TO: LAUC-I Board
FR: Professional Development Committee
RE: Suggestions
Date: December 11, 2001
The Professional Development Committee would like to recommend that two actions be taken at the earliest possible time:
1). Ask the University Librarian to raise the Professional Development supplemental fund for LAUC-I members based on the following:
The total PD allocation has stayed the same for at least the last three years, which is around $34,400.
For the previous two years ('98 and "99), the MOU mandate was $10,200, the UL's supplemental fund was $24,200.
This year's union contract is $19,980. That means the UL's supplemental fund is only $14,420.
UCI is designated as one of the three UC campuses to accommodate future student growth. We have already seen an increase in the number of new LAUC-I members. We hope more LAUC-I members will be hired to provide adequate services. If the PD funding stays the same, more members mean less money for everyone.
The support of professional development activities is an important factor in recruiting new librarians to UCI.
We recommend that the Board ask the University Librarian for an additional $10,000, at the least, to be allocated for next year. That will bring the UL's supplemental fund to the same level as FY 98 and FY99.
2). The PD committee requests that the Chair appoint an AdHoc committee to :
evaluate the current professional development Tier structure, and the impact of the new union contract on PDC work load, and