LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, June 11, 2001
2-3pm, Science Library, Room 104

Present: Anderson, Collins, Crooks, Dooley, Gelfand, Grahame, Heiman, Horn, Jacobs, Jazayeri, Katzarkov, Love, MacLeod, Manaka, Shahid, Sisson (Chair), Tunender, Tseng, Urrizola, Wilson, Wong, Woo, Yeghiayan (Recorder)

1. Welcoming New Librarians

2. Approval of May 14, 2001 minutes 3. LAUC-I Spring Elections and Nominations committee report

4. Discussion of Future LAUC-I Programs 5. Summer LAUC-I meetings 6. Next meeting July 9, 2001, 1-3, SL 104 7. Other topics