LAUCI General Membership Meeting May 10, 1999, 1-3pm ML 570 Refreshments: Angela Yang Present: Palmer, Womack, Kjaer, MacLeod, Urrizola, Anderson, Yang, Manaka, Tanji, Kaufman, Bube, Broidy, Woo, Clark, Eichhorn, Ford, Gelfand, Tseng, Shahid, Tsang, Lucas, Wilson Agenda 1. Agenda Review 2. Approval of Minutes Urrizola move; Ford seconded. Minutes approved. 3. Announce Candidates for LAUC-I Positions KK distributed preliminary slate Ballots and candidate information will be distributed by May 28th. June 11 - election day There was a call for nominations from the floor--there were no additional nominations. Broidy moved to accept slate; Woo seconded. Membership voted and accepted the slate of candidates 4. Update on status of Academic Personnel Procedures for Librarians Final draft of procedures being reviewed by Office of Academic Personnel. Comments by May 28th. Labor Relations to share with Union for informational purposes. Then submitted to University Librarian and Executive Chancellor for final approval. Payroll & Personnel has a website that is almost ready; documents will be available Viewable via Adobe Acrobat - this will be one of the documents that will be posted on this website. Reviewing the personnel procedures would be an annual process; recommendations would be made for revisions each year. LAUC-I Bylaws needs revision; next Academic Librarianship might want to take that on as a charge. Major change made from input of LAUC-I: Dropping the requirement to solicit letters for advancement from Librarian III to Lib IV. Replace with a general recommendation that a librarian, who has not undergone a full review in the past 5 years, have letters solicited. Decision on reviews? Only a few exceptions where review decisions have not been completed. LRC on schedule. Every review will be done by June 30th. 5. LAUC Statewide President and President-Elect will visit LAUC-I on June 14 Any issues from LAUC-I membership? -additional steps for librarians -impressions of outgoing and incoming President - general health of LAUC; what's the agenda for LAUC systemwide for the future; what is their assessment of people's level of interest in systemwide participation, etc.? -LAUC's relationship to CDL; LAUC has an advisory role; not clear whether LAUC members participating in discussions with CDL are representing their individual campuses or LAUC viewpoints. -recommend that visits occur earlier in the year -where is UCI in the rotation for hosting assemblies -formula for allocating professional development $10,000 in MOU; needs future discussion re increasing this amount -will ask for a call for any additional issues to discuss -CP will ask Kari and Patsy if they have any issues to discuss -we can find out what other campuses' issues were since they will have visited all the other campuses by the time they meet with us 6. Reminder: May 26 LAUC Spring Assembly KK, JH, Woo, Last day to register for Spring Assembly Assembly agenda: Reports of LAUC representatives Committee reports Program: Librarian StepsHoly Grail or Holy Cow? Facilitated small group break-out sessions People can discuss amongst themselves whether they want to carpool. 7. Announcements KK 9am-11:30, SL 104, Friday, May 21 Teleconference sponsored by various library organizations on Copyright Law Please RSVP Kathryn Kjaer for attendance. Dawn's report on program Judy Kaufman thanked for welcoming speech. 56 attendees other than speakers and committee members Lots of high school, heads of public libraries, other UCs, etc. Successful program, excellent speakers 8. Academic Senate Committee Reports a. Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources Jim unable to attend Susan and Cynthia able to attend recent meeting Cynthia gave a brief update: -Revise guidelines for organized research programs -Intercampus Arts Program - name change -Discussion and presentation on new network backbone Similar to presentation from OAC - Garrett Hildebrand (ECS/OAC) upgrade of backbone, time-table, network to buildings upgraded CDL's transition to Melvyl - SL & CC CDL name more prominence; Melvyl refers to the Catalog database; CDL meant as co-library Invited feedback from campus's to CDL Susan spoke about guides and education/instruction services to aid each campus Not a lot of questions but genuine interest in information First time a specific library issue had been on the agenda Concerns about Directory and ability/ease of getting to resources b. Judy Kaufman - Council on Rights, Responsibilities, and Welfare Unable to attend last meeting; but they have good minutes Chair Abel Klein reports on systemwide UC Faculty Welfare Committee Robert May Chair Vice Chair for Academic Freedom Vice Chair for Affirmative Action Reports of systemwide activities Very few issues that relate to the library and vice versa Deal with benefits - of interest to personnel generally Healthcare facilitator position; funded by UCOP; one for No campus and one for Southern campuses Southern person will be at UCI campus Person functions like ombudsperson re healthcare concerns; person will be announced shortly Lillyman will agree to fund this; operate out of Human Resources but serves all southern UC campuses Academic Affairs - Faculty Partners Program ; council not happy with the way it was formulated; same-sex only (degentrification of the definition of partners) council persuaded to change need to prove prior cohabitation before campus; only need to indicate plans to set up a household at UCI whole healthcare plan out for bids Karen Meyers is the new Title 7 Officer; revising sexual harassment policy Strong emeriti subcommittee non-senate academic status; nomination for emeritus status Bev Toy got emeritus status Marion Buzzard got emeritus status What are the benefits of emeriti status? JK will investigate this (like ILL privileges, etc.) Judy Horn might have a record in LAUCI Archives Extend benefits to either sex domestic partners Proposed termination of faculty for incompetent performance - there is no policy c. Julia Gelfand - Planning & Budget University has been asked to report by June 1 respond to how campus will deal with long-range planning re enrollment growth; determine how schools will respond If enrollment grows - Chula Vista lobbying to be next campus Meetings with Bill Parker met with Budget re growth UCI slated for growth (SB & SC cannot grow), LA & B smaller numbers Leaves UCR, UCSD, UCI, UCD to accommodate them. Infrastructure. Building growth on campus Natural Sciences I goes up in June Transportation on campus an issue. Research Park is another issue Enrollment growth - full summer session UCI's summer session is run by Extension - in state of transition Considering term off; seeking ways for ladder faculty to teach during summer Analyzing summer session; he is not optimistic that it will be a solution Acceptance rates; demand for housing since not all are within commuting distance Planning & Budget: -faculty interested in increasing ratio of graduate students; to attract faculty we need to have grad programs -discussion on how to develop programs that draw students -UCI has more schools than any other campus Examples of endowments and that contributes to development Endowed chair you need 1 million; but people often give lower amounts, e.g. million Quasi-endowed chair Money can't be released until maximum amount reached Money then utilized at discretion of the department Many faculty that have partners that need positions Library budget may be good depending on tax situation in the state d. Ellen - Graduate Council 4 major issues: -support for graduate students; UCI is doing considerably better in terms of fund-raising grants we're 6th within the UC system however, only 8% goes to graduate support (scholarships; grants; etc.) communication between academic side and fund-raising -Union - graduate student unionization Election 25, 26, 27th - eligible graduate students can vote on whether they want to be represented by UAW or not; you can only vote if you currently hold TA-ships Research & Graduate Studies information on unionization issue and legislative measure below Legislative Measure to mandate a tax; even if you elect not to join, because you are getting benefits you will be taxed. Two academic reviews School of the Arts - external review; report not received yet Internal review (EB) College of Engineering Next year, on a one-year trial basis CEP & Grad Council will do a combined review of an undergrad and grad program of Physical Sciences Hope to minimize paperwork, so schools don't feel like they are constantly on review Lillyman proposal for 60+ new FTE to UCI NYT May 3rd article on affirmative action mentions on UCI and focuses on UC Riverside campus Sunday Magazine section e. Christina Woo - Committee on Undergraduate Admissions & Relations with Schools Sue Wilbur - Admissions officer Committee almost serves like an advisory council for her Affirmative action - major issue Acceptance/enrollment UCI did well re percentage of underrepresented groups admissions acceptance priority order re UC admissions (UCLA & UCB most attractive) advanced placement - adjustments will be made GPA often over 4.0 honor classes and AP raise GPAs inequality if some schools offer more of these honor and AP classes so will count for less every high school student would be eligible for UC admissions grass-roots driven school integration bottom 100 high schools that feed students to UC discussed re SAT and SAT II will be considered only year when UCI turned away UC eligible students UCI is more competitive turned down 6,000-7.000 students transfers from community college acceptance year-round ok not just one time increases expected f. Angela Yang - Committee on International Relations Continuing Education component Study Abroad component Current chair interested in international education Only 1% students participate Change name to International Education Exchange - reciprocal relationships Grades and program quality issues g. Dan Tsang - Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, etc. honors program incoming honor students and regent scholars - meet with professors students not interested in meeting with library summa, magna cum schools pick which students get honors ; decentralized use GPAs, letters, concern about how honors are assigned - inconsistent between schools need to provide an explanation re assignation of honors h. Cathy Palmer- Committee on Teaching Campuswide adoption standardized of "teaching evaluation form" has hit a stumbling block June 2nd Celebration of Teaching - IRC & COT awards to TA, faculty, innovation in teaching departmental awards $2,500; best website award Instructional Resource Center website has info re criteria for these awards Deadline today 9. Next Agenda Meeting adjourned 3pm