1. Welcoming New Librarians
John Sisson welcomed two new librarians to LAUC-I: Roumiana Katzarkov and Heather Tunender. It was greeted by applause.
Heather Tunender moved to accept the minutes, it was seconded by Manuel Urrizola and approved.
There will be 2 run-off elections for Member-at-Large between Joan Ariel and Abraham Yu, and for the Library Review Committee between Judy Bube and Jackie Dooley. The new ballot will go out tomorrow and will be due back by 5pm on June 27th. The LAUC-I Executive Board will determine how the election will be resolved should there be a tie.
April Love gave a report on the results of the evaluations of the event submitted at the end of the last program.
A number of suggestion were made for possible programs and activities for next year: information literacy; digital divide; research today; Web-based data; metadata; the problems with the archiving of digital or electronic data; developing research skills; program on staff becoming librarians; fostering publishing -- publishing jointly with faculty, partnering of junior and senior librarians, getting help from librarians here who are on editorial boards; SP1 and SP2 -- How can LAUC address admissions and diversity in the UCs; visiting local museums and libraries in the Orange County community; work with academic departments on the UCI campus in organizing and sponsoring colloquia; social events like parties, concerts, etc.
There will be a General Membership meeting on July 9 and the main topic will be a discussion of the Guidelines for Position Profiles.
Since Professional Development put out a second call, Jackie Dooley asked if there was any money available. Angela Yang will be e-mailed for information about this.
Dawn Anderson moved to end the meeting, it was seconded, and the meeting adjourned.