Spring Assembly




Executive Board





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Travel Information

Driving Directions to Country Inn and Suites Hotel:

1. If coming South on the 405 from Los Angeles:
Take 405 to 73 South Tollroad. Get off at Irvine Blvd exit and you will be on Bristol. Turn left at stoplight. Make an immediate left back on Bristol and stay in right lane and go over the 73 Freeway. At the first stoplight at Redhill, make a "U-turn" and the hotel is on the right corner.

2. If coming North on the 5/405 from San Diego - 2 options:

NB: During rush hour, taking the 73 from the San Diego/La Jolla area can save time.  One-way toll is $2.25, and the tollbooths are staffed.

A. Take 5 North to 73 North Tollroad to Bristol exit - almost the last exit. You will be on Bristol. Move into the far right lanes and go over the 73 Freeway. At the first stoplight at Redhill, make a "U-turn" and the hotel is on the right corner.

B. Take 5 North to 405. Exit at MacArthur. Turn left at offramp. Take MacArthur to Campus and turn right. Bristol and turn right. Stay in right lane and go over 73 Freeway and at the first stoplight at Redhill, make a "U-turn" and the hotel is on the right corner.

3. If coming from the Inland Empire or South on the 55 Freeway:
Take the 55 Freeway South to 73 South Tollroad and follow instructions from #1. No need to pay toll.

4. From the UCI campus:
Take Campus Drive West to Bristol - about 4 miles and turn right. Stay in right lane and go over 73 Freeway. At the first stoplight, make a "U-Turn" on Redhill and hotel will be on the right corner.

Driving Directions to UCI:

The campus is located in Orange County on approximately 1,500 acres of coastal foothills, five miles from the Pacific Ocean, between Los Angeles and San Diego.  It is just South of the Orange County John Wayne Airport and just West of the 405 Freeway.  On the Thomas Bros. Orange County map, campus is on pages 889-890.

Holders of parking permits from another UC may park at UCI for free.  The parking permit from the other UC must be presented to the parking attendant to obtain a parking pass.

UCI Area Map and Directions to UCI from Major Freeways and the 73 Freeway and Tollroad
[scroll down to see the area map]

Enhanced directions from the generic directions (above) to get you to the LAUC Statewide Assembly meeting in the UCI Student Center, rooms Emerald Bay C-D-E:

Campus map (click on center square for location of the parking structure--PS4--and the Student Center--113--in quadrant D-6)

Driving South to UCI  from the 405 Freeway (from the 5 South, take the 55 South to the 405 South):

1 - Take the Jamboree Road exit; turn right onto Jamboree.  From Jamboree, turn left onto Campus Drive (traffic light).
2 - Turn right onto West Peltason Drive (traffic light).
3 - Immediately turn left onto Pereira Drive (traffic light).
4 - Immediately turn left into the parking structure; pull up to the attendant in the kiosk at the entrance.
5 - The attendant can give you a campus map and can point you to the Student Center, which is across the street from the entrance to the parking structure.
6 - From the parking structure, enter the Student Center through the lower door.  Emerald Bay rooms C-D-E will be on your right on the lower level.

Driving North to UCI from the 405 Freeway (from the 5 North, take the 405 North):

1 - Take the Culver Drive exit; turn left, crossing the 405 Freeway. From Culver, turn right onto Campus Drive (traffic light).
2 - Drive under the pedestrian bridge; turn left onto West Peltason Drive (traffic light).
3 - Immediately turn left onto Pereira Drive (traffic light).
4 - Immediately turn left into the parking structure; pull up to the attendant in the kiosk at the entrance.
5 - The attendant can give you a campus map and can point you to the Student Center, which is across the street from the entrance to the parking structure.
6 - From the parking structure, enter the Student Center through the lower door.  Emerald Bay rooms C-D-E will be on your right on the lower level.

Driving West to UCI (from the inland empire) via the 55 Freeway:

1 - Take the 91 West to the 55 South. Take the 405 South. Follow the same directions as for "Driving South to UCI  from the 405 Freeway" above.

Driving North from the 73 Tollroad (San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor):

NB: During rush hour, taking the 73 from the San Diego/La Jolla area can save time.  One-way toll is $2.25, and the tollbooths are staffed.

1 - From Interstate 5, North of Dana Point, take the 73 North.
2 - Exit at Bison Avenue; turn left onto West Peltason Drive (traffic light).
3 - Continue on West Peltason as it curves around campus to the right.
4 - Turn right onto Pereira Drive (traffic light).
5 - Immediately turn left into the parking structure; pull up to the attendant in the kiosk at the entrance.
6 - The attendant can give you a campus map and can point you to the Student Center, which is across the street from the entrance to the parking structure.
7 - From the parking structure, enter the Student Center through the lower door.  Emerald Bay rooms C-D-E will be on your right on the lower level.

Driving from the Orange County John Wayne Airport:

1 - Take MacArthur Blvd. South (away from the 405) to Campus Drive (traffic light).
2 - Turn left onto Campus Drive (traffic light).
3 - Turn right onto West Peltason Drive (traffic light).
4 - Immediately turn left onto Pereira Drive (traffic light).
5 - Immediately turn left into the parking structure; pull up to the attendant in the kiosk at the entrance.
6 - The attendant can give you a campus map and can point you to the Student Center, which is across the street from the entrance to the parking structure.
7 - From the parking structure, enter the Student Center through the lower door.  Emerald Bay rooms C-D-E will be on your right on the lower level.

Need to reach someone during your drive to campus?  Phone the Main Library Loan desk at (949) 824-6842.  The Main Library reference desk opens at 10am (949 824-7234).

Points of Interest:

Here are some websites that our non-Orange County colleagues may find helpful:

Orange County Performing Arts Center

Irvine Barclay Theatre

Orange County Register [especially good for weather details]

Los Angeles Times' Orange County edition

Orange County ArtsNet [museums and performing arts, with hotlinks throughout to the individual groups/locations]

Orange [general information]

Official County website

UC Irvine Campus website

Copyright © 2001
UC Irvine Libraries

Last Updated: April 20, 2001