Spring Assembly




Executive Board





UC IrvineUC Irvine LibrariesLAUC Irvine

Hotel Information

In order to keep things easy, it is recommended that all LAUC members coming to the Spring Assembly consider staying at one location, so that transportation can be arranged to pick up and drop off people for flights and get them to the Assembly and to their accommodation.

The Country Inn and Suites is located very near the UCI campus and the John Wayne Airport. There is a block of rooms under the "LAUC Spring Assembly" name held until April 5, 2001.

The room rates, not inclusive of tax, are $102.00 for single occupancy and $112.00 double occupancy and includes breakfast. Transportation will be provided to the campus on Friday morning.

Reservations should be made directly with the hotel by phoning 714-549-0300 or 800-322-9992 (central chain number - make sure that you state you are making reservations for Newport Beach/Costa Mesa).

See map at: Directions to the Country Inn and Suites

See Travel Information for detailed directions to hotel and campus.

There are many other choices for accommodation, and if you elect to stay elsewhere, please remember that getting to and from the Assembly will be your responsibility.

Copyright © 2001
UC Irvine Libraries

Last Updated: March 8, 2001