The Librarians Association
of the University of California, Irvine (LAUC-I) is a Division of the
Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC) as provided
for in the Librarians Association of the University of California Bylaws.
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Section 1. LAUC-I
shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Office of the Chancellor and
Library Administration on professional governance matters of concern to
librarians at UCI.
Section 2. LAUC-I shall advise the Office of the Chancellor and the
Library Administration on:
a. Professional standards, rights, privileges, and obligations
of members of the Librarian Series at UCI;
b. The planning, evaluation, and implementation of programs, services,
and/or technological changes for the improvement of services and collections
in the UCI Libraries.
Section 3. LAUC-I shall maintain liaison and work actively with the Librarians
Association of the University of California on matters of University-wide
Section 4. LAUC-I shall not advise the office of the Chancellor or
the Library administration with respect to matters that are covered
by the Memorandum of Understanding or otherwise subject to negotiation
between the University and any exclusive bargaining agent.
Section 5. LAUC-I, in its advisory role, seeks to:
a. Create a forum where appropriate matters of concern to
UCI librarians may be openly discussed;
b. Promote the optimum utilization of the professional skills, interests,
and abilities of UCI librarians;
c. Encourage the Chancellor and the University Librarian to consult
with and inform LAUC-I on matters that concern the interests of UCI
d. Encourage and promote the continuing education, professional development,
and service excellence of UCI librarians.
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Section 1. Membership
in LAUC-I shall consist of all persons in the University of California,
Irvine holding appointments half-time or more in the librarian series,
or in any one of the following titles: University Librarian, Associate
University Librarian, Assistant University Librarian, or in the same series
or titles in an acting capacity.
Section 2. From the date of employment, all members shall be eligible
to vote, to hold office, and to serve as members-at-large.
Section 3. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, all members
shall be eligible to serve on committees.
Section 4. Persons employed in the University on less than half-time
appointments and retired LAUC-I members shall have affiliate membership.
Affiliate members may participate in general meetings of the Division,
but may not make motions, nominate candidates, become officers, or vote.
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Section 1. The officers
of LAUC-I shall be Chair, Vice-Chair (Chair-Elect), and Secretary.
Section 2. The terms of office shall be one year, commencing 1 September.
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the
Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) shall serve as Chair for the remainder of the
term under the following provisions:
a. If the vacancy in the office of the Chair occurs on or
before 30 November, the Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) shall fill the office
until the expiration of the term 31 August. For the next term, commencing
1 September, elections shall be held for the positions of Chair, Vice
Chair (Chair-Elect) and Secretary.
b. If the vacancy in the office of the Chair occurs on or after 1
December, the Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) shall fill the office for the
remainder of the term and shall succeed himself/herself for the next
term commending 1 September. Regular elections under these circumstances
shall be held for the positions of Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) and Secretary.
c. Regardless of when a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair,
a Vice Chair pro tem shall be appointed for the remainder of the term
by the new Chair, from the membership of LAUC-I.
Section 4. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice Chair (Chair-Elect)
Secretary, a Vice Chair pro tem or Secretary pro tem shall be appointed
for the remainder of the term by the Chair from the membership of LAUC-I.
Section 5. The appointment of a Vice Chair pro tem or a Secretary pro
tem becomes effective as soon as it has been confirmed by a minimum
of two-thirds of the Executive Board and the new officers have been
notified. Such confirmation may be oral but, if so, shall be followed
by a written statement of confirmation.
a. The pro tem officer serves until the expiration of the
term on 31 August.
b. In the case of a vacant office of the Vice Chair (Chair-Elect),
a Chair shall be elected at the next regular election or at a special
election for the term commencing 1 September (See Article IV Section
Section 6. The duties of the Chair shall be as follows:
a. Represent LAUC-I in its communications with the University
Librarian, the academic community, and the University Administration.
b. Determine the will of the membership and act in accordance with
that will.
c. Expedite LAUC-I business in a manner consistent with the best
interests of the membership.
d. Bring to the attention of the membership and the Executive Board
any matters which require a LAUC-I response or which may be of concern
to LAUC-I.
e. Report to the membership regularly.
f. Preside over meetings of the membership and of the Executive Board.
g. Create ad hoc committees upon the advice and consent of the Executive
h. Participate in a nonvoting capacity in the deliberations of any
committee, except the Library Review Committee, the Nominating- Elections
Committee or other committees as may be specified. Any committee may
invite the Chair to attend any of its meetings.
i. Provide annual charges to the LAUC-I standing committees by October
j. Prepares and distributes agendas for the Executive Board and General
Membership meetings with the advice of the Executive Board.
k. Nominate or appoint LAUC-I representatives to LAUC Committees,
with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.
l. Serve as a member of the Executive Board of LAUC and report back
to LAUC-I on all Executive Board decisions and deliberations and perform
the duties specified in the LAUC Bylaws Article VI, Section 3.b.1)
a) and b).
m. Serve as a delegate to the statewide Assembly of LAUC.
n. Designate alternate delegates to the LAUC Assemblies from the
LAUC-I Executive Board in the event that the regular delegates cannot
o. Prepare an annual report of the activities of LAUC-I to be presented
to the members prior to 31 August each year.
p. Serve as liaison with the Library Employees Association and/or
other staff groups.
Section 7. The duties of the Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) shall be as follows:
a. Serve as a delegate to the statewide Assembly of LAUC.
b. Serve as a member of the LAUC-I Executive Board.
c. Assume the duties of the Chair of LAUC-I in the Chair's absence
or incapacity.
d. Conducts the fiscal affairs of LAUC-I in coordination with the
Libraries' Business Office.
e. Submits regular financial reports to the Executive Board and the
General Membership.
f. Nominate or appoint LAUC-I representatives to UCI Academic Senate
Committees, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.
g. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.
Section 8. Duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:
a. Responsible for the preparation and revision of minutes
for meetings of the LAUC-I Executive Board and General Membership meetings
and distribute copies to the membership.
b. Serve as a member of the LAUC-I Executive Board.
c. Serve as LAUC-I liaison to LAUC in the performance of the duties
specified in the LAUC Bylaws Article VI Section 3.b.2) a) and b).
d. Compile and distribute a list of the officers and committee members
of LAUC-I.
e. Responsible for the maintenance of the LAUC-I Web page and LAUC-I
records with the assistance of other assigned persons, as necessary.
f. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.
Section 9. Duties of the Immediate Past Chair shall be as follows:
a. Serves as member of the LAUC-I Executive Board
b. Serves as Chair of the Nominating-Elections Committee.
c. Provides orientations regarding LAUC and LAUC-I to new members
of LAUC-I.
Section 10. An officer may be removed from office for valid cause (see
the current edition of Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures)
by means of the following procedure:
a. A petition requesting removal of an officer that is signed
by at least twenty-five percent of the membership shall be directed
to a member of the Executive Board. The petition must specify the cause(s)
justifying removal, and copies of the text must be distributed to all
members of the Executive Board, including the officer in question.
b. The member of the Executive Board addressed in the petition shall
call a meeting of the Executive Board within seven calendar days at
which time the complainants and the accused officer are both given
the opportunity to present their cases. This hearing shall be announced
in a message to the general membership and shall be open to any member
who wishes to observe. The findings of the hearing shall be communicated
to the membership.
c. A two-thirds vote of the membership (less the officer in question)
shall be required tin order to remove an officer. The vote shall be
by secret written ballot.
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Section 1. The Executive
Board shall consist of the Chair, the Vice-Chair (Chair-Elect), the Secretary,
the immediate past Chair, the chair of the Library Review Committee, the
chair of the Professional Development Committee, the Chair of the Academic
Librarianship Committee, the Chair of the Program Committee and the members-at-large,
the number to be determined in accordance with Article V.Section2.b.
Section 2. Members-at-large
a. The term of the positions shall be one year commencing
on 1 September.
b. The number of members-at-large shall be equal the number of additional
LAUC-I Divisional representatives to the LAUC Assembly (See LAUC Bylaws
Article VII Section 2.b and 2.c).
c. In the event of a vacancy in a position of a member-at-large,
the Chair shall appoint a replacement with the approval of the Executive
Board unless the vacancy occurs within sixty days of the next regularly
scheduled election.
d. The duties of the members-at-large shall be as follows:
i. Serve as members of the Executive Board.
ii. Serve as Divisional representatives to the LAUC Assemblies,
alternating attendance between Spring and Fall Assemblies.
iii. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.
e. A member-at large may be removed from the position for valid cause
(see the current edition of Sturgis' Standard Code of Parliamentary
Procedures) by means of the same procedures specified for officers (see
Article V. Section 2).
Section 3. The Executive Board shall carry on the business of LAUC-I and
take action to carry out the LAUC-I objectives.
Section 4. Regular meetings. There shall be held at least six meetings
per year. The Executive Board normally meets quarterly with the Library's
Executive Council. Meetings of the Board also shall be held at the request
of the Chair or of any two members of the Board.
Section 5. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6. The Executive Board shall advise the Chair and consent in
the appointment of all ad hoc committees.
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Section 1. Regular
meetings. There shall be at least four meetings per year, one during each
Section 2. Special meetings
a. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, the Executive
Board, or by written request of twenty-five percent of the membership.
b. The Chair shall set the date of such a meeting which shall be
not more than one week from the date of the receipt of the request.
Section 3. A quorum of the membership shall be at least thirty-three percent
of the members.
Section 4.
a. Regular and special meetings shall be held between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
b. The Secretary-shall ensure that notification of the date, time,
place and agenda of each regular and special meeting is delivered
to each member's campus address at least four days prior to each meeting.
Section 5. Minutes of regular and special meetings of the membership shall
be prepared by the Secretary.
a. The Secretary-shall distribute the minutes to all members
within one month following a meeting.
b. The Secretary shall distribute the minutes to the LAUC Secretary,
the secretaries of the other LAUC Divisions, the LAUC President, the
LAUC Vice President (President-Elect) and to the UCI Vice Chancellor,
Academic Affairs.
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Section 1. Except
as otherwise specified by these Bylaws, the general functions of each
committee shall be to recommend policies, principles, procedures, and
criteria to the LAUC-I membership in regard to:
a. Matters referred to the committee from the Executive Board,
or from corresponding LAUC committees or
b. Matters identified by the committee itself.
Section 2. In addition to committees specified in these Bylaws, committees
may be created by vote of the general membership or by the LAUC-I Executive
Section 3. Except as otherwise specified by these Bylaws, all members
of LAUC-I shall be eligible to serve on all LAUC-I standing and ad hoc
Section 4. All committees shall meet at least quarterly, or more often
as determined by the chair of the committee, or at the request of two
members of the committee or at the request of the Executive Board.
Section 5. All committee meetings with the exception of those relating
to individual matters shall be open to the membership as observers.
Section 6. Committees shall report to the LAUC-I membership regularly
at a general meeting and at other times as appropriate. If a committee's
work is concerned with matters of more than local interest, its chair
shall send copies of all substantive reports to the chair of the related
LAUC committee and to the President of LAUC provided such reports have
been approved by LAUC-I.
Section 7. Standing Committees
a. The elected standing committees shall be Committee on Academic
Librarianship; Committee on Professional Development; the Program Committee
and the Library Review Committee.
b. The members of standing committees shall select their chairs no
later than 1 September. The LAUC-I Secretary shall be promptly notified
of their selection.
c. If an elected member of a standing committee takes a leave of
absence of six months or less, this member shall have the option of
resigning from or taking a leave of absence from the committee.
d. If an elected member of a standing committee takes a leave of
absence of six months or more, this member shall resign from the Committee.
e. When an elected member of a standing committee resigns from that
(1.) If there remains less than one year in the resigning
member's term of office, the Executive Board shall appoint a member
pro tem to complete the term of office.
(2.) If there remains one year or more in a resigning member's
term, the Executive Board shall appoint a member pro tem, and a
permanent replacement shall be elected at the next regular election.
f. When an elected member of a standing committee takes a leave of absence
from the committee, the Executive Board shall consult with the membership
of the committee and may appoint a member pro tem to that committee
to serve the duration of the elected member's leave of absence.
g. A special election to select initial members of a new elected
standing committee approved by the membership may be called by the
Executive Board at any time.
h. The terms of office of standing committee members shall commence
September and shall continue for three years.
i. Efforts shall be made to nominate candidates from all segments
of the UCI Libraries. No more than one member of each committee shall
be from the same department.
j. With the exception of the Chairs of the standing committees, members
of the Executive Board shall not serve as members of standing committees.
Other LAUC-I members shall not serve simultaneously on more than one
standing committee and shall not run for more than one standing committees
in the same election. Nothing in these provisions shall preclude a
member of the Executive Board from running for, and being elected
to an office or committee provided the term of office or committee
begins after the expiration of the member's term on the Executive
k. Changes in the number of members, terms of office, and charges
of standing committees shall be approved by the membership of LAUC-I.
l. There shall be no fewer than three elected members on any standing
m. No Ex Officio member of any standing or ad hoc committee shall
serve as chair of that committee unless otherwise stated in the charge
of the committee.
n. The Executive Board may appoint resource persons to standing committees
on an annual basis for the purpose of assisting the committee in fulfilling
its charges. Such appointees shall be voting members of the committee
and no more than one resource person may be appointed to each committee.
Section 8. Duties of the Standing Committees
a. Library Review Committee is a standing committee elected
by LAUC-I in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 360
and 210.4 of the Academic Personnel Manual, together with local procedures
approved by the University Librarian for their implementation.
(1). The LRC shall consist of four members in the librarian
series. Three of these members shall have career status. The fourth
member may not have career status and shall have completed at least
one successful academic review.
(2). The chair of LRC shall be the member with career status who
has served the longest on the committee. If both members elected
in the same year have career status, the chair shall be the member
who received the higher number of votes.
(3) Every third year two vacancies on the LRC are filled by election;
in other years one vacancy is filled.
(4) No person shall serve consecutive terms on the LRC.
(5). No two members shall be from the same department. Efforts
shall be made to nominate candidates from all segments of the UCI
(6). The Library Review Committee reviews and advises the University
Librarian on personnel actions, as applied to the Librarian series,
including but not limited to matters concerning appointment, merit
increase, and promotion.
b. Committee on Academic Librarianship shall address matters relating
to the academic status and professional issues of librarians at the
direction of or in consultation with the LAUC-I Chair and the Executive
c. Committee on Professional Development shall monitor and provide
leadership on ongoing professional development and mentoring opportunities
for LAUC-I members.
(1) Coordinate LAUC-I activities associated with the LAUC
(Systemwide) "Call for Research Proposals, UC Research Grants for
(2) Undertake other duties as directed by the LAUC-I Chair and
the Executive Board.
d. Program Committee shall organize, advertise, and coordinate programs
of interest to LAUC-I membership at the direction of or in consultation
with the LAUC-I Chair and Executive Board. The committee shall also
undertake other duties as directed by the LAUC-I Chair and the Executive
Section 9. Ad hoc committees
a. Members of ad hoc committees shall be appointed and vacancies
filled by the Executive Board, except as specifically stated in the
motion creating the committee.
Section 10. Nominating Elections Committee
a. This committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board
no later than October 1st.
b. The Immediate Past Chair of LAUC-I shall normally serve as Chair
of The Nominating Elections Committee.
c. The members shall prepare slates of candidates for office and
shall act as an elections committee in accordance with the provisions
of Article VIII.
d. Following the procedures described in Article VIII, the Nominating
Elections Committee shall hold the election before the end of Spring
e. The date for the LAUC-I elections will coincide with the date
selected for the election of LAUC officers.
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Section 1. Election
of LAUC-I officers, members-at-large, standing committee members, and
members of the Library Review Committee shall be held annually not later
than June 30th on the date determined by the Executive Board. This shall
be the date by which all ballots must be deposited with the chair of the
Nominating Elections Committee.
Section 2. The dates for special elections shall be determined by the
Board, and shall be held as soon as practicable following the event,
which necessitates such an election.
Section 3. Election procedures for special elections and for runoff
elections shall be the same as for regular elections.
Section 4. Nominating procedure
a. The Nominating Elections Committee shall send to each LAUC-I
member a form on which to indicate interest for LAUC-I office or standing
committee membership.
b. In the event that there are no candidates for a vacant office,
the Nominating Elections Committee shall nominate candidates after
obtaining the nominees' written consent.
c. Whenever possible, there shall be at least two candidates for
each office.
d. At least seven days before the election, the Nominating Elections
Committee shall present the slate at a LAUC-I regular meeting. Additional
nominations from the floor for all offices and standing committees
shall be accepted at this meeting. The Nominating Elections Committee
shall obtain consent from the nominees prior to placing their names
on the ballot.
Section 5. Election Procedures
a. Election shall be conducted by secret ballot.
b. At least seven days before the date of the election, the chair
of the Nominating Elections Committee shall send a ballot to each
c. The ballot shall contain:
1. An alphabetical list of the candidates nominated for
each office and standing committee vacancies including their unit
affiliation and the length of service for each vacancy.
2. A biographical sketch and brief statement of goals from each
candidate for the Office of Vice Chair (Chair-Elect), Secretary;
member-at-large, and Library Review Committee.
3. The roster of those standing committee members continuing in
office, listing the expiration date for each term of office and
the unit affiliation of each member.
d. These ballots shall contain a statement of the day by which the ballot
shall be returned to the chair of the Nominating Elections Committee
with instructions for handling and mailing which the Committee deems
necessary to insure a secret ballot. Ballots not conforming to these
instructions shall be deemed invalid. The LAUC-I election day will usually
coincide with the date of the LAUC elections.
e. The election of officers, members-at-large, members of the Library
Review Committee shall be by a majority of the valid votes cast. Candidates
who receive a majority of the votes cast for members-at-large or for
membership on the Library Review Committee shall be declared elected
even though no candidate for the second position as member-at-large
or for other vacancies on the Library Review Committee receive a majority
of the valid votes cast. Majority of the votes cast is defined as
one half of the valid votes cast plus one.
f. The election of standing committee members (other than members
of the Library Review Committee) shall be by a plurality of the valid
votes cast. Plurality is defined as one more valid vote than another
g. Not more than seven days following the date of election, the chair
of the Nominating Elections Committee shall give written notification
to the LAUC-I Chair on the results of the election.
h. The LAUC-I Chair shall insure that the members are promptly notified
of the results of the election.
Section 6. Runoff Elections
a. In the event that the highest vote for any position is
a tie vote, the candidates who received the tie vote (and only those
candidates) shall be presented on a second ballot.
b. If there is not a majority vote cast for an office, single position
as member-at-large, or single vacancy on the Library Review Committee,
the two candidates for that office, receiving the highest number of
the valid votes cast (or, if there is a tie for second place, as many
additional candidates as tied for second place) shall be presented
on a second ballot.
c. If there is not a majority vote cast for members-at-large or for
either of two vacancies on the Library Review Committee, the four
candidates for these positions receiving the highest number of valid
votes cast (or, if there is a tie for fourth place, as many more as
tied for fourth place) shall be presented on a second ballot.
d. In the event that there are three or four vacancies on the Library
Review Committee and no candidates receive a majority of the valid
votes case, the runoff ballot shall be constructed in the manner specified
in Article VIII, Section 6, Paragraph c but the numbers six or eight
(or in the event of a tie for the sixth or eighth position, shall
be substituted for the number four in that paragraph.
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The current edition
of the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure governs LAUC-I
in all parliamentary situations that are not provided for in its Bylaws
or adopted rules.
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Section 1. Amendments
to the Bylaws may be proposed to the membership by the Executive Board
or by any member of LAUC-I.
Section 2. Amendments proposed by members shall be submitted in writing
to the Executive Board and must carry the signatures of at least 10
percent of the membership.
Section 3. The proposed amendment shall be discussed at a regular or
special membership meeting before it is submitted for ratification.
The Secretary- shall be directed to include the text of both the existing
Bylaws article and section and the proposed amendment in the announcement
of the forthcoming meeting sent to each member.
Section 4. Within ten days after a proposed amendment has been discussed
at a membership meeting, it shall be submitted to a vote of the membership
on a special mail ballot.
Section 5. An amendment shall be considered ratified if approved by
two-thirds of the valid votes cast.
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These Bylaws are subject
to review by the Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction of LAUC.
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The Executive Board
shall make provisions for the maintenance of LAUC-I Archives.
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