TO: Gerry Munoff, University Librarian
FR: Yvonne Wilson, LAUC-I Chair
Date: October 4, 1999
Subject: LAUC-I Questions about the Librarians' Review Expectations and Process

  1. Please explain how you apply the professional Criteria and qualities outlined in APM 210-4-e-(3)(a)-(d) and Academic Personnel Procedures for Librarians p. 23.
  2. How do you see the balance between Criterion 1 and Criteria 2-4? How is that balance affected as a person moves through the ranks?
  3. Do you have different expectations for librarians in different positions or divisions? Particularly, as it applies to the fulfillment of Criterion 1 vs Criteria 2-4?
  4. Should every librarian who achieves career status also be able to achieve the rank of Librarian V? How do you determine if a librarian is appropriately qualified to be considered for the move past the "barrier step", Librarian IV?
  5. How do you plan to share review outcomes? Are you open to having a person make an appointment with you to discuss the outcome of their review?
  6. Will the direction of a person's future professional development and next review be guided by the review initiator solely or should it also include input from others including yourself?
  7. How has or will the delegation of the review process to the Library affect:
    1. You
    2. Library Personnel Office
    3. LRC
  8. How can LAUC-I maintain a dialogue with you about the review process?