**Note Date Change - Date changed due to Engineering and Computer Science
Librarian Interview**
LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1998, 1-3 PM, SL 104
Cheryl Kugler/Cathy Palmer, LAUC-I Chair
- Agenda Review
- LAUC-I Meeting Schedule for 1998/99
- Transition meeting--Cheryl Kugler
- Refreshment schedule.
- Approve outstanding minutes.
- Evaluation of the Two-Year Delegation Pilot Program - develop a LAUC-I
membership response at that mtg.
- Responsibility of LAUC-I members on Academic Senate Committees - what
reporting structure do we want (quarterly verbal reports; formal written
reports) - discuss responsibilities & mechanisms for ongoing communication
8. Progress reports from Standing & Ad Hoc Committees; written as well
as delivered at mtg.
- Update on Laptop - rec'd in Systems - software needs to be loaded.
- Kari Lucas - LAUC Research - First Call for Research Proposals Changes
not reflected in the web versions.
- Updates on librarian recruitments: Serials; Collection Development
- Future Mtgs October 12, 1998
a. Pat Price and Assoc Exec Vice Chancellor Killackey come to LAUC-I
to General Membership Mtg to discuss review process from their perspective.
We will ask for an update on Personnel Procedures - Issue to discuss and
take action upon. Ask the status of their revisions. What's official. Need
to address the LAUC-I Handbook - its place in the review process. It is
the only document that attempts to interpret policy and present guidelines.