Minutes (Approved 1999-09-13) LAUC-I General Membership Meeting June 14, 1999 Present: Palmer, Wilson, Kjaer, Horn, Ariel, Broidy, Urrizola, Manaka, Bube, Riggs, Tanji, Landis, Wong, Yu, McAdam, Kaufman, Sisson, Womack, Gelfand, Ford, Crooks, Tseng, Lucas Guest: Kari Lucas Agenda 1. Agenda Review 2. Approval of Minutes Judy Kaufman mentioned two name corrections in May minutes. Manuel Urrizola moved to accept, Bill Landis seconded. Minutes approved as corrected. 3. Election Results Kathryn Kjaer (Chair, LAUC-I Nominating/Elections committee) reported: 39 ballots submitted approximately 45 LAUC-I members are eligible to vote The results of the LAUC and LAUC-I elections are: LAUC: ---- VICE PRESIDENT (PRESIDENT-ELECT) 32 Catherine Palmer 1 Angela Yang (write-in) SECRETARY 33 Deborah Murphy LAUC-I: ------ Executive Board: --------------- Vice Chair/Chair Elect 35 John Sisson (elected) Secretary/Treasurer 37 Bill Landis (elected) Member-at-large 35 Kay Collins (elected) 36 Julia Gelfand (elected) Standing Committees: ------------------- Academic Librarianship 39 Steve MacLeod (elected) Cultural Diversity 39 Manuel Urrizola (elected) 36 Bill Wong (elected) Professional Development 38 Sara Eichhorn (elected) Library Review Committee 17 Jackie Dooley 27 Collette Ford (elected) 31 Judy Horn (elected) Cathy Palmer (Chair, LAUC-I) expressed congratulations to election winners and thanks to the Nominating/Elections Committee for their hard work. 4. Professional Development Committee Report Distributed 3 handouts: A) Fund Distribution 1999-2000 handout - worksheet for individuals B) 3-minute survey results c) PDC Guidelines - proposed changes A. Results of Survey (Pauline Manaka) Survey meant to identify several things: -anticipated professional development needs - get a sense of librarians' plans to attend meetings -list of meetings that librarians must attend -list of meetings that librarians would like to attend -anticipated use of funding: base, tier 1, tier 2 -input re how the tiered system is working and general comments re professional development funding -information that can assist in formulating a future budget Some of the results/comments from the survey: -Adjust base spending -Spell out how we use our tier for more than one activity -Difficult to track changes in use of funds; need to be able to track activities for each person throughout the year There is a separate project code for LAUC-I funded travel; useful way to track expenditures posted. There is a shared spreadsheet between Payroll/Personnel and Business Office. Activities are coded: funds requested, travel with just time-off, etc. Spreadsheet includes what funds are requested, amount approved, and what has actually been spent (e.g. receipts submitted and reimbursed). Suggestions to future Professional Development Committee: -propose a guideline of 45 days to submit receipts to the Business Office. -any changes re travel need to go to both PDC and Payroll/Personnel; the latter needs a record of business travel for liability purposes -there was some discussion re a worksheet for people to fill out at their option to keep track of actual expenditures and reimbursements for tax purposes; might also be useful for the PDC to track -CP asked PDC to list suggestions for the next PDC to follow-up and consider b. Proposed New Guidelines (Tim McAdam) A second (i.e. additional tier; not 2nd Tier) tier activity request can be funded for $100.00 Contact Tim McAdam, since we are reaching the fiscal closing deadline. PDC guidelines - proposed changes in CAPS i. Broaden guidelines so that it can include requests for continuing education, books, and software IN ADDITION BASE FUNDING MAY BE USED FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS [SOFTWARE, BOOKS] AND CONTINUING EDUCATION EXPENSES. SOFTWARE REQUESTS NEEDS TO BE APPROVED AND ORDERED BY THE SYTEMS DEPARTMENT AND APPROVED REQUESTS FOR BOOKS NEEDS TO BE ORDERED BY THE LIBRARY BUSINESS OFFICE TO COMPLY WITH ACCOUNTING GUIDELINES. There was much discussion about this proposed change: -Orders should go through the Business Office - example software needs to be reviewed by Systems for installation and can be supported by platforms. -JK: You cannot use 19900 funds to purchase materials that you will ultimately own. Judy will investigate this further. -PDC does not make the decision on whether the request is appropriate; the department heads and AULs approves the requests and signs off on it. -Question: Are these materials library property or personal? RESULT: After much discussion, the issue of using funds for continuing education, books, and software was tabled. ii. Tier funding should be flexible - Some people would like to split their money with the proper documentation. For example, if the amount funded is not completely spent on one approved activity, it would be desirable to use the balance for another approved activity. "Tier funding expenditures should be flexible, including use for two or more activities with the same tier criteria. Documentation for each activity must be provided (i.e. Librarian Request for Professional Development Support form and receipts)." RESULT: Yvonne moved, Joan seconded. Flexibility of funding was approved. iii. Any changes to requests need to be submitted to PDC and Library Personnel. Add: receipts must be submitted to the Business Office within 45 days or upon return to the library or earlier if required for fiscal closing. ANY CHANGES TO SUBMITTED REQUEST SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE LAUC-I PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND TO LIBRARY PERSONNEL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO THAT ENCUMBERED FUNDS CAN BE REDISTRIBUTED AND PERSONNEL RECORDS CAN BE UPDATED. RESULT: CP moved Ellen seconded Motion approved iv. Reimbursement time. Add a new heading and this text: REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT NEEDS TO BE REQUESTED WITHIN 45 DAYS OF RETURN TO THE LIBRARY EXCEPT AT FISCAL CLOSING WHEN RECEIPTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY_______. RESULT: Tabled for consultation w/ business office. 4. Delegation of Authority to University Librarian CP distributed letter from Executive Vice Chancellor Lillyman re delegation of authority re all reviews to Gerald Munoff, University Librarian. On the back of handout CP photocopied the original LAUC-I response. Ellen proposed that we request an extension so that we can hold a discussion in July. CP reminded everyone that people can respond individually and not wait for a LAUC-I response. JG recommended a collective discussion; UCR doesn't have it and UCD has a mixed model; but every other campus has authority vested in the UL; Killacky is moving towards that model for all non-academic senate models though the proposal for Deans was rescinded. JK pointed out that this separates out appointments; all decisions except the appointments needs to be further discussed UCD has a mixed model exactly as we have now. Joan asked whether there are further options for mixed models; asked JK if she could provide additional information CP will contact Academic Personnel to talk re the timeline. CP will try to set up an earlier meeting before ALA JK will try to send out attachment of decisions at other campuses Everyone has the option of responding individually and/or sending comments to Cathy if they find they cannot attend the meeting. 5. Report on LAUC Spring Assembly 6. Visit from Kari Lucas, President of LAUC K. Lucas reviewed the actions she has taken on LAUC's behalf to date to push the initiative to expand the Librarian Series. There was a meeting at UCOP with appropriate personnel on June 10 to discuss issues and answer questions. She indicated that overall it was a positive meeting with much information passing back and forth among the participants. Lucas is invited to participate in the June 16 University Librarian's meeting to recap the UCOP meeting and to answer any questions the University Librarians might have in regards to LAUC's position on expanding the Librarian Series. She stated that it has been made clear that the Council of Vice-Chancellors (CVOC) plays a key role in this issue. In addition she reminded the group that there is the collective bargaining timeline to keep in mind. 7. Next agenda Informal brown bag on delegation of authority to the UL