LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
MINUTES (approved 11/17/03)

Present: Ariel, Bube, Crooks, Ford, Gelfand, Goldberg, Grahame, Horn, Hughes, Jacobs, Kaufman, Kiehl, Landis, Love, MacLeod, McAdam, Riggs, Ruttenberg, Sorrell, Tanji, Tsang, Tunender, Urrizola, Vecchiola, Wilson, Wong, Woo, Yu

Ariel called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the first general membership meeting of 2003-04.

1. Agenda Review and Approval of August 11, 2003 Membership Minutes

Ariel noted revised agenda in packets -- no additions made at 10/13 meeting.
Membership minutes from 8/11 were approved with the following additions:

Section IV: 3rd bullet: Insert "including acceleration files" after "no action"
Section V: 3rd item: Insert "transition" in "Systemwide Executive Board Meeting"

ACTION ITEM: Ariel will send meeting packets to those members not in attendance

2. Chair and Executive Board Report: Ariel and Landis


3. Guidelines for Interpretation of the Criteria for Librarian Personnel Actions Within the UCI Libraries: Review/Approval: Landis (Former ALC Chair)

Landis facilitated this discussion, and emphasized the need to focus on the document at hand, not the history of the document. Landis distributed a document entitled "Guidelines for Librarian Personnel Actions within the UCI Libraries: Introduction for LAUC-I Membership Discussion."

Introduction: In 2002-03, the Academic Librarianship Committee was charged to meet with Judy Kaufman to discuss documentation related to the librarians' review process, including this "criteria" document. Kaufman wanted to see something final(ly) happen with this 20+ year old document. It has been around for years, and has been quoted in review documentation, but ignored since it wasn't official.


The motion passed (22 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstention).

Ariel thanked the membership for its reflection, and will ask LRC and Executive Board to examine the document in one year.

4. ALA 3rd Congress on Professional Education (COPE 3) Report: Kaufman

Kaufman attended the 3rd COPE Conference and came away thinking librarians should know what library staff are facing.

Progress since the Conference: Morale and respect were big themes at the conference -- morale at the conference was very high

LAUC-I will link to Kaufman's slide presentation and to the ALA COPE 3 site.

Ariel asked Kaufman how LAUC-I might work collaboratively to advance the goals of COPE 3; Kaufman had no specific suggestions but said she would consider this.

5. LAUC-I Committee Reports: Committee Chairs

Jacobs, Program Committtee:

Wilson, Academic Librarianship Committee: Ford, Professional Development Committee: Crooks, Library Review Committee: 6. Proposals (to UL) for Ongoing Annual Use of Remainder Professional Development Funds

This was a brainstorming session, with the stipulation that funds be used for collective professional development. Several suggestions were made to use money for individuals -- those are listed separately, below, and may be considered in the future:

Collective uses:

Individual uses: According to Judy Kaufman, we are talking about (potentially) $6-7K.

7. Membership Issues for Consideration in 0304: Suggestions/Brainstorming

Ariel asked the membership to use the new listserv (, so that messages will be archived.

The membership questioned the need to maintain an alias for the membership and Executive Board, in light of the listservs.

ACTION ITEM: The Ad Hoc Task Force (Archives & T Drive Structure) will discuss and report back to membership with listserv guidelines.

8. New Business


DRAFT minutes submitted 10/21/03
Judy Ruttenberg, LAUC-I Secretary
reviewed and revised 11/16/03J. Ariel