General Membership Meeting
MINUTES (approved 11/17/03)
Present: Ariel, Bube, Crooks, Ford,
Gelfand, Goldberg, Grahame, Horn, Hughes, Jacobs, Kaufman, Kiehl, Landis,
Love, MacLeod, McAdam, Riggs, Ruttenberg, Sorrell, Tanji, Tsang, Tunender,
Urrizola, Vecchiola, Wilson, Wong, Woo, Yu
Ariel called the meeting to order and welcomed
everyone to the first general membership meeting of 2003-04.
1. Agenda Review and Approval of August
11, 2003 Membership Minutes
Ariel noted revised agenda in packets --
no additions made at 10/13 meeting.
Membership minutes from 8/11 were approved
with the following additions:
Section IV: 3rd bullet: Insert "including
acceleration files" after "no action"
Section V: 3rd item: Insert "transition"
in "Systemwide Executive Board Meeting"
Ariel will send meeting packets to those members not in attendance
2. Chair and Executive Board Report:
Ariel and Landis
The 2003-04 calendar is on the LAUC-I website
and will be updated as new items are scheduled
Chair is aiming to have agenda distributed
one week in advance, and minutes soon thereafter (as noted on the calendar)
Key themes for the year are 1) career recruitment
and outreach and 2) mentoring -- both building on previous LAUC-I leadership
and initiatives
Packets include a draft strategic plan, developed
last spring (Ariel, Landis, Davis-Kahl). It has been reviewed by Education
and Outreach and Human Resources, and goes to LAUC-I Executive Board on
10/20 for official endorsement. Career recruitment was also discussed at
the first "Lunch with LAUC-I" in July during which many productive suggestions
were made and incorporated into the draft strategic plan. Please send comments
about the plan to Ariel or to the LAUC-I Executive Board.
Mentoring: The Professional Development
Committee will take up the pilot proposal on mentoring previously developed
by ALC in 2002.
Bylaws: Thanks to LAUC-I's by-laws
revision, Executive Board is now expanded to include all LAUC-I committee
chairs, and it is clear that this new structure will be extremely productive.
See the distributed packet for an updated LAUC-I structure, including several
new responsibilities:
The Vice-Chair now has fiscal responsibility
for LAUC-I, and will provide regular budget updates to Executive Board
and the Membership
The Secretary is now responsible for maintaining
the LAUC-I webpage
Members at Large have expanded roles: Heather
Tunender will serve as liaison between Executive Board and the LAUC-I representatives
to UCI Academic Senate committees; and Manuel Urrizola will serve as the
membership liaison, to encourage broader participation in LAUC-I. Tunender
and Urrizola will each attend one LAUC assembly (MU in fall; HT in spring)
and will be the lead reporters back to the membership in conjunction with
the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Standing committees: Ariel highlighted the
2003-2004 tasks of the Academic Librarianship Committee, the Professional
Development Committee, the Program Committee, and the Library Review Committee.
LAUC-I representatives to Academic Senate
committees will have a transition meeting on 10/27 in LL 570 hosted collaboratively
by LAUC-I Chair and UL.
Budget Report: According to Landis, we have
a tentative budget of $3,767.00 of which we have spent $42.23 on refreshments.
No budgets are set yet, the figure is based on 2002-03. Ariel asked for
suggestions of how to use LAUC-I funds, and reported that LAUC-I had no
current plans to pay for a student assistant, as sometimes has been done
in the past.
3. Guidelines for Interpretation of the
Criteria for Librarian Personnel Actions Within the UCI Libraries: Review/Approval:
Landis (Former ALC Chair)
Landis facilitated this discussion, and
emphasized the need to focus on the document at hand, not the history of
the document. Landis distributed a document entitled "Guidelines for Librarian
Personnel Actions within the UCI Libraries: Introduction for LAUC-I Membership
Introduction: In 2002-03, the Academic
Librarianship Committee was charged to meet with Judy Kaufman to discuss
documentation related to the librarians' review process, including this
"criteria" document. Kaufman wanted to see something final(ly) happen with
this 20+ year old document. It has been around for years, and has been
quoted in review documentation, but ignored since it wasn't official.
Landis: The 2002-03 ALC redrafted the document,
based on the latest (2001) revision. Their goal was to clean up the language,
remove redundancy and internal contradictions -- not to reconceptualize
the document. The current Executive Board and Judy Kaufman have reviewed
and revised this latest draft. However, Executive Board did not reach a
consensus on a specific recommendation to present to membership.
Landis suggested the following possible outcomes:
discarding the document; filing it as "advisory," with no official standing;
or accepting it. Landis noted that some newer librarians on Executive Board
had never heard of this document, prior to our examination of it in the
latest round of editing.
Ariel pointed out the possible outcomes on
page 2 of "Guidelines for Librarian Personnel Actions within the UCI Libraries:
Introduction for LAUC-I Membership Discussion," which Landis distributed
at the meeting.
It was noted that "criteria" was sometimes
used in a confusing manner in the document -- not to refer to Review Criteria
1-4, but to performance expectations. Ariel suggested and the membership
agreed that all references to "criteria" in the document should be to the
actual criteria for review.
Kaufman: If approved, the document would,
along with the manual, become another local document, such as the factual
resume guidelines, which are official. It would most likely be appended
to the manual and would be quotable as interpretation of Criteria 2-4.
Ariel: Nothing in this document contradicts
the MOU or APM, it's a guide to help librarians, moreso even than Review
Initiators. Recommended that further revisions make it even more clear
that librarians need to participate in Criteria 2 OR 3 OR 4 -- and that
"balance" means balance between Criteria 1 and (2 or 3 or 4). Provided
suggestions for making this clearer in the document.
Landis: Executive Board and Judy Kaufman would
propose revision of document when needed.
Kaufman: Would like LAUC-I to recommend this
to UL Munoff for approval, even if it's not perfect. We will identify problems
when they come up as it is used in the review process. Kaufman will stay
on top of problems and inconsistencies. Others noted that this document
would be revised in practice.
Horn: As one of the early original authors,
would like to see it approved as official.
The membership discussed scenarios for librarian
involvement in professional activities that are not directly related to
criterion 1 -- such as a non-manager taking management courses. According
to Kaufman, this document would allow for activities not related to criterion
1 -- librarians would not be penalized for pursuing such activities. Some
institutions do not support criteria 2-4 type activity that is not related
to a person's job. This document says you may pursue that activity,
but other (more related) activity must be sufficient.
Kaufman: This document allows for a mix of
professional activity that supports the library as a whole, as well as
the individual librarian. There is a distinction between being allowed
to do something, and actually having it be valued by the institution.
Some members questioned whether this document
does what LAUC Position Paper #1 cautions against -- getting too specific
about the criteria.
It was noted that activity related to acting
or interim assignments is not reflected in this document.
MacLeod pointed out that the document specifies
maintenance responsibility in section 2.2, Ariel underscored LAUC-I's collective
responsibility to maintain its content.
Tanji made a motion that LAUC-I accept the
document with edits proposed at the membership meeting (Kaufman added friendly
amendment to recommend to UL for final approval).
The motion passed (22 in favor; 1 opposed;
1 abstention).
Ariel thanked the membership for its reflection,
and will ask LRC and Executive Board to examine the document in one year.
4. ALA 3rd Congress on Professional
Education (COPE 3) Report: Kaufman
Kaufman attended the 3rd COPE Conference
and came away thinking librarians should know what library staff are facing.
Presented the COPE
3 website on the ALA Website and highlighted in particular:
There was a lot of discussion preceding the
conference on the COPE 3 listserv.
Progress since the Conference:
ALA is developing a resource center for support
Library Workers' Day
Revision of language in ALA documents to substitute
"library workers" for "librarians" when appropriate
LSSRT members on the ballot for ALA election
A Task Force to investigate new dues structure
Morale and respect were big themes at the
conference -- morale at the conference was very high
LAUC-I will link to Kaufman's slide presentation
and to the ALA COPE 3 site.
Ariel asked Kaufman how LAUC-I might work
collaboratively to advance the goals of COPE 3; Kaufman had no specific
suggestions but said she would consider this.
5. LAUC-I Committee Reports: Committee
Jacobs, Program Committtee:
Several programs in the works:
Lunch with LAUC-I -- including three more
based on the June 2003 program on publishing
Next program: A tour of the Huntington Library
-- working on budget
Two programs recommended by LAUC-I Executive
Board: Librarianship & Library School -- one for library staff and
student workers and another for campus groups/students.
Wilson, Academic Librarianship Committee:
ALC has reviewed the draft strategic plan
on career recruitment and outreach
Preparing a website
Discussing with steering committee how to
identify a roster of librarians to be involved in mentoring, so we can
pass along information about where we went to Library School, etc.
Ford, Professional Development Committee:
Working with Program Committee on a program
on writing research proposals
Crooks, Library Review Committee:
Has reviewed four appointment files this year
6. Proposals (to UL) for Ongoing Annual
Use of Remainder Professional Development Funds
This was a brainstorming session, with
the stipulation that funds be used for collective professional development.
Several suggestions were made to use money for individuals -- those are
listed separately, below, and may be considered in the future:
Collective uses:
Programming costs in general
LAUC-I Librarian(s) of the Year (model: UCLA)
To fund well-known speakers during National
Library Week
Mentoring activities
Training, e.g. on mentoring, developing internships,
A professional electronic resource of benefit
to librarians/library workers (subscription costs)
A program/workshop on worklife balance
External experts and workshop leaders (such
as Infopeople) for programs such as "how to publish"
Individual uses:
Mentoring activities, e.g. joint conference
attendance registration
Supplement to professional development funds
for individual librarians asked to participate in something unplanned --
as an invited speaker, e.g.
Supplement professional development for (underpaid)
Assistant Librarians
Funding for conference attendance within Career
Recruitment Program, e.g. library workers or student assistants planning
to become librarians, e.g. ALA Midwinter San Diego
Funding for LAs to attend ALA -- transportation,
According to Judy Kaufman, we are talking
about (potentially) $6-7K.
7. Membership Issues for Consideration
in 0304: Suggestions/Brainstorming
Ariel asked the membership to use the new
listserv (, so that messages will be archived.
The membership questioned the need to maintain
an alias for the membership and Executive Board, in light of the listservs.
The Ad Hoc Task Force (Archives & T Drive Structure) will discuss and
report back to membership with listserv guidelines.
8. New Business
DRAFT minutes submitted 10/21/03
Judy Ruttenberg, LAUC-I Secretary
reviewed and revised 11/16/03J. Ariel