LAUCI General Membership Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2002, 1-2pm


1. Review Meeting Minutes July 8, 2002

2. Proposal: "LAUCI Representation on Academic Senate Committees"
Purpose: The LAUCI ExBd has been working on issues pertaining to LAUCI Academic Senate representatives. We would
like your reaction to the proposal below and any suggestions regarding these issues. A meeting of the current and incoming
LAUCI representatives, the LAUCI ExBd, the AULs and UL to discuss the issues in this (or a revised) document,
responsibilities to both LAUCI and Library Administration, and expectations will occur later in September.

3. Announcements


LAUC-I Representation on Academic Senate Committees



LAUC-I is unique among the UC campuses in its representation on most UCI Academic Senate Councils, Action Committees, Governance Committees, Advisory Panels, and Special Committees. This affords LAUC-I and the UCI Libraries an exceptional opportunity to participate in and contribute to campus governance and initiatives, and both organizations will benefit by having our participation be as effective as possible.

LAUC-I therefore seeks active collaboration with Library Administration for appointment of our representatives in order to develop an effective slate of representatives. In making these appointments we seek to achieve a balance between 1) egalitarian and open opportunity for LAUC-I members' service on Senate committees and 2) the most effective and informed representation of library issues, concerns, and opportunities where relevant and welcome to the work of each committee. Appointments should not be tied to particular positions within the UCI Libraries so that appointees may rotate periodically and so that as many librarians as possible will be able to participate in these excellent opportunities for professional growth.

This document lists all Academic Senate groups and indicates those that include LAUC-I Representation. Based on past experiences, the committees whose work is most directly related to UCI Libraries' services and operations are:

· Council on Educational Policy
· Graduate Council
· Council on Planning and Budget
· Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources
· Action Committee on Courses
· Action Committee on Teaching

For each of these committees we have articulated desired qualifications for representatives and their responsibilities during their tenure.

This information, as well as links to each Academic Senate committee web site and other relevant information, will be located and maintained on the LAUC-I web site.

Academic Senate Standing Committees


Council on Academic Personnel (no LAUC-I representative) [3 year term]

Council on Educational Policy (Rochelle Minchow-2004) [3 year term]
(1) It shall be the duty of this Council to consider all matters related to academic policy, to make recommendations regarding curricula and programs and other educational matters, including general campus requirements and grading systems, and to review and report on the character of the educational programs on the Irvine campus. This Council will also supervise the examination and the course in Subject A, and formulate the policies for, and supervise the requirement in American History and Institutions. In matters pertaining to the establishment, substantive modifications or withdrawal of academic programs, this Council will meet with and issue joint recommendations with the Committee on Courses. The Council is authorized to act for the Division in approving new or amended degree requirements recommended to the Division by the several Faculties. Should the Committee fail to approve new or amended degree requirements within sixty (60) calendar days following the original submission of such recommendations by a Faculty, the Faculty in question may refer the matter directly to the Divisional Senate Assembly for action.

(2) The Council will act as a screening committee for the breadth options (see IR 520). It will solicit courses from the academic units, review them, and approve or disapprove them according to the guidelines listed in Appendix V. It will advise units of any overlap between proposed and existing courses and of areas not covered by the proposals. The Council may request that units submit special kinds of courses to meet the requirement. The Council will review all breadth option courses at regular intervals and take appropriate action.

LAUC-I Representative:

Desired qualifications: Ideally librarian with at least several years of experience at UCI and broad knowledge of undergraduate academic programs.

· In timely manner, keep relevant subject librarians and AdTeam informed of academic program reviews and initiatives, other major issues/activities, and breadth requirement changes that potentially impact the library.
· Provide calendar of scheduled academic program reviews to AdTeam at earliest possible date in order to allow ample time for library participation and response.
· Report quarterly to LAUC-I about major activities and initiatives of the Council as they relate to UCI Libraries' services and operations.

UCI Writing Board: A Sub-Committee of the Council on Educational Policy (Cathy Palmer- ad hoc appointee) [3 year term]
The UCI Writing Board shall advise the Council on Educational Policy on campuswide policies concerning instruction of writing, on implementation and enforcement of existing policies governing writing requirements, and shall serve as liaison with academic units and Academic Affairs on matters concerning the implementation and enforcement of such policies. The Board is empowered to gather information concerning the teaching of writing in courses on campus, students' writing performance, faculty perceptions of student writing problems and achievements, and student perceptions of writing instruction. The Board shall conduct a survey of academic units on campus to determine the courses in which there are significant writing assignments and the nature of the writing assignments. All writing requirement courses shall be reviewed at the end of three years. The Campus Writing Coordinator shall act as coordinator of all writing courses, and shall serve as liaison with the academic units, the UCI Writing Board, and the Council on Educational Policy. The Campus Writing Coordinator shall provide the Council on Educational Policy with information concerning the various writing courses offered, whether or not such writing courses meet the breadth requirement, and students' writing performance. (Am 24 January 02)

Faculty Board for Undecided/Undeclared Students: A Sub-Committee of the Council on Educational Policy (no LAUC-I representative) [3 year term]

Note: Recommend LAUC-I request representation on this sub-committee

Council on Faculty Welfare, Rights, Responsibilities, and Diversity (Vickie Grahame-2002) [2 year term]
(1) The Council shall consider and report in timely fashion to the Divisional Senate Assembly of the Irvine Division and confer with and advise the Chancellor and other officers of the campus administration on matters concerned with the welfare and diversity of the faculty. This is inclusive of issues pertaining to faculty salaries, benefits, insurance, retirement, housing, parking, University community amenities, conditions of employment, and the status of women and minority affairs campuswide. The Council shall initiate studies or make recommendations with respect to any conditions within or without the University which in the judgment of the Council may affect the academic freedom of the University Community. Procedures for treating issues with a major welfare component relevant to this Council that are also the concern of other committees will be developed by the chairs of the committees involved, in consultation with the Chair of the Academic Senate, Irvine Division.

(2) The Council shall maintain liaison with Systemwide University Committee on Faculty Welfare, Committee on Academic Freedom, and Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity.

Graduate Council (James Crooks-2003) [3 year term]
(1) The Graduate Council shall have such duties as are enumerated in Senate Bylaw 330.

(2) The Graduate Council shall formulate for submission to the Divisional Senate Assembly rules and regulations governing graduate education and shall advise the Chancellor on all matters relating to graduate work on the Irvine campus.

LAUC-I Representative:

Desired qualifications: Ideally librarian with at least several years of experience at UCI, a broad knowledge of graduate and professional programs and an awareness of UCI Libraries actual and potential support for same (e.g., resources, expertise, etc.).

· In timely manner, keep relevant subject librarians and AdTeam informed of graduate and professional program reviews and initiatives, new programmatic initiatives (e.g, degree programs), and other major issues/activities.
· Provide calendar of scheduled graduate and professional program reviews to relevant subject librarians and AdTeam at earliest possible date in order to allow ample time for library participation and response.
· Report quarterly to LAUC-I about major activities and initiatives of the Council as they relate to UCI Libraries' services and operations.

Council on Planning and Budget (Julia Gelfand-2003) [3 year term]
(1) Confers with and advises the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor, and campus administrative units on matters of planning, budget, and resource allocations on both short and long-term bases.

(2) Initiates studies in planning and budget matters and, if necessary to accomplish such studies, authorizes establishment of ad hoc committees to carry out investigations and make reports.

(3) On matters relating to academic program planning and budget, receives reports from and maintains liaison with the Council on Academic Personnel, the Council on Educational Policy, the Graduate Council, the Council on Research, Computing, and Library Resources, the Action Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools and Colleges, and other Senate committees that initiate actions relevant to academic planning and budgeting. Since program evaluation is central to long-range planning, the Council will cooperate with the Graduate Council and the Council on Educational Policy in the academic review process.

(4) Maintains liaison with Systemwide Committee on Planning and Budget.

(5) Reports regularly to the Irvine Division of the Academic Senate on matters under consideration.

(6) Monitors the review of administrative units at UCI.

(7) Maintains close and ongoing liaison with the UCI Development Office.

(8) Serves as the Senate resource for administrative consultation on matters of: a) policy decisions relating to the solicitation, administration, and expenditure of non-federal extramural funds, and b) the setting of priorities in broad UCI fund-raising efforts.

(9) Monitors the development of UCI's open space and recommends and encourages appropriate studies, advising the Senate and the administration and making recommendations regarding campus planning and development issues. The Council shall serve as liaison between the Academic Senate and the campus administration in all matters of UCI land use and the development of open space throughout the entire planning and implementation cycle.

LAUC-I Representative:

Desired qualifications: Ideally librarian with at least several years of experience at UCI; a broad knowledge of academic programs; an awareness of planning, budget and resource allocation issues, land planning issues, and development issues; and an awareness of UCI Libraries actual and potential support for same (e.g., resources, expertise, etc.).

· In a timely manner, and as appropriate, keep AdTeam, the Library Budget Officer, the Development Officer and relevant subject librarians informed of campus academic planning developments, academic budgeting developments, and other major issues/activities.
· In a timely manner, and as appropriate, inform the Library Development Officer of relevant fundraising and development issues and activities.
· Report quarterly to LAUC-I about major activities and initiatives of the Council as they relate to UCI Libraries' services and operations.

Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources (Diane Bisom-2002) [3 year term]
(1) The Council on Research, Computing, and Library Resources shall administer general campus funds for faculty research and for research travel and shall advise the Chancellor and represent the Division on matters relating to research policy and academic resources, including policies on the acquisition and use of computers for research and instruction, telecommunications policy, and library policy and administration on the Irvine campus.

(2) The Council shall maintain liaison with the Systemwide Committees on Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy, and Research Policy.

(3) The Council shall have a designated library representative who will be responsible for maintaining Council liaison with the Systemwide University Committee on Library, with the University Librarian, and with any library committees that may exist in any of the academic units.

LAUC-I Representative:

Desired qualifications: Ideally librarian with at least several years of experience at UCI and a broad knowledge of faculty research, computing and telecommunications policy, and library policy and administration.

· Work closely with the University Librarian in analyzing and preparing reports
· In timely manner, keep AdTeam informed of developments
· Report quarterly to LAUC-I about major activities and initiatives of the Council as they relate to UCI Libraries' services and operations.

Action Committees:

Action Committee on Courses (Judy Bube-2003) [2 year term]
It shall be the duty of this Committee to establish appropriate procedures for the approval of courses, to take final action on the approval, disapproval, modification, withdrawal, conduct, credit valuation and classification of courses. Committee disapproval of a course may be appealed to the Divisional Senate Assembly of the Division by the academic unit proposing the course. The Committee is instructed to make decisions consistent with established educational policy and to give full consideration to the views of appropriate schools, departments, and other academic units in matters relating to their courses of instruction, and to act promptly on requests for course approval. In matters pertaining to the establishment, substantive modification, or withdrawal of academic programs, this Committee will meet with and issue joint recommendations with the Council on Educational Policy.

LAUC-I Representative:

Desired qualifications: Librarian with active interest in UCI curriculum and desire to learn more about campus academic programs.

· Following each Committee meeting, maintain file of all approved course actions (in binder in Approval Room) for review by all Subject Librarians.
· Provide copies of approved course actions for lower-division undergraduate courses to Libraries' Education and Outreach Department.

Action Committee on International and Continuing Education (Anne Frank-2003) [2 year term]
(1) The Committee shall advise the Chancellor and the Academic Senate, Irvine Division, on all educational policy matters pertaining to programs outside of the core campus undergraduate and graduate programs, including, but not limited to, matters relating to international education, and continuing and part-time education. In matters pertaining to the establishment, substative modification or withdrawl of programs that may impact core campus academic programs, the Committee shall meet with and issue joint recommendations with the Council on Educational Policy, the action committee on Courses, and the Graduate Council, as applicable.

(2) The Committee shall provide academic policy oversight on all matters concerned with the University of California's Education Abroad Program (EAP), UCI's International Opportunities Program (IOP), other formal educational activities of UCI students abroad, and faculty exchanges between UCI and foreign universities. The Committee shall maintain liaison with the Systemwide Committee on UC Education Abroad.

(3) The Committee shall review and report on the character of and plans for the continuing and part-time programs on the Irvine campus and advise the Dean of Continuing Education and appropriate Administrative Committees on these issues.

Action Committee on Student Affairs (Jennifer Jacobs-2003) [2 year term]
(1) Advise the Chancellor and the Division, and

(2) Provide coordination among the Division, the Vice Chancellor of Student Services, and the Dean of Undergraduate Education concerning all general matters in which Student Services and Undergraduate Education programs affect the academic experience of UCI students. Such programs include the academic advising program, academic support services (such as Learning Skills and the Tutorial Assistance Program), Arts and Lectures, Career Planning and Placement, the formulation of the Student Services and Undergraduate Education budgets (including participation on the Registration Fee Committee), and the activities of those agencies of Student Services and Undergraduate Education that bear upon the total educational experience of students at UCI, including those activities pertaining to the diversity of the student body.

(3) Monitor outreach programs directed toward academic enrichment of the campus through a diverse student body, and to advise the campus administration on the disbursement of any funds designated for such programs.

(4) Make recommendations to the President through the Chancellor, to the Irvine Division, or the Academic Senate, or to the Vice Chancellor, Student Services, regarding the policies of the University on scholarships, honors, and financial aids.

(5) Appoint ad hoc Grievance Panels to hear student grievances which pertain to matters under the authority of the Academic Senate and, where such grievances are found to be justified, the Panel shall determine appropriate means of redress. Hearings by the Grievance Panel and related procedures are to be conducted in accordance with the statement entitled "Academic Grievance Procedures." (See IR A365(B) and Appendix II.) Grievance Panels shall consist of three voting members of the Academic Senate, at least one of which is a member of the action Committee on Student Affairs; this member will be chair of the Panel.

Action Committee on Teaching (Cathy Palmer-2004) [3 year term]
(1) To consider policies and issues concerning the quality of teaching on campus, e.g., the improvement and evaluation of teaching and the role of teaching in academic advancement.

(2) To advise administrators, faculty, and other Senate committees on matters affecting the quality of teaching on campus.

(3) To make recommendations to the above and other appropriate bodies concerning such issues as the improvement of teaching, the evaluation of courses and teaching, and the assessment of teaching in the personnel process.

(4) To act as overseer to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC). As overseer of IRC the Committee shall: (a) review policies, programs, and procedures of IRC with respect to their appropriateness, (b) advise the Dean of Undergraduate Education and the Advisory Board of IRC concerning IRC programs and procedures.

LAUC-I Representative:

Desired qualifications: Ideally, a librarian with considerable teaching experience, an active interest in quality teaching, a desire and commitment to improving teaching, and an interest in evaluation and assessment of teaching.

· To share relevant information about quality teaching with AdTeam, subject librarians, and others who teach
· To share relevant information about the Instructional Resource Center (IRC) policies and programs with AdTeam, subject librarians and others who teach
· Report quarterly to LAUC-I about major activities and initiatives of the Committee as they relate to UCI Libraries' services and operations.

Action Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools and Colleges (Pauline Manaka-2003) [3 year term]
This committee shall make recommendations regarding policies on admissions, enrollments, and outreach activities to the administration and to the Academic Senate. The Committee shall provide faculty coordination for outreach activities.

Governance Committees:

Governance Committee on Committees (no LAUC-I representative) [3 year term]

Governance Committee on Privilege and Tenure (Jackie Dooley-2004) [3 year term]
The Committee shall have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the privileges or tenure of all members of the faculty at Irvine; but in all instances it must accord any person whose case is being considered an opportunity to present a defense before a decision is rendered. [See Appendix III: Privilege and Tenure Hearing Procedures.]

Governance Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction (no LAUC-I representative) [3 year term]

Advisory Panels:
Advisory Panel on Honors Program (no LAUC-I representative) [2 year term]

Note: Recommend LAUC-I request representation on this sub-committee

Advisory Panel on Scholarly Honors and Awards (no LAUC-I representative) [3 year term]

Advisory Panel on Undergraduate Scholarships (Roumiana Katzarkov-2003) [2 year term]
The Panel shall recommend to the President, through the Chancellor, the awarding of scholarships according to the terms of the various conditions set forth and subject to such other conditions as the Divisional Senate Assembly may prescribe.

Advisory Panel on Council/Interschool Curricula (Inactive) (no LAUC-I representative) [2 year term]

Special Committees:

Senate Parking Oversight Committee (John Sisson)