Approval of June 11, 2001 minutes
Joan Ariel moved to approve the minutes, Christina Woo seconded and it was approved.
Sisson had the sad happiness of saying goodbye to Lydia Shahid -- this will be her last LAUC-I meeting -- who has been at Irvine for 5 years. He said we will miss her as she helped us move forward in cataloging, and handed her a gift certificate to the UCI Bookstore, and reminded everybody the Farewell Party that will be held for her at 2:30 on 24 July.
Presentation of Draft Guidelines by Judy Horn, the Chair of the Guidelines Task Force. The Task Force consisted of the rest of the Library Review Committee, and Steve MacLeod and Kay Collins.
Joan Ariel recorded the comments made on the Guidelines. The purpose of the Guidelines was to have standardized description of duties for Criterion I, while allowing flexibility to reflect unique assignments, as well as reflecting expectations for criteria 2-4.
LAUC-I members should respond with comments to Judy Horn or other committee members by 17 July. The LAUC-I discussion will be followed by Library Council discussion on 17 July. The task force will then make revisions.
Position Profiles constitute a part of the review documentation, while the annual plans are not.
A number of suggestions and comments were made and misunderstandings allayed.
Only the primary position responsibilities are included on the profile. Additional responsibilities outside the primary position responsibilities are not included. Factual resumes should be used to provide details of activities of a librarian.
John Sisson gave a statement about this matter:
He said that he had been contacted by a number of librarians (14) to bring up the issue of how new departments are created here, how positions are filled and how we can help improve the process. What follows is a summary of their comments.
"The concern is that the Library was not following 'best practices' in these past situations and it is troubling as we consider future changes and recruitments.
Some of the concerns brought up during the recent appointments were:
Further comments were:
July 9, 2001
TO: Chancellor Ralph Cicerone,
Whereas the Librarians Association of the University of California, Irvine is the official organization for the UCI Librarians; and
Whereas LAUC-I is recognized on the same level of importance with the Academic Senate for UCI Faculty; and
Whereas LAUC-I is very concerned with the integral position that the Library has in the instructional and research activities of UCI;
Therefore be it resolved that the Librarians of the University of California, Irvine;
Know that their inclusion in the management of the UCI Library is essential; and
Must be involved in the management process of the Library, especially the Librarians central to the specific function or operation; and
Acknowledge that steps to denigrate and diminish the position of Librarians are detrimental to the Library's educational position within UCI; and
Realize that the failure to place credibility in the advanced educational level of Librarians will weaken the Library's ability to function at the highest level within the academic community; and
Recognize that such actions will prevent the UCI Library from advancing to the level of world class stature within the University as UCI acquires world class status; and
Know that as consultative and shared management and leadership is necessary for the University, so is it required for the success of the Library.
The following motion was made by Barb Lucas, seconded by Anne Frank, and passed by 20 votes and 1 abstention:
"That a LAUC-I Committee be created consisting of the newly elected LAUC-I Executive Board and other interested parties to address quickly the production of a letter to the University Librarian concerning the recent decision-making process, especially personnel actions, and secondarily, to create an action-plan to improve the future two-way communication between LAUC-I and Library Administration."
5. August LAUC-I meeting
A question has arisen of the need for an August meeting at which Steve MacLeod, the incoming Chair, would officiate since Chair John Sisson would be on vacation. The main agenda item would have been a report by LRC which has been postponed to September since some reviews are still outstanding.