
LAUC-I General Membership Meeting

Monday, 12 August 2002

1-2pm, Science Library, Room 104

Present: Ariel, Bell, Bisom, Collins, Crooks, Davis-Kahl, Ford, Goldberg, Grahame, Heiman (recorder), Hughes, Kiehl, MacLeod (chair), Manaka, Palmer, Riggs, Sorrell, Vecchiola, Woo

1. The July 8, 2002 minutes were approved.

2. Proposal: LAUC-I Representation on Academic Senate Committees.

UCI is unique among the UC campuses in that LAUC-I has representation on most Academic Senate standing committees. The LAUC-I Executive Board put forth this proposal to identify key Academic Senate committees with relevance to library operations. The LAUC-I Web site section on Academic Senate committees will be re-organized to parallel how the Academic Senate is itself organized.

Those identified as most directly related to UCI Libraries' services and operations are:

We currently do not have representation on the Advisory Panel on Scholarly Honors and Awards and the Faculty Board for Undecided/Undeclared Students. The proposal recommends that we request LAUC-I representation on both.

Gerry Munoff will be holding a meeting in September with new, current, and just finishing LAUC-I Academic Senate representatives. They will discuss his expectations of the representatives and how the Library can benefit from and make optimal use of the opportunity provided by LAUC-I's inclusion on the committees.

Current openings include:

Some discussion highlights:

3. Pauline Manaka announced openings on LAUC systemwide committees or as LAUC representatives and encouraged people to volunteer.


The meeting adjourned.