LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, 14 February 2000
Present: Sisson, Anderson, Kaufman, Tanji, Crooks,
McAdam, Urrizola, Broidy, Grahame, Shahid, Renton, Collins, Lucas, Ariel,
Riggs, Bisom, Tseng, Yang, Ford, Manaka, Martinez, Gelfand, Katzarkov,
Dooley, Wilson, Palmer, MacLeod, Martin, Landis
1. Approval of Jan. 10
- Motion to accept draft minutes: Collins. Seconded:
Broidy. Motion
2. Announcements.
- LAUC-I Accounts
- Wilson informed membership of new policy passed by the Executive
- Wilson highlighted need for members requesting reimbursement from
LAUC-I funds (especially for meeting refreshments) to turn in receipts
to Secretary/Treasurer and sign host form; Secretary/Treasurer will
turn in documents to the Business Office.
- Program Committee:
- Yang announced upcoming LAUC-I-sponsored brown bag on Weds. March
1st from Noon-2 PM in SL 104 for sharing of brief reports on activities
at conferences attended by members since July 1999.
- Discussion ensued on how the form distributed by PDC to those
who have received LAUC-I professional development funding already
this year should be filled out.
- Yang and Manaka clarified that the
form was envisioned by the PDC as a way to collect data mainly to give a
good statistical snapshot of all the professional activities
engaged in by LAUC-I members.
- PDC also hopes to gather data for future discussions with the UL
about more funding for professional development activities.
- We need to collect information beyond that on the professional
development support forms on the depth and quality of our collective
participation in professional activities.
- PDC also interested in information about activities for which LAUC-I
members did not request/receive funding (e.g., requests for
administrative leave time off).
- PDC asked that members try to fill in the current form to see how it
works and noted that feedback will be solicited for improving the process
at the end of this academic year.
- LAUC-I involvement in the upcoming AUL interviews:
- Wilson announced that a LAUC-I time slot has been set aside in the
interview schedule for AUL candidates and that the Executive Board is
engaged in formulating about 4 questions that will be asked of all
- LAUC-I slot will be open for anyone interested to attend and time
will be set aside at end for attendees to ask follow up questions.
3. Discussion of the culture of professional evaluation.
- Palmer facilitated the discussion, explained its genesis, divided
the meeting attendees up into five groups, and distributed information
packets to help with the discussion.
- LAUC-I Executive Board asked to report on this discussion to the
LAUC Statewide President by 2000-03-03
- Notes and a summary
of these group discussions are available online.
Meeting ended after the discussion without an official motion to