Here is the agenda, I am out of town till Monday morning so I will adjust
agenda then if there are any comments.
LAUC-I Executive Board Meeting
Monday, February 5, 2001
Science Library 244
1. Approval of January 8, 2001 LAUC-I Executive Board Minutes
2. Gerry Munoff's and Judy Kaufman's visit.
Comments, next steps
Topics for LAUC-I General Meeting in March
3. Academic Librarianship Committee
Draft Workplan guidelines meeting Jan 22-feedback, next steps
4. LAUC-I Professional Development Committee (see
Appointment to Prof Dev-make appt from candidates
Professional development funds this year-discussion, next steps
AdHoc committee to evaluate the Tier fund structure-writing a charge,
5. Position Profiles Task Force
Suggested charge and membership
6. Agenda for General Meeting, February 12, 2001
7. LAUC EB Meeting Feb 2
Report on meeting
8. Other topics
9. Next meeting March 5