over of unallocated funds
3. Issues relating to the over-all funding of librarian travel and development
a. Administrative travel guidelines and budget
b. Training funds
c. Funds from outside sources both on campus and external sources
d. Need for another category of funds for things like workshops which don't
fit into either administrative travel of professional development
4. Distribution issues:
a. Tier or even distribution or other model ?
b. Librarian accountability for funds received -- use of written reports and/or
c. If tier-based -- the need for clear criteria for different tier categories
d. Current method lacks flexibility to cover multiple requests and ongoing commitments
5. Documentation issues:
a. Need for clear definitions of the different types of funding
b. Need clear written guidelines on which form to use
c. What activities are covered by what funds?
d. Need for a Web-site for Professional Development
Committee Members:
Julia Gelfand
Vicki Grahame, Chair
Cathy Palmer
Wanda Pittman-Jazayeri
Appendix 8
AdHoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process
The AD Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process, shall
consist of two members of the Professional Development Committee and two librarians
appointed by the LAUC-I Executive Board.
The Ad Hoc committee is charged to:
1. Analyze and identify problems or areas of concern with the process. Administering a survey is one possible way of collecting this information.
2. Investigate whether LAUC-I should continue with our present "Base" and "Tier" system of funding.
3. Surveying other UC campuses to determine:
- Their models and methods of distributing professional development funds
- Method of allocating administrative support funds for travel or professional
- Amount of supplemental funding (over the MOU required amount) provided by
the UL
4. The final report should include:
- Recommended changes if necessary in the present method of distributing professional development funds based on other campus procedures or improvements in the present procedures at UCI.
- Additional specific suggestions for improvement such as:
- Streamlining the disbursement process through the use of specific travel agents,
"corporate accounts".
- Direct payment of conference costs, such as, registration, to reduce the time
of "out of pocket" expenses.
- Determine if money left over at the end of a year can be built into a model to support other professional development costs, such as, library journals, local speakers, laptop upgrades, etc.
- Other recommendations that relate to travel and professional development funds.
- The final report should be completed by December 1, 2001.
**The major goals of the LAUC-I Professional Development Committee are:
1. To support and encourage excellence in professional contributions and meaningful
professional development activities.
2. Review requests from librarians for professional development support.
3. Recommend to Library Administration through LAUC-I the distribution and expenditure
of the professional development funds. These funds are made available by Library
Administration to help offset personal costs incurred for professional development
including travel.
4. Other goals include:
- Insuring that a mechanism exists to distribute the minimum funds to unit librarians
per the MOU.
- Working with the Library's Business Office to distribute funds in a timely
manner and expending the funds by the end of the fiscal year.
- Help LAUC-I keep track of the professional development activities of its members.
- Disbursing fund in a consistent manner, supporting those who need it most.
- Represent LAUC-I's responses to and administration of LAUC research grants