Current Membership List (PDF)

LAUC-I Bylaws, revised July 2020 (PDF)


LAUC-I Executive Board 2023-2024

Role LAUC-I Member
Chair Hector Perez-Gilbe
Vice-Chair  Ying Zhang


Stacy Brinkman


Elizabeth Richey


Elizabeth Hernandez

Chair, Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)

Nicole Arnold

Chair, Research and Professional Development Committee

Jenna Dufour

Chair, Program Committee

Jharina Pascual

LAUC Statewide Committees

Committee LAUC-I Representative Term Length & Completion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Adrienne Nguyen 2 yr / 2025
Professional Governance Melissa Beuoy 2 yr / 2024
Research and Professional Development Jenna Dufour 1 yr / 2024

LAUC-I Representation on
UCI Academic Senate Committees

Committee/Council LAUC-I Representative Term Length & Completion
Council on Educational Policy (CEP) Wasila Dahdul 3 yr / 2024
Council on Equity and Inclusion (CEI) Nicole Carpenter 3 yr / 2025
Council on Faculty Welfare, Diversity, and Academic Freedom (CFW) Christina Tsou 3 yr / 2025
Graduate Council (GC) Melissa Beuoy 3 yr / 2024
Council on Planning and Budget (CPB) Audra Eagle Yun 3 yr / 2024
Council on Research Computing and Libraries (CORCL) Annette Buckley 3 yr / 2025
Council on Teaching, Learning, and Student Experience (CTLSE) Krystal Tribbett 3 yr / 2024
Council on Enrollment Management and Admissions (CEMA) Ying Zhang 3 yr / 2024
Subcommittee on Courses & Continuing, Part-Time, & Summer Session Education (SCOC) Sara Heimann 3 yr / 2025
Board of Undergraduate Scholarship, Honors & Financial Aid (BUSHFA) Jenna Dufour 3 yr / 2025
Campuswide Honors Collegium Board (CHCB) Rikke Ogawa 3 yr / 2025


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