Executive Board: Agendas/Minutes Membership: Agendas/Minutes Calendar 2002-2003 Standing Committees Ad Hoc Committees UCI Academic Senate Committee Representatives |
LAUC HOME LAUC Proposed Bylaws(2002).doc LAUC Statewide Standing Committee Representatives LAUC Divisions: Berkeley | Davis | Los Angeles Riverside | San Diego San Francisco | Santa Barbara Santa Cruz |
January 21, 1-3pm. @ ML 110 Next General Membership Mtg: January 13, 1-3pm @ ML 570 IMLS Grants Address Librarian Shortage.pdf National Library Week of the ALA: April 6-12, 2003 |
Important Documents
Online files from previous years. Incomplete prior to the creation of the LAUC-I homepage in 1997. Consult the LAUC-I Archives for fuller documentation.
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the Library, University of California at Irvine. All rights reserved.
Last Update: 1/06/03.