2001 LAUC Spring
Assembly Agenda
April 27, 2001
University of California, Irvine
10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. MORNING SESSION
1. Call to Order and Acknowledgments - Catherine Palmer (I)
2. Welcome - Gerry Munoff, University Librarian (I)
3. Announcements -Catherine Palmer (I)
A. Appointment of Time and Place for Next Assembly -- UC Davis
B. Local Arrangements - John Sisson and Julia Gelfand (I)
4. President's Report - Catherine Palmer (I)
5. Role Call of Divisions and Delegates - Patrick Dawson (SB)
6. Report of the Secretary - Patrick Dawson (SB)
A. Approval of the Minutes of Fall Assembly
7. Presentation of Reports of LAUC Representatives to University Librarians
Advisory Groups
A. CDL User Liaison Council - Brad Westbrook (SD)
B. Collection Development - Camille Wanat (B)
C. Collection Management Initiative Planning Advisory
Committee - Lee Leighton (B)
D. Digital Preservation and Archiving Committee - Barclay Ogden (B)
E. Heads of Public Services - Patrick Dawson
F. Heads of Technical Services - Karen Cargille (SD) No report because
committee has not met since Fall Assembly
G. Library Technology Advisory Group - Hannah
Walker (LA)
H. NRLF Board -Ann Jensen (B)
I. Resource Sharing Committee - Lucia Snowhill
J. SRLF Board - Linda Barnhart (SD) No report because Board has not
met since Fall Assembly
K. System Wide Library and Scholarly Information
Advisory Committee - Gary Peete (B)
L. System Wide Operations and Planning Advisory
Group - Linda Kennedy (D)
8. Presentation of Interim Reports of 2000/2001 Committees
A. Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction - Peter
Brueggeman (SD)
B. Diversity Committee - Pauline Manaka (I)
C. Professional Governance - Barb Lucas (I)
D. Research and Professional Development - Deborah Murphy (SC)
E. Election Committee - Patricia Inouye (D)
9. Report from Myron Okada, Director, Academic Personnel, Academic Advancement,
10. Report from Bruce Miller, University Librarian, UC-Merced
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
LAUC-hosted LUNCH with University Librarians and SOPAG
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: AFTERNOON SESSION
11. Old Business
A. Final report of the Task Force on the Evaluation of the UL Advisory
B. Consideration of Criteria 1 activities in Advancement to Distinguished
C. Library Building Resolution
12. New Business:
A. LAUC view of the role of CDL University Librarian
B. Discussion Topic: What is the role of LAUC in today's environment?
How can LAUC retain its traditional advisory role without violating
Copyright © 2001
UC Irvine Libraries
Last Updated: April 24, 2001