LAUC-I General Membership Meeting April 12, 1999 ML 570 Present: Palmer, Kaufman, Crooks, Lucas, Womack, Urrizola, Wilson, Paquette, Shahid, Dooley, Wong, Ford, Tseng, Clark, Landis, Munoff, Bisom, Riggs, Tanji, Gelfand, Sisson, Lessick, Horn 1. Minutes from the last General Membership Meeting 3/8/99 were distributed. Manuel Urrizola moved to approve them; Collette Ford seconded Minutes approved. 2. Announcements. Cynthia is trying to arrange a date for a brown bag as a follow-up to the CDL Forum 3. Academic Personnel Procedures for Librarians A. Background information for this discussion topic (CP): The UCI Libraries is responsible for rewriting the procedures. The academic personnel procedures need updating, especially since the personnel decisions for the librarians are now delegated to the University Librarian. Several groups have already reviewed the draft revised documents: Administrative Team, Academic Personnel, expanded LAUC-I Executive Board (normal members and all the chairs of the LAUC-I committees and LRC). LAUC-I review - deadline April 19th. Small task-force to gather issues will meet on April 19th. Judy Kaufman (AUL Personnel & Administrative Services) will take LAUC-I comments and need for clarification under advisement. Review initiators are also reviewing this document. Two changes in procedures: 1) Requiring letters from Librarian Step 3 to Step 4 - we don't require this anymore 2) Elimination of vocabulary that refers to the "short form" and "long form"; now using the phrase "review actions that require letters and those that do not." B. Gerry Munoff gave some additional background information: This process/discussion began with the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. They expressed interest in delegating responsibility for review decisions to the University Librarian, and I expressed interest in doing this. This delegation of responsibility necessitated updating the document and clarifying procedures. The quick timeframe is driven by the calendar of reviews and the EVC wanting it to be in place for the next review cycle. The goal is not just a good procedure manual. The goal is to conduct thorough, rigorous, fair, and consistent evaluation of librarians so that we can continue to maintain a strong librarian staff to address tough issues and changes in future. The procedure manual is just a tool to help us achieve this objective. We want to ensure better performance and shape better librarians. One benefit of having the review decisions reside in the library is that we then have the ability and the motivation to make improvements and develop additional documents that are responsive to our needs; we have a vested interest in achieving our goals. Seminars and training programs are things we may want to talk about. There may be other processes that we can develop. The key thing is to annually review the process so that we can identify areas to work on. C) Judy Kaufman distributed a handout: Peer Letters Normally Solicited JK met with the Executive Board. Cathy asked JK to document the way other UC campuses solicit peer letters, which resulted in this handout that summarizes what other campuses have done and includes cited sections. While we have removed the terms (short form/long form) from the procedures; the concept is still in the procedures p. 33 Solicitation of letters p. 35 Review initiator's role p. 42 Role of the AUL Q: If I read the chart correctly, the UCI practice for short form with no letters between Lib III & IV is the common practice at most campuses except UCSC (UCD's practice varies). If we were to add UCI to the "Peer Letters Normally Solicited" handout, it would be: optional yes yes optional yes yes yes optional Further discussion and suggested revisions to the Draft Academic Personnel Procedures for Librarians were captured on poster sheets by Cathy Palmer. She distributed these comments in a lib_lauci email on April 15, 1999 The LAUC-I General Membership thanked Judy Kaufman for all her hard work in compiling and revising these personnel procedures. Meeting adjourned 3:10 pm.