Appendix 3
LAUC-I 2000/2001 Professional Development Committee Report
TO: Steve MacLeod, LAUC-I Chair
FROM: Angela Yang, Chair, Professional Development Committee
RE: Year 2000/2001 Annual Report
DATE: August 24, 2001
Committee Members: Angela Yang, Chair (2001), Linda Murphy (2001) Representative
to the LAUC Research & Professional Development Committee, Vicki Graham
(2003), Sara Eichhorn/Wanda Pittman Jazayeri (2001)
Committee Specific Charge:
1.Elect a chair by November 20 and notify the LAUC-I Secretary.
2.Manage the annual "Call" for professional development requests. Determine the amounts for Tier 1 and Tier 2 activities. Monitor and keep track of available funds and actual expenditures. Provide regular updates at general membership meetings.
3.Review the LAUC-I Professional Development Form as necessary and communicate the need for revisions to the AUL for Personnel and Administration.
4. When new base funding amounts are available (as a result of a new union contract) to consult with the Executive Board and the Library Personnel Office on suggested allocation methods and the impact on Tier 1 and Tier 2 professional development awards.
5.Facilitate information sharing among librarians who receive professional development support by co-sponsoring Early Bird/Brown Bag meetings with the Program Committee in which librarians can share information from various regional and national professional organizations.
6.Review the LAUC-I web pages that pertain to professional development. Submit or revise information or links by giving the necessary information to the LAUC-I Secretary.
7.Submit an annual report to the 2001/2002 LAUC-I Chair by August 25, 2001.
Summary of major activity:
· The Professional Development Committee met five times this year, and
conducted most of its business via e-mail.
· First Call for Professional Development Fund Request sent. December
7, 2000.
· First Funding Allocation set . January 25, 2001
Base $268.00 - 47 librarians
Tier I $635.00 - 26 requests
Tier II $432.00 - 11 requests
· Wanda Pittman Jazayeri was appointed to the Committee in February to
replace Sara Eichhorn after Sara's retirement.
· Spring Early Bird session sponsored by Professional Development and
Program Committees to share conference information. March 22, 2001
· Second Call for Professional Development Fund Request sent. April 16,
· Second Early Bird on Professional Development activity was held on
July 12, 2001.
· The Committee provided input to the LAUC-I Executive Board regarding
an Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process. Two
current members, Vicki Grahame and Wanda Pittman Jazayeri, were appointed as
member of the Ad Hoc committee in July.
· Linda Murphy represented LAUC-I to review the LAUC Research Grant proposals,
five proposals were funded. (see attachment 7).
· Unlike previous years, the Committee was not able to set Final Funding
Allocation after getting responses from Second Call, due to personnel shortage
in the Library Business Office.
· The actual expenditure after the 2nd Call and member cancellation:
Tier I $655.00 x22= $14,410
Tier II $432.00 x10= $ 4,300
Base $268.00x37= $ 9,916
Total = $ 28,646
Balance = $ 5,792
· The Committee got confirmation from Business Office that the balance
of $5792.00 will be rolled over to next year's LAUC-I 2001-2001 Professional
Development Fund.
Charges completed: all
Charges not complete: none
2000/2001 Budget Summary:
Total allocation $34,438.00
Base fund ($268x37) $ 9,916.00
Tier I fund ($655x22) $ 14,410.00
Tier II fund ($432x10) $ 4,300.00
Total Expenditure $ 28,646.00
Balance to roll-over $ 5,792.00
Recommendations for action in 2001/2002
1). Make sure that the 2000/2001 balance of $5,792.00 from this year will be
added to the 2001/2002 LAUC-I fund.
2). Further clarification of the appropriate use of the Professional Development
Form; differentiate the request for job-related activity versus a professional
development activity. A better defined distinction will help the committee keep
track of membership activity and funding expenditure.
3). Encourage members to report professional development activities either in
print or in person at the Early Bird forum.
1). First Call 12-7-2000
2). First Funding Allocation 1-25-01
3). First Brown Bag notice 2-16-01
4). Second Call 4-16-01
5). Second Early Bird notice 6-21-01
6). Committee input to Ad Hoc group 4-16-01
7). LAUC Research Grant report
Attachment 1
Subject: Call for Professional Development funding proposals
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 16:00:54 -0800
From: Angela Yang <>
Dear colleagues:
Due to many factors, we are finally able to send you the first Call for Professional Development funding proposals for FY 2000/2001.
Based on the LAUC-I October minutes, the total amount funded by the Library is the same as last year (circa $34,000), and the base funding will be $268. Tier funds will be decided after all the calls are in.
Those who have already submitted Base Fund requests should be getting your reimbursement soon.
If you have any questions or comments, please send them directly to us.
LAUC-I Professional Development Committee
Sara Eichhorn
Vicki Grahame
Linda Murphy
Angela Yang (Chair)
December 7, 2000
FROM: LAUC-I Professional Development Committee
Sara Eichhorn
Vicki Grahame
Linda Murphy
Angela Yang, Chair
RE: Call for LAUC-I professional development funding proposals for FY 2000/2001
All requests for FY 2000/2001 funding (for activities occurring from July 1, 1999 through July 13, 2000) must be received by the Chair of the LAUC-I Professional Development Committee no later than January5, 2001..
The Call for professional development funding proposals is a key component of
the LAUC-I Professional Development Funding Guidelines that were first implemented
in FY 1995/1996, and amended in October 1999, in order to encourage significant
professional activity on the part of UCI librarians. Funding for professional
development includes base funding mandated by the MOU (calculated at $268 per
LAUC-I member for FY 2000/2001) and supplemental funds designated for our use
by the University Librarian . The total LAUC-I Professional Development funding
this year is $34,438 for the 38 unit and 13 non-unit librarians. Based on the
current tentative union agreement, we will make sure that $19,980 mandated by
the new contract is spent on unit members.
According to the guidelines, Tier funding is based in part on the total number of proposals received in response to the Call; therefore, no Tier funds are distributed until the Call is closed and the full slate of requests has been reviewed.
Please review both the following instructions, the LAUC-I Professional Development Funding Guidelines and the proposed report form (attached). The proposed draft report form is intended to help the Committee fulfill the "reporting responsibilities" charge. We would like your feedback on it. If you have questions about these procedures, please contact a Committee member promptly. We look forward to receiving your requests.
Submit each request on a Librarian Request for Professional Development Support form (sample attached.
· Indicate the level of funding you are requesting (Tier 1, Tier 2,
and/or Base) for each activity and describe clearly the nature of the qualifying
· Each form must be signed by your department head and/or AUL, as appropriate.
· Estimate expenses using the worksheet included on the Librarian Request
for Professional Development Support form. Incomplete forms will be returned
to you and must be resubmitted by January 5, 2001.
· If you have submitted any requests prior to this Call, you must resubmit them if you did not estimate your funding needs or if you have multiple requests that must be prioritized.
You must submit a formal request on a Librarian Request for Professional Development
Support form in order to obtain your Base funding. Base funds may be requested
following the 1/5/01 deadline, but the Committee appreciates receiving requests
as early in the year as feasible so that we can distribute funds to LAUC-I as
fully and equitably as possible. A spring deadline will be set for final submission
of Base requests. Base funding may be:
Requested in full for a single activity, or for professional development materials,
i.e., purchase of books and software. Software requests need to be approved,
ordered and installed to the requestor's workstation by the Library Information
Systems Department (LIS).
Distributed among multiple activities, up to your total Base allocation, or
Used to supplement a Tier request
You may submit multiple requests for Tier funding, including more than one at each Tier level, but you must prioritize your requests. You will be funded only for your top priority request when the first call closes, but you may possibly receive some funding for additional requests later in the year if funds are available.
The Committee will hold all requests until the Call has closed on January 5, 2001 and will inform librarians of funding decisions as soon as possible after that date.
If funds remain, the Committee will issue a second Call by the end of January with a deadline of approximately mid April. This deadline also will constitute the final deadline for requesting use of Base funds.
Please remember that the funding guidelines strongly recommend that a brief activity report be submitted (see the last paragraph of the Guidelines), either to the Committee chair, to the editor of Library Items, or to LAUC-I via email.
Attachment 2
Subject: LAUC-I Tier fund
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 13:30:48 -0800
From: Angela Yang <>
To:, "Robin M. BALDAUF" <>
Dear all:
The LAUC-I Professional Development Committee met and evaluated all the professional development requests. There are twenty-six Tier I requests, and eleven Tier II requests.
The total allocation this year is $34,400.
The Base fund this year is $268.00 We estimated there will be 47 base expenditures.
That comes to $12,598.
Based on the results of the First Call, we estimated that:
Tier I will be $655.00
Tier II will be $432.00 (2/3 of Tier I)
You will get your notification for reimbursement from the Business Office. Any additional changes will be taken care of after the Second Call later in the Winter Quarter. Please let us know if there are any questions.
--Professional Development Committee
Vicki Grahame
Linda Murphy
Angela Yang (Chair)
Attachment 3
Subject: Reports on Professional Development Activities
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:28:49 -0800
From: Judith Bube <>
To:, "Judith L. BUBE" <>,
"April M. LOVE" <>, Dawn R ANDERSON <>,
"Christina J. WOO" <>
LAUC-I Members:
The LAUC-I Program Committee is sponsoring an Early Bird on Thursday, March 22, 2001 from 8:30-10:30 in the Science Library, Room 104 to provide the opportunity for LAUC-I members who have received support for professional development activities to report on their participation. Even if you have not attended a meeting, please come to the Early Bird to hear the reports of other members.
If your name is listed below, it means that you received funding through the Professional Development Committee for your activity and that you are required to report on your participation.
Please prepare a 5 minute report to present at the early bird and contact Dawn Anderson at extension X42766 or email at to schedule the topic of your report. Also, please contact Dawn if you are unable to attend this Early Bird. There will be another opportunity to report on July 12, 2001 for other members who have not yet attended a meeting.
Refreshments and coffee will be served.
Dawn Anderson CARL Tier II
Joan Ariel ALA Mid Tier II
Diane Bisom ALA Mid Tier I
Judy Bube MLGSCA Tier I
Jackie Dooley Soc. of Arch. Tier I
Collette Ford ALA Mid Tier II
Julia Gelfand ALA Mid Tier I
Vicki Grahame ALA Mid Tier I
Judy Horn ACRL Tier I
Kathryn Kjaer ALA Mid Tier II
Bill Landis SOA Tier I
April Love GEO Tier I
Steve MacLeod ALA Mid Tier II
Linda Murphy MLGSCA Tier II
Colby Riggs ALA Mid Tier I
Manuel Urrizolla ALA Mid Tier I
Yvonne Wilson ALA Mid Tier II
Carol Womack ALA Mid Tier I
Christina Woo ACRL Tier I
Angela Yang ALA Mid Tier I
Thank you for your participation.
Judy Bube
LAUC-I Program Committee
Attachment 4
Subject: 2nd Call - Professional Development
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 18:55:20 -0700
From: Angela Yang <>
FROM: LAUC-I Professional Development Committee
Vicki Grahame
Wanda Pittman Jazayeri
Linda Murphy
Angela Yang (Chair)
The LAUC-I Professional Development Committee is putting out a 2nd call for
Professional Development Support. The purpose of the 2nd Call is to help the
committee distribute the remaining LAUC-I professional funds for FY2000/2001.
If you have a REVISED proposal ( change a Tier request, or cancel a Tier request)
please let the Chair of the Committee know by April 30, 2001. If you have not
submitted any Tier or Base request during the First Call, you need to submit
a "Librarian Request for Professional
Development Support" form, which needs signature from your department head,
Divisional AUL,
and Personnel AUL, please do so as soon as possible.
The Professional Development Funding Guidelines is at:
Please call or contact any committee member if you have questions.
Attachment 5
Subject: Early Bird: Reports on LAUC-I Professional Development Activities
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 13:26:28 -0700
From: Wanda Pittman Jazayeri <>
The LAUC-I Program Committee and the LAUC-I Professional Development Committee are co-hosting an Early Bird on Thursday, July 12th, 8:30-10:30 in ML570 to provide an opportunity for LAUC-I members to report on their professional development activities. Even if you have not attended a meeting, please come to the Early Bird to hear the reports of other members.
will be
If your name is listed below, it means that you received LAUC-I Professional Development funding and have not yet reported on your activities that were funded for the 2000/01 fiscal year. Please prepare brief 3-5 minute report to present at the Early Bird. If you are on the list and are not able to attend, please contact Wanda Jazayeri (, x44982) by July 6th.
Ariel, Joan ... ALA Midwinter & ALA
Tier II
Bube, Judy ... MLGSCA Tier I
Clancy, Steve ... MLA Tier I
Collins, Kay ... USIA Tier I, SCALL
Crooks, Jim ... Mormon History
Dooley, Jackie ... Soc. of Arch. Tier I,
Ford, Collette ... ALA Midwinter Tier II
Frank, Anne ... NAFEA Tier I,
Refugee Forum
Heiman, Larry ... ALA
Horn, Judy ... ACRL Tier I, ALA
Midwinter & ALA
Jazayeri, Wanda ... ALA
Katzarkov, Roumiana ... MLA Tier I
Landis, Bill ... SOA Tier I
MacLeod, Steve ... ALA Midwinter
Tier II
Martinez, Michael ... ACRL Tier I
McAdam, Tim ... ALA Tier II
Minchow, Rochelle ... MLA Tier I,
Murphy, Linda ... MLGSCA Tier II
Tanji, Lorelei ... ARLIS Tier I
Tseng, Sally ... Zhejiang Library
Urrizola, Manuel ... ALA Midwinter &
ALA Tier I
Wilson, Yvonne ... ALA Midwinter Tier
Woo, Christina ... ACRL Tier I
Yu, Abraham ... ALA Tier 1, SCTPG,
Thank you for your participation.
Wanda Pittman Jazayeri
LAUC-I Professional Development Committee
Head of Catalog Maintenance
The UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-4982 voice
(949) 824-2059 fax
Attachment 6
Subject: Ad Hoc Committee
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 17:03:19 -0700
From: "Angela YANG" <>
To: John Sisson <>
CC: "Vicki A. GRAHAME" <>, Wanda Pittman JAZAYERI
"L. Suk-Ling MURPHY" <>, Angela Yang <>
Vicke Grahame and Wanda Pitman Jarayeri have volunteered to be part of the Ad Hoc Committee. Here is the Professional Development Committee's response to your Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Development funding proposal.. These are our major points:
1. Charge of the committee
2. Complexity of the current structure
3. University Librarian funding allocation
4. Role of Business Office
5. Philosophical goals - quick reimbursement, reward for active PD activities
6. Research activities
1. Your Ad Hoc charge is different from the current LAUC-I Standing Committee Charge. Do you want to change and/or add new charges? UCD is doing a Professional Development models and methods survey. We can obtain a copy of their report, to avoid reinventing the wheel.
2. The current Tier structure is complex because the Request Process is very
long. One request form has to go through the Librarian ->Dept Head ->AUL
->Personnel (for data collecting) ->Business Office (another data collecting
point) -> PDC chair for signature -> Business Office for funding allocation
-> copy back to requesting Librarian. The reimbursement takes time also.
It's complex for both the Business Office and for the PDC chair.
3. The University Librarian's annual allocation. We usually get the amount in the beginning of the fiscal year. There is no room for negotiation. We have had the same amount for the last few years, even though the cost of living and the number of librarians both have increased. Our Committee recommend that the LAUC-I Board make a request to the UL for additional funding next year.
4. The role of business office is important in any configuration. They have to be willing to handle any advanced payment. Some members are concerned about the speed of reimbursement after all the receipts were sent to Business Office. Accurate bookkeeping is very important. Our Committee recommend that LAUC-I Board negotiate with Business Office again to roll-over any unencumbered money to the following year.
5. The Tier structure is a lot of work, but it gives some reward to the professionally more active LAUC-I members. The Ad Hoc needs to look at the issues regarding the speed of reimbursement, equal allocation to all members, and the reward system.
6. Some campuses have a separate Research Committee. Research activities took on a new level of importance after the bifurcation. It is an evaluation requirement in a research university. We'd like the Ad Hoc to look into this issue also.
AdHoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development funding
The major goals of the LAUC-I Professional Development Committee at UCI are: 1. To encourage professional development activities. 2. Review requests from librarians for professional development support and recommend to Library Administration through LAUC-I on the distribution and expenditure of the professional development funds. These funds are made available by Library Administration to help offset personal costs incurred for professional development including travel. Other goals include:
-Insuring a mechanism exists to insure that the minimum funds are distributed to unit librarians per the MOU.
-Insuring that the majority of the funds made available are spent each year.
-Helping LAUC and LAUC-I keep track of the professional development activities of its members.
-Disbursing funds in a timely way, reducing the hardship on librarians.
-Disbursing fund in a consistent manner, supporting those who need it most.
-Coordinate responses to and administration of LAUC and LAUC-I research grants.
1. Examining whether we continue with our present "Base" and "Tier" system of funding levels.
2. Surveying other UC campuses for their models and methods of distributing professional development funds. The Committee would then suggest if one system seems more desirable to implement here at UCI.
3. Obtaining lists of the supplemental (over the MOU required amount) each UL provides to their librarians on each UC Campus.
4. Examine the operational areas of the present system and suggesting improvements. Such as: Some campus payroll office streamline the disbursement process through the use of specific travel agents, "corporate" accounts, and direct payment of conference costs such as registration. Can we find similar areas of reducing the time a librarian is "out of pocket" for a covered expense.
5. Examining if money is left over at the end of a year can be built in a planned model to spend it on other professional development costs supporting all the librarians? Suggestions could be: library journals, local speakers, laptop upgrades, etc.
The committee would consist of 2 members of the Collection Development Committee and two librarians to be appointed by the Executive Board. The committee would send its report and recommendations to the Executive Board by June 30, 2001.
Attachment 7
The LAUC Research and Professional Committee has met twice to date for 2000/2001; once in-person and once by teleconference.
The Committee received six applications in response to the 2000/2001 call for
proposals. The first call resulted in five proposals, the second call result
in one additional proposal. Five proposal were recommended for funding
2000/2001 Funds
Total available for funding: $30,810 ($21,810 for unit members, $9,000 for non-unit
Total requested for funding: $41,868.50
Total recommended and approved for funding: $30,769.00
As the review body for research proposal submitted to the University-wide Research Grants for Librarians Program by LAUC members, our committee recommended and the Office of the President approved funding for the following proposals.
Theresa Salazar
"New Mexican Santos and Santeros: An Annotated Bibliography"
Campus: Berkeley
Status: Unit
Requested: $11,545.00
Recommended: $9,265.00
Rebecca Aiken
"Southeast Asian Virtual Book Collection"
Campus: UCLA
Status: Unit
Requested: $5,000
Recommended: $4,000
Paul Naiditch
"Library of Classical Scholars"
Campus: UCLA
Status: Unit
Requested: $7,500.00
Recommended: $6,500.00
Opritsa Popa
"Unlawful Souvenirs: On Manuscripts Removed From Occupied Germany
Campus: Davis
Status: Unit
Requested: $1,944.00
Recommended: $1,944.00
Elizabeth Byrne and Waverly Lowell
"Centennial History of the UCB Architecture Program"
Campus: UCB
Status: Byrne Non-Unit/Lowell Unit
Requested: $12,560.00
Recommended: $9,060.00
Additional charge activities
The Committee will be making recommendations regarding the number and timing
of research proposal calls and revising the application proposal calendar. The
Committee will also be updating the list of research projects available on the
committee website
The Committee will also be mounting the proposals from this year grant recipients to serve as both an informational resource regarding research interests and as models for future grant applicants.