LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
March 8, 1999
ML 570

Present:  Palmer, Horn, Eicchorn, Ariel, Broidy, Kjaer, Wilson, Shahid,
Womack, Urrizola, Woo, 
Kaufman, Kaufman, Anderson, Ford, Collins, Tanji, Gelfand, Love, Clark
1.  The LAUC-I General Membership warmly welcomed Manuel Urrizola, a new
librarian in the Catalog 

2.  Agenda Review

3.  Approval of Minutes
Ford moved, Broidy seconded.  Minutes approved.

4.  Announcements.

a.  Progress of the proposal to add steps to the salary series; it is
available at the LAUC website.  The 
proposal has been submitted to Judson King, UCOP.  Kari Lucas is still in
the process of identifying and 
appointing a small delegation that will be meeting with UCOP.

Background info:  The issue of librarian salary series increases came up
as an agenda topic at the Council 
of Executive Vice Chancellors (though not due to any special request by
LAUC); action was deferred until 
April's meeting since there was not enough information.

The proposal has also gone to University Committee on Libraries (UCOL).
John King is the chair.  They 
are endorsing the proposal unofficially.

Send any comments or questions to C. Palmer; she will be attending a LAUC
Executive Board meeting on 

b.  LAUC Executive Board Meeting in Oakland on Friday.
Agenda topics: Bylaws revisions

c.  LAUC Spring Assembly, Wed. May 26, 1999, UC Riverside
-Performance evaluation and expectation of librarians may be a major

d.  Professional Development Committee
-LAUC-I PDC met to discuss 7 LAUC research proposals submitted; $30,000
available for research grants
-LAUC PDC is meeting in Oakland on Wednesday
-Tim McAdam (Chair of LAUC-I PDC) sent LAUC-I an email to submit
professional development 
requests that you have not previously requested for the 2nd round of

ACTION:  CP will ask Tim to clarify the purpose of the 2nd call for
professional development funds

Survey:  Tim will be distributing a copy of the professional development
guidelines and will put it on the 
LAUC-I website.  The survey changes are due soon.

e.  Joe Schwab Survey.
Kaufman reported that they are in the same stage as when GM reported on
the State of the Library Address.
Schwab will lead town meetings

f.  LAUC-I Program.  
April 30th , Monarch Bay A, UCI Student Center.
Registration: 9-10am.  Program 10:00-1:30
Refreshments served.

Stone Soup or Too Many Chefs?:  The Future of Cooperation in California
Speakers from the California State Library, California Digital Library,
and UCSD (re the San Diego 
Circuit) will discuss new strategies for sharing resources and future
cooperation within California on 
emerging digital resources.

5.  Academic Senate Committee Report(s)

Committee on Educational Policy (Kathryn Kjaer)
This committee deals with policy, especially in regard to undergraduate
-2 departments are changing their names:  
Politics & Society will become Political Science
Psychobiology will become Neurobiology & Behavior

-California Virtual University ( is being put
together for distance education through 
California colleges and universities.
There are no degrees granted through this "university" at this time.
The courses online are primarily for extension students.

Some concerns of the committee:
-How much of a student's education can be conducted online and still
maintain quality education.
-There needs to be engagement between the student and faculty members, as
well as student peer 
-Discussion about the quality of education might be diminished on the web
or should it be encouraged in 
-Enrollment is high, but attendance is lower.  Students feel that they can
participate in other ways, so the 
Virtual University fills this gap.
-Another issue is whether faculty will continue to update and improve
their curriculum on the web.

Key factor is the library's role in supporting this.

There are commercial firms that sell notes to students.  Apparently, the
people that sell the notes are TA; 
not necessarily TAs for that particular course.  The issues for CEP is
that it is out of bounds for a TA to sell 
notes for a class that s/he is hired to teach.

Women's Studies underwent an external review.
Recommendation that it become a full-fledged department and no longer a
What criteria does UCI use in order to make the determination on whether
to change a program into a 

There is a great deal of interest in becoming a department, and there are
others who feel that it should 
remain an interdisciplinary program for intellectually and political
reasons.  The current EVC wants the 
IDPs wants them to be institutionalized into a School.  

-School of Engineering.  They want the breadth requirements (specifically
the language) to be reduced.  
Engineering is finding it difficult to graduate students given all the
Currently 4 quarters of languages
Asking for the 4th quarter be dropped.
Comparing to other UCs, UCI has more requirements.
Another argument is to extend the program; make it a 5-year undergraduate

5.  Criteria for Librarian Personnel Action:  Proposal for Disposition
CP thanked the  LAUC-I Academic Librarianship Committee for their work on
the Criteria Document.
Criteria document is on the LAUC-I homepage; URL is:

Status of this document:  It is an advisory document.  It is not a ruling
document; it merely seeks to 
interpret official documents that govern the library review process; seeks
to provide background and 
interpretation of APM.

Handout distributed:
Issues that were identified last February 1998 and that are still
Pages 4-6 - transcription of the notes from the LAUC-I meeting

Issues outstanding:

A.  Criteria 1-IV
-Excellence in Criteria I
-Experience at each step
-Relationship between activities in Criteria I and activities in Criteria

B.  Concept of career plateau

C.  Criteria for Librarian V: Definition of excellence

D.  Procedural Issues
-Uses of short form
-Personnel review within context of goal setting process for individual

Background/Environmental Information:
1.  Procedures 

Because of the delegation of authority for final decision in librarian
reviews to the University Librarian, 
Judy Kaufman is revising "Academic Personnel Procedures for Librarians" in
consultation with:
-Administration Team
-Office of Academic Personnel
-Review initiators

LAUC-I will review revised procedures at April 12, 1999 General Membership

2.  LAUC
-Proposal to Add Steps VI-IX to the Librarian Salary Series
-LAUC Spring Assembly:  Proposed Program Topic:  Discussion of Performance
Expectations and 
Evaluations of Librarians
Spring Assembly Date:  Wednesday, 26 May 1999, UC Riverside

3.  LAUC-I/Academic Librarianship Committee
-ALC will facilitate meeting in May with new UL to discuss review
-Focus on:
-concept of balance between criteria I activities and criteria II-IV
-expectation of level of activity in each criteria at each step
-relationship between Criteria I and Criteria II-IV activities
-concept of career plateau (particularly at the Assoc. Lib VII level).

Q: Will there be some clarity about the delegation of review
responsibilities to the UL.
JK responded that will be clarify by July 1st.

LAUC-I Executive Board proposes filing report with the understanding that
specific sections identified will 
be revised to reflect the changing environment.
Parliamentary definition of filing (informational purposes; available for
revisions when warranted) vs. 
adopt (which means we would have to follow it; adopted document binds
members to everything in the 

Next year - it would be worthwhile to revise the LAUC-I Bylaws.

Discussion ensued:
-some concern that if this is not adopted it will not carry the same
weight and be considered by everyone in 
-the expectation in the next step to adopt the Criteria at a future date
-CP thinks we would never adopt a document; we would adopt resolutions or
recommendations that would 
be separate that could be filed or adopted.
-The problem is that if it does not bind our behavior; then LRC can ignore
-Filing a document will mean that it will continue to be an advisory
document; this is not an official 

If ULs agreed, documents could be official and binding if there was
consensus; this would be the ideal to 
create documents that have been approved and adopted ultimately.
The beginning of the next review cycle- September for adoption of the
Criteria document.
There should have been common use of it.
You need every decision maker to agree that it is binding
Now it is a possibility.
At other campuses, the EVC has agreed to their "criteria documents".

-LAUC-I accepted this document in 1981.  We voted it and adopted it.  This
is a revision of this 1981 

-Adoption might be precipitous with several issues pending (UL role); we
are in the middle of a review 

-Taking one issue at a time and coming to resolution may be the best

CP several choices:
-file the report 
-adopt with reservations

Collins moved that the document be filed. And that the LAUC-I Executive
Board look at revisions and try 
to finish them by September 1 with the outlook for adoption.  Ellen

1 opposed
1 abstention
17 moved

6.  Guest Speaker (2:30-3:00)
Peking University Deputy Library Director Qiang Zhu

Cynthia introduced Deputy Director Qiang Zhu.
He gave an informative and well-received presentation on current
developments and trends in academic 
libraries in China.   Here are some brief notes of his presentation:

Current Situation of Academic Libraries in China

-Higher education in China
-Academic Libraries in China
-Automation in Academic Libraries
-Networking in Academic Libraries
-Digitizing in Academic Libraries

3 kinds of higher education
Ordinary higher institutions (1050)
Adults higher institutions (2300+)
Broadcast & TV higher institutions (Central & local)

CERNET (Chinese Education Research Network) started  in 1994.
Now connects 400+ universities
About 300 libraries are networked
Mostly used OS: NT, Unix, Netware

A few academic libraries are carrying on digital projects; they can be
-digitizing printed materials
-utilizing digital materials

Some cooperative projects in PKU:
-with New Zealand U; software to convert abstract data and make available
on web
-scan some rubbings from colographs into images to be available on the web
-w/ UCSD library to produce Chinese materials into digital format

CALIS = China Academic Library Information System
Government wanted to launch CALIS because of 
price of books and journals increases
price of materials have increased 10x in 10 years
English material increase 10-15% each year

Phase 1 (1998-2000)
-construction of the document and information service facilities
-construction of the digital document and information resources
-set up a service framework
-to establish a set of databases
-to be purchased:  OCLC FirstSearch; EI Village; UnCover; Science Online,

union catalogs
staff training
research & development

7.  Next Agenda

Meeting adjourned 3:15pm
Add: Ellen Broidy, refreshments