
LAUC-I Executive Board Meeting

Monday, 26 August 2002

Main Library 110



Present: Joan Ariel, Jackie Dooley, Collette Ford, Larry Heiman (recorder), Judy Horn, Steve MacLeod, Pauline Manaka


1. Report on the LAUC Executive Board meeting 8/16/02

LAUC Budget

The total amount available from UCOP for the 2002-2003 budget is estimated at $64,500.58. This includes $30,000 to cover last years grant funding. LAUC went over budget about $6000 this past year and UCOP denied a request for a one-time grant to eliminate the deficit. Since part of the deficit was due to the increase in the number of CDL committees requiring LAUC representation, LAUC will be asking CDL for funding to cover past and future administrative travel costs.

LAUC Election

The LAUC election date is set for June 9, 2003. As past chair, Steve will be chairing the LAUC-I Nominating Committee.

New LAUC Appointments to UL Advisory Structure

Ann Jensen (UCB) to replace Gary Peete as SLASIAC representative.

Tammy Dearie (UCSD) to SOPAG.

Nancy Kushigian (UCSC) to CDC.

Catherine Soehner (UCSC) to HOPS.

The SLASIAC and SOPAG representatives are part of the LAUC Executive Board as well as the new Web site manager (Beth Dupuis of UCB) and parliamentarian (Paul Weiss of UCSD).

LAUC Upcoming Meetings, Dates & Locations

1) 1 Nov. 02 Executive Board meeting at UCI or 2-hour conference call (Pauline)

2) 5-6 Dec. 02 Meeting & Fall Assembly at UCSF (Pauline, Joan, Larry or April).

Daniel Greenstein, the CDL Executive Director, will be the guest speaker. Esther Grassian, the new LAUC chair, wants each UC campus to submit three questions for Greenstein and LAUC will have its respondents.

3) 7 March 03 Executive Board Meeting at UCI

4) 29-30 April 03 Meeting & Spring Assembly at UCSD

5) 14-15 Aug. or 21-22 Aug 03 Executive Board Transition Meeting. Location to be determined.

6) Esther Grassian has been invited to the ULs' fall meeting to discuss issues.

2. Information Literacy

The LAUC-I EB discussed Information Literacy (IL) taking into account an August 22 draft letter on IL by Esther Grassian to LAUC members. Some highlights of the discussion:

Grassian presents IL as a serious problem referring to "UC students' lack of readiness to undertake research and lack of critical thinking about information tools and materials." She mentions that the UCs are falling behind what the CSUs (http://www.calstate.edu/LS/infocomp.shtml) and California Community Colleges (http://www.topsy.org/infocomp.html) have already done. It was recommended Esther include information on what other ARL libraries have done or are doing as this may have more impact with UC administration and ULs.

In fulfillment of a LAUC Assembly resolution, Grassian is proposing the establishment of an Information Literacy Task Force (ILTF) be in place by Oct. 1. It membership will consist of one LAUC member from each UC campus, a faculty member, a student, and a UC administrator. The letter to the membership includes a call to volunteer for those interested in being appointed to the TF. We will recommend that the faculty representative should come out of the University Committee on Educational Policy (UCEP).

Gail Binion, incoming chair of the UC Academic Senate, and the ULs have stressed caution, but Grassian is pushing for LAUC to move forward. We recommend LAUC build on the communication with Binion, opening up opportunities for early faculty perspective in the process; possibly through an informal (lunch?) meeting with Binion, Grassian & the chair of the ILTF.

Joan said that defining IL is not solely up to librarians and that LAUC needs input from faculty on how they define IL and what are their perceived needs. She recommended that the ILTF draft an exploratory letter right away and send to UCEP in order to promote a collaborative process. It was also recommended that the ILTF research what other ARL libraries have done concerning IL if this information isn't already readily available.

Pauline will pass on our ideas and suggestions to Esther.

LAUC Email Communication

A brief explanation of email designations from the LAUC president:

1) Urgency—messages that need urgent response reflect it in the subject line and or dates will be highlighted.

2) Distribution Issues—messages labeled PLEASE DISTRIBUTE are intended for all of LAUC membership to read. LAUC division chairs are to circulate these right away. Those labeled DO NOT DISTRIBUTE are generally on current discussion and the LAUC Executive Board does not necessarily want them to be seen until the discussion is concluded. Divisional chairs may want to discuss these messages with their Executive Boards.

3) Local Executive Board Distribution—messages that need local Executive Board attention, and sometimes involve sharing with local membership.

LAUC Committee Appointments

Esther has sent draft charges to the incoming LAUC committee chairs. Pauline will be appointing UCI representatives to these LAUC system-wide committees and has contacted various librarians to see if they are interested. We discussed her potential appointments and recommended she issue a call for volunteers to the General Membership to elicit additional interest. Due to the budget deficit the LAUC committees may be able to meet in person only once this year.

LAUC-I Academic Senate Committee Appointments

Diane Bisom will be asked to extend her appointment on the Council on Research, Computing, and Library Resources. Christina Woo will be appointed to the Council on Faculty Welfare, Rights, Responsibilities, and Diversity.

Faculty Status

A survey will be sent to UC librarians on the question of faculty status for librarians.

Some Ongoing LAUC-I Issues Identified:

1) Mentoring.

2) Communication/Collaboration with AdTeam as well as among the General Membership.

3) Revision of Bylaws (Judy Horn)

4) Charge for Academic Librarianship Committee.

5) Library Review Committee and developments in the review process.

6) Update of Web page (including quarterly committee reports)


The meeting adjourned.