Appendix 1
October 1, 2001
TO: LAUC-I Chair
From: Academic Librarianship Committee
RE: 2000/2001 Annual Report
Upon request of the LAUC-I Executive Board, review and update as needed existing documents concerning matters relating to the academic review process for Librarians. Formulate responses to such documents, or to issues and questions regarding the review process, given to the Committee. Develop, as assigned, documents or policies relating to the academic review process. Other duties as assigned.
LAUC-I Bylaws
Article VII. Committees.
Section 4.
All committees shall meet at least quarterly, or more often as determined by the chair of the committee, or at the request of two members of the committee, or at the request of Executive Board.
Section 7.b.
The members of standing committees shall select their chairs no later than 31 October. The LAUC-I Secretary shall be promptly notified of their selection.
1. Elect a chair by November 20, 2000, and notify the LAUC-I Secretary.
2. Work with Gerry Munoff and Judy Kaufman to develop the Workplan procedures and format. Also facilitate a discussion of the Workplan at a LAUC-I General Membership meeting.
3. To be prepared to consult with the Executive Board on any changes in the academic review process that may arise out of the negotiation between the Union and the University of California. And to make recommendations about any needed revision of documents currently used in our review process.
4. Review the LAUC-I web pages that pertain to academic librarianship. Submit or revise information or links by giving the necessary information to the LAUC-I Secretary.
5.Submit an annual report to the 2001/2002 LAUC-I Chair by August 25, 2001.
Summary of Action Items:
1. James E. Crooks was elected chair.
2. Two General Membership meetings were held to discuss the guidelines for the annual plan, formerly know as the Workplan. The committee met with Gerry Munoff. Judy Kaufman was invited to attend committee meetings during discussions of the guidelines and was included in all e-mails. The Library Review Committee reviewed drafts and offered suggestions. The Executive Board reviewed and offered suggestions and also meet with the committee. Guidelines for Librarians' Annual Plans document was issued to librarians April 11, 2001 via e-mail from Judy Kaufman.
3. As a result of the negotiation between the Union and the University of California, ALC revised the Guidelines for Interpretation of the Criteria for Librarian Personnel Actions within the UCI Libraries. The February 14, 2001 committee revision was forwarded to LAUC-I Chair.
4. Bill Landis reviewed the LAUC-I web pages.
5. Annual report submitted.
1. Evaluate the annual plan.
2. Complete the review of the revised Guidelines for Interpretation of the Criteria for Librarian Personnel Actions within the UCI Libraries.
3. Update LAUC-I Peer Review Handbook 11/90. There are some good descriptions of expectations of the participates during the review cycle in this document. Make stronger the principle that if librarians meet throughout cycle there are no surprises at review time. This principle appears to have been lost. There are concepts, customs, and practices in this document not found anywhere else.
4. Explore adding links from our Website to external sites. Is the name of the page "Librarian Recruitment, Review, and Promotion" the best name?
5. Organize a discussion about mentoring new librarians. With the growth in numbers of junior librarians, a strong mentoring program may be critical throughout the libraries.
Kay Collins (2002)
Bill Landis (2003)
Barb Lucas (2003)
James E. Crooks (2001), Chair