LAUC-I General Membership Meeting Monday, July 12, 1999, 1-3 pm, Science Library 104 The only agenda item for the July 12th meeting will be a continued discussion of the proposal to delegate all librarian review action decisions to the University Librarian. In order to make the meeting on the 12th productive, please review the notes from the Brown Bag meeting on June 22 (forwarded after this message) and the web site that Bill Landis created. This web site summarizes and categorizes the issues discussed and identified at the three meetings we have had where this issue was addressed. If members have other issues, not already included in the web site, we will add them to the discussion either at the meeting on the 12th or by sending them to me or the LAUC-I alias prior to the 12th. I want to avoid debating issues that have already been identified. As I reviewed Bill's web site, it became clear to me that there are two issues that need clarification so that LAUC-I members can make an informed and rational decision about this proposal. First of all, I think we need to understand and keep in mind, the reason for this proposal. According to our meeting with AEVC Killackey in October, campus administration is delegating review decisions for ALL non-senate academic personnel back to the units. In other words, the library is not being treated in a unique manner. I think it would be useful for the membership to know what other departments, units, and/or personnel classifications are affected by this adminstrative decision. The other sticking point is that of grievance procedures for reviews. My understanding is that the current grievance procedures will not be affected by the delegation of review authority to the University Librarian. I have contacted AEVC Killackey and Pat Price in Academic Personnel asking for clarification of both these issues. Unfortunately, AEVC Killackey is out of the country until the 19th, but Pat said she would find answers for me before the 12th so I will be able to share that information at the membership meeting. As far as running the meeting, I want to procede as we did at the end of the brown bag. First I will share any information I have from Academic Personnel. Then, we will ask people to vote on each review action proposed for delegation. That way we can eliminate uncontroversial actions from discussion and identify those issues that members are concerned about delegating. If there are points not already identified concerning the more controversial actions, we will record them. We will allow a short discussion period for each controversial action, then we will ask for a final vote on each proposed action. I will then use that information to formulate the LAUC-I final response to EVC Lillyman. My plan and timeline for the LAUC-I response is to send a draft to the membership ASAP after the meeting on the 12th asking for feedback with a short turn around time (by 5 pm on the 7/14). I will send out the final response to the membership for review on the 15th indicating that silence implies acceptance. The final LAUC-I response will go to Academic Personnel on July 16. Thanks for your input and support. Cathy Palmer, Chair, LAUC-I