LAUC-I ROSTER 2001-2002

Last updated: June 24, 2002

LAUC-I Executive Board

LAUC-I Standing Committees

Unless otherwise noted, LAUC-I standing committee members are elected for 3 year terms, commencing September 1 in year of election.

Academic Librarianship Cultural Diversity

Professional Development

Program Committee

Library Review Committee (LRC)

Nominating-Elections Committee

Appointments to the Nominating-Elections Committee are for a 1 year term, commencing September 1 in year of appointment. The outgoing LAUC-I chair serves as chair of this committee.

LAUC-I Ad Hoc Committees

Ad Hoc Committee on the LAUC-I Archives

LAUC (Statewide) Committee Representatives

2 year terms, commencing October 1 in year of appointment.

Academic Senate Standing Committee Representatives

Appointments commence on September 1 in year of appointment. See the Academic Senate Committees website for further information about individual committees.

     The Academic Senate list says that the "Council/Interschool Curricula" is inactive. LAUC-I has had a representative to this council in the past. Please inform us if the committee becomes active again so that we can select a new representative.