The Librarians Association of UC Irvine and the UC Irvine Libraries presents

A Top Technologies & Trendsprogram series:  Exploring Information Technologies

Inaugural Program:

Top Technologies & Trends


Roy Tennant
of the California Digital Library

Program Description:

Top Technologies and Trends:

The Internet, XML, and a flurry of other technologies and trends are presenting libraries with a plethora of challenges and opportunities. This presentation will highlight the most important of these for academic libraries, as well as provide general advice to library staff on how to spot and make informed decisions about technologies and trends in the future.

The CDL Metasearch Infrastructure Project: What It Is and Why You Should Care

The California Digital Library is actively working on a set of tools that campus libraries can use to easily configure and deploy metasearch services tailored for specific audiences and purposes. This presentation by the project manager will review the goals of the project, the current state of affairs, and future plans.

Monday, April 11th, 2005
University Club, UC Irvine
• 10 a.m. - 12 noon


   Roy Tennant
12 noon - 1 p.m.
   Optional lunch buffet:
   $8.95/person + beverage
RSVP by April 6th to:
Please state whether you plan on attending lunch.
Directions to UCI

Our presenter:

Roy Tennant is User Services Architect for the California Digital Library. He is the owner of the Web4Lib and XML4Lib electronic discussions, and the creator and editor of Current Cites, a current awareness newsletter published every month since 1990. He has also been instrumental in the development of the Simple Web Indexing Software for Humans - Enhanced (SWISH-E) software, and the Internet resource guides Librarians' Index to the Internet and KidsClick! His books include Managing the Digital Library (2004), XML in Libraries (2002), Practical HTML: A Self-Paced Tutorial (1996), and Crossing the Internet Threshold: An Instructional Handbook (1993). Roy has written a monthly column on digital libraries for Library Journal since 1997 and has written numerous articles in other professional journals. In 2003, he received the American Library Association's LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Excellence in Communication for Continuing Education.