LAUC-I General Membership Meeting Report (Approved 1999-09-13) July 12, 1999, 1-3 pm SL 104 Agenda The only agenda item for the July 12th meeting was a continued discussion of the proposal to delegate all librarian review action decisions to the University Librarian. Points of clarification: Prior to continuing the discussion of delegation of librarian review actions, Cathy shared information from the Office of Academic Personnel. 1. Other campus units who have/will have final review authority. Campus administration would like to delegate review authority to the units, both academic and non-academic. However, in many cases, these units do not have the administrative infrastructure to support this. The University Librarian (beginning with Joanne Euster and supported by Gerry Munoff) has requested the delegation of authority to review librarian personnel actions. 2. Impact on Grievance Procedures. There will be none. The delegation of review authority to the University Librarian will have no impact on current personnel action grievance procedures. 3. Discussion of librarian review actions. A. Preliminary vote All librarians present voted on whether or not they supported the delegation of individual review actions to the University Librarian. (See attachment 1 for results of vote) B. Discussion Each review action was discussed to identify issues and clarify reasons to support or not support delegation. These notes are appended to the end of this meeting report. C. Final Vote All librarians present voted to support or not support the delegation of individual review actions to the University Librarian. (See attachment 1 for results of vote.) The result was that the majority of librarian could support delegation of all review actions EXCEPT Terminations and Promotion to Librarian V. D. Next Steps 1. The membership instructed Cathy, as Chair of LAUC-I to write a response to the EVC summarizing results of the meeting. (See attachment 2 for text of Memo from LAUC-I to EVC) In addition, the membership expressed a desire to support delegation as a 3 year pilot project with review by the University Librarian, EVC, Office of Academic Personnel, Library Review Committee, Library Personnel Office, Administrative Team, LAUC-I Executive Board, and LAUC-I General membership at the end of the pilot period. This recommendation is included in the LAUC-I response to the EVC's proposal In addition, the membership recommended that the results of the delegations be reviewed annually by the University Librarian and LAUC-I. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Palmer, LAUC-I Chair -- MEETING NOTES July 12, 199 Appointments: recommend that it will be delegated? all appointments go to OEO for review *equity *procedure contested one-step merit * All actions have one less level of review. This is of particular concern for those who report to AUL's * To what extent has the EVC contested the rec. of the LRC? * UL has an interest and a role in the criteria for promotions and actions * Coherent process is more efficient Termination: 5 of 9 campuses, this is **not** the UL. Needs level of neutrality that may not be available in the library. We need safeguards for equity and consistent applications of criteria and procedural protection. Career status: What does the EVC know about being a professional librarian? The UL sets the culture of the organization consistency of decision-making If not awarded, action becomes/has potential to be a termination Accelerated merit: Differences in divisions/ issues of equity in application of criteria Contested accelerated merit Some actions have greater potential for inequity. Outsiders can be more objective. Promotions: EVC retained this for faculty Advancement to Life V: If UCI takes this out, we will have a different model than any other campus. This is a very political action. Would benefit from external review. Candidate under review should have access to UL's letters. Needs mnore objective criteria; this is different from who makes the decision; much fuller discussion in the LAUC Bottome line concern = equity Librarians didn't contribute to decision to hire UL UL is a junior UL Recommend - delegate as pilot? Full participation of LAUC-I * Follow up with EVC/ Office of Academic Personnel? 3-5 years review cycle * Formal channels of communication in place? Develop them? * Delegate individual actions specifically and review results periodically every 3-5 years Concern: workload implication for Library Personnel Rec as pilot (2 yr) yes 14 no Rec for 3 year review yes 7 no 3 year: LAUC-I, UL, EVC Annual: UL, LAUC-I Rec: LAUC-I and UL work together more closely