UCI Libraries
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Name/Contact Info | Room | Phone Number | LAUC/LAUC-I Positions Held/Date 2002-3 | UCI Senate Committees & Past 5 years of LAUC-I |
Ariel, Joan Jariel@lib.uci.edu |
ML 386 | 44970 | Vice Chair | 2LRC (00-01), Member at Large (97-98) |
Bell, Rob Rbell@lib.uci.edu |
ML 150 | 49889 | Nominating Comm. | |
Bisom, Diane Dbisom@lib.uci.edu |
SL 122 | 48939 | Member at Large (00-01), Council on Research, Computing & Lib. Resources(00-01) |
Bube, Judith Jlbube@lib.uci.edu |
SL 229 | 46650 | LRC Member, Prof. Governance (LAUC) | Prog. Comm, Council for Interschool Curricula (97-98) |
Clancy, Stephen Sclancy@lib.uci.edu |
SL 247 | 47309 | ||
Collins, Kay Kcollins@lib.uci.edu |
ML 108 | 47290 | 3ALC (99-00), Land Use & Environment (97-98) | |
Crooks, James Jecrooks@lib.uci.edu |
MCL 1114 | (714) 456-6487 |
LRC Member, Committeess, Rules & Jurisdiction-Chair (LAUC) | ALC (99-00), Graduate Council (00-01) |
Davis-Kahl, Stephanie sdaviska@lib.uci.edu |
ML 396 | 49826 | ||
Dooley, Jackie Jmdooley@lib.uci.edu |
ML 500 | 44935 | Member at Large (01-02), AdHoc Comm. (99-00) | |
Ford, Collette Ccford@lib.uci.edu |
ML 147 | 48929 | Secretary | LRC (00-01), Prog. Comm. (97-98) |
Frank, Anne Afrank@lib.uci.edu |
ML 360 | 44968 | Cultural Diversity (97-98), Prog. Comm. (01-02) | |
Gelfand, Julia Jgelfand@lib.uci.edu |
SL 228 | 44971 | Library Plans and Policies | Member at Large (99-00), ALC (01-02) |
Goldberg, Sylvia Sgoldber@lib.uci.edu |
SL 303 | 46831 | ALC | |
Grahame, Vicki Vgrahame@lib.uci.edu |
SL 328 | 47643 | 4Prof. Dev. Comm. | Prof. Dev. Comm. (01-02), Council on Rights, Responsibility, Welfare (00-01) |
Heiman, Larry Lheiman@lib.uci.edu |
SL 330 | 47178 | Member at Large, Committee on Diversity | Secretary (01-02) |
Hildebrand, James |
ML 500 | 42263 | ||
Horn, Judy Jkhorn@lib.uci.edu |
ML 105 | 44344 | Ex-Officio AdHoc LAUC Archives & Web | LRC, AdHoc, Member at Large (98-99) |
Hughes, Carol Hughes@lib.uci.edu |
ML 536A | 49753 | ||
Jackson, Susan Susanj@lib.uci.edu |
ML 145 | 48159 | Nominating Comm. (01-02) | |
Jacobs, Jennifer Jljacobs@lib.uci.edu |
ML 500 | 41878 | Prog. Comm., AdHoc LAUC Arhives & Web?? |
Program Comm. (01-02) |
Jazayeri, Wanda Pittman
Wpjax@lib.uci.edu |
SL 241 | 44982 | Prof. Dev. Comm. | Prof. Dev. Comm. (01-02) |
Katzarkov, Roumiana Roumiana@lib.uci.edu |
SL 242 | 47148 | Prog. Comm. | Prog. Comm (01-02) |
Kaufman, Judy Kaufman@lib.uci.edu |
ML 536A | 44716 | University & Faculty Welfare (97-98) | |
Kiehl, Carole Ckiehl@lib.uci.edu |
SL 369 | 47221 | ||
Kjaer, Kathryn Kkjaer@lib.uci.edu |
SL 225 | 48521 | Nominating Committee | Past Chair (98-99), Chair (97-98), Stud. Affirmative Action (97-98) |
Landis, William Blandis@lib.uci.edu |
ML 500 | 43113 | ALC | ALC (01-02) |
Lessick, Susan Slessick@lib.uci.edu |
SL 249 | 43696 | Cultural Diversity (97-98) | |
Love, April Amlove@lib.uci.edu |
SL 230 | 47237 | Member at Large | Past Chair (97-98), Nominating Comm.(97-98) |
Lucas, Barbara Balucas@lib.uci.edu |
SL 226 | 44136 | ALC | LRC (99-00), ALC (00-01), Academic Freedom (97-98) |
MacLeod, Stephen Smacleod@lib.uci.edu |
ML 149 | 44967 | Past Chair, Nominating Comm. |
Chair (01-02), Vice Chair (00-01), AL (99-00) |
Manaka, Pauline Pdmanaka@lib.uci.edu |
ML 144 | 44969 | LAUC-I Chair | Chair Committee on Diversity, Prof. Dev. Comm. |
McAdam, Tim Temcadam@lib.uci.edu |
SL 304 | 48704 | LRC | Prof. Dev. Comm. (97-98) |
Minchow, Rochelle Rminchow@lib.uci.edu |
MCL 1112 | (714) 456-6488 |
Member at Large (00-01), Prog. Comm. (97-98) | |
Munoff, Gerald Gmunoff@lib.uci.edu |
ML 566 | 45213 | ||
Murphy, Linda Lmurphy@lib.uci.edu |
SL 231/UT 620 | 46419/45767 | ALC | Prof. Dev. Comm., Member at Large (97-98) |
Novak, John Novakj@lib.uci.edu |
ML 148 | 44979 | ||
Palmer, Catherine Cpalmer@lib.uci.edu |
ML 382 | 44972 | Prof. Dev. Comm. | Chair (98-99), Vice Chair (97-98), LRC (97-98), Nominating Comm.(97-98) |
Renton, Margaret Marenton@lib.uci.edu |
ML 109 | 47235 | ||
Riggs, Colby Cmriggs@lib.uci.edu |
SL 241 | 46078 | LRC | |
Ruttenberg, Judy Jruttenb@lib.uci.edu |
ML 143 | 47021 | ||
Sisson, John Jsisson@lib.uci.edu |
SL 246 | 44980 | Prof. Dev. Comm. | Chair (00-01), Vice Chair (99-00) |
Snow, Judith Jmsnow@lib.uci.edu |
MCL 1115 | (714) 456-7842 |
Sorrell, Eva Esorrell@lib.uci.edu |
SL 325 | 43837 | Prog. Comm. | |
Tanji, Lorelei Ltanji@lib.uci.edu |
ML 148 | 45216 | ALC (99-00), Nominating Comm. (99-00), Secretary (98-99) | |
Tsang, Daniel Dtsang@lib.uci.edu |
ML 380 | 44978 | Scholarly Communication Web Page Editorial (97-98) | |
Tunender, Heather Tunender@lib.uci.edu |
SL 243 | 49266 | ||
Urrizola, Manuel Murrizol@lib.uci.edu |
SL 332 | 43146 | Cultural Diversity (99-00) | |
Vecchiola, Rina Rvecchio@lib.uci.edu |
ML 388 | 49872 | ||
Vick, Liza Lvick@lib.uci.edu |
ML 141 | 43509 | AdHoc LAUC Arhives&Web?? | |
Wilson, Yvonne Ymwilson@lib.uci.edu |
ML 106 | 47362 | Chair (99-00), Vice Chair (98-99) | |
Wong, Sheh(William) Wswong@lib.uci.edu |
ML B65 | 48147 | Cultural Diversity, Prog. Comm. (01-02) | |
Woo, Christina Cjwoo@lib.uci.edu |
ML 146 | 44974 | Prof. Dev. Comm. | Cultural Diversity, Secretary (97-98) |
Yu, Abraham Ajyu@lib.uci.edu |
SL 342 | 48259 | Prog. Comm (97-98) | |
Zwies, Richard Rzwies@lib.uci.edu |
SL 243 | 42445 |
1. Prog. Comm- Program Committee
2. LRC- Library Review Committee
3. ALC- Academic Librarianship Committee
4. Prof. Dev. Comm- Professional Development Committee