Monday, Dec. 7, 1998, 1-3 pm, Science Library 104
Refreshments: Susan Lessick
To: AEVC Herbert Killackey
From: Cathy Palmer, Chair, LAUC-I
Subject: Formal Review of Revised AUL Series Salaries (fwd)
Response from LAUC-I
The members of LAUC-I understand the need to evaluate the AUL salary ranges. We have no desire to impede justifiable salary range adjustments for Assistant and Associate Librarians if these adjustments carry with them the assumption that increasing the upper salary ranges for library administrators will increase the potential for raising salaries in the upper ranges of the Librarian series. We would, however, urge that the University Librarians and other campus administrators argue strongly for an equivalent percentage salary range adjustment (16.8% and 24.4% proposed for the AULs) upward in the Librarian series salaries (as compared to the 2% range adjustments which were given in October, 1998). Our support for this proposal would be much stronger if it included a concrete statement of support for evaluating and supporting increases in the salary ranges for the entire Librarian series.
As members of LAUC-I, we are disheartened by the fact that these range adjustments are being considered in the absence of an equivalent assessment of the salaries in all of the Librarian series. The rationale given for increasing the AUL salary ranges is "to retain the services of AULs and to remain competitive in the recruitment of AULs". Is this any different in the Librarian series? Can the University Librarians provide documentation that support the contention that AULs are leaving for higher paying Assistant and Associate University Librarian positions elsewhere?
We also do not understand why the University Librarians want to retain the lower end of the AUL salary scale. It is absurd to think that an AUL-level appointment would be made at a salary level lower that that of a Librarian II.
Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Proposal for Revised AUL salaries.
We are requesting formal review of the proposed salary ranges for the Assistant and Associate University Librarian (AUL) series. At the recommendation of the University Librarians, we are proposing an adjustment to the AUL salary ranges, retroactive to October, 1998. This proposal retains the low end of the current AUL salary range but adopts the maximum salaries of managers and senior professionals at levels IV and V. The higher salary ranges will assist campus administrators to retain the services of the AULs and to remain competitive in the recruitment of AULs.
The proposal expands the range of salaries currently available to AULs as follows: Current Range Proposed Range Assistant University Librarian $54,000-86,000 $54,500-101,200 Associate Univesity Librarian $57,600-89,400 $57,600-$111,300
Implementation of the new salary ranges would be made in accordance with campus procedures.