LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, 10 December 2001
1-3pm, Main Library, Room 570

Pauline Manaka introduced her guest, Anne Nguyen, a prospective library school student.

1. Approval of the Nov. 13, 2001 General Membership meeting minutes

The minutes were approved as amended.

2. Discussion with Debbie Murphy, LAUC President 2001-2002

President's Report
--The committee charges are on the LAUC Web site. The charge to the Professional Governance Committee has been narrowed. Their goal this year is to survey all LAUC members on the Distinguished Step. They have revised Position Paper 1 which will be voted on at Spring Assembly. Revisions to By-Laws are also posted. Committee reports are now archived on the Web site.
--Murphy attended UL advisory group meeting in October. She has made individual UC campus visits to UCLA and UCI and will schedule visits to remaining campuses in future.
--Budget. There was a small overrun ($3-4000) last year; will document to show need for increase in baseline funding. Murphy will cover discrepancy with her president's funds. No cutbacks on funding are expected.
--Survey is planned on impact on library services of full summer programs. SLASIAC representative Gary Peete queried UCLA, UC Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara campuses on impact on library services of summer programs. He did not get enough hard data and will be sending survey to all UC campuses. Gelfand said the summer program is still being pursued, but tuition costs are being studied. Murphy had heard summer programs were being curtailed. The decrease in number of rooms available to rent is creating a decline in revenues.
-- Murphy said there may be a new CDL director by spring; will invite to the spring assembly. The CDL user liaison committee has not met recently.

System-wide Issues Raised by LAUC-I
Building a UC System-wide Information Literacy Program
--LAUC task force (Debbie Murphy, Esther Grassian, Pauline Manaka, Cathy Palmer, Gary Peete) will contact all UC campuses on how to go forward on information literacy.
--LAUC-I Executive Board had meeting on information literacy and what they would like done. Discussion: We need to look at the standards first that are out there before starting proposals of our own. Supporting an initiative within existing structures vs. starting an initiative or implementing one was discussed. We should work cooperatively with other groups, e.g. R&I; SOPAG is also interested in this. Macleod suggested LAUC-I developing a program bringing in external speakers to raise awareness internally within LAUC-I or offering workshops bringing in other departments on campus to solicit their interests and ideas. Murphy suggested sharing the program beyond just UCI, maybe asking UC Riverside to work with UCI on this. Munoff said a lot is going on and that there is a need to coordinate.
--Gelfand suggested extending information literacy programs beyond the undergraduate level and including K-12. Discussion: Initially, priority should be our students. Maybe later we could link with local community colleges. Grant moneys may be available for outreach programs.
--Murphy would like something ready by LAUC task force on information literacy by the LAUC spring assembly which will he held May 3 at UCLA.
Generational Change in Librarianship and LAUC
--Issue grew out of viewing the Stanley Wilder video at LAUC 2000 Fall Assembly.
--Effort needed within UCI and system-wide to support and encourage library assistants to attend library school. Library staff need to be made known what support is available; possible creation of a Web page giving information on what support and funding is available. UCI should get librarianship onto "career nights" on campus. We need to encourage UC library schools to be more open to part-time enrollment. UCI Libraries might participate in "Shadow Day" for high school students.
--Wilson discussed CARL sponsored meeting on "culturing" science librarians; said recruitment needs to be a statewide effort. California public library system has FILS program which gives grants to get library school students to do internships in public libraries.
--Some target groups: staff already employed in libraries, part-time employed students, undergraduate, and graduate students. People living in California and enrolled in out of state long-distance learning programs are primary candidates for internships.
--Can we guarantee employment after internships?
--Manaka said ethnic librarian associations support through scholarships and other programs and we could use ideas from them.
--Program Committee has scheduled showing of the Stanley Wilder video; maybe they could further take up these issues.

Distinguished Step
Discussion was led by Murphy; some remarks:
--Criteria 2-4 are chance to share expertise developed while fulfilling criterion 1. Need excellence in one of 2-4 in addition to criterion 1 to achieve the Distinguished Step.
--When does it occur? Does it have to be fixed to a specific step number? It is more than a capstone, something you build on; based on lifetime achievement? Do standards vary among the UC campuses?
--Ariel floated idea of getting distinction rather that a Distinguished Step making it a designation rather that a step, something you may get any point in your career rather than for lifetime achievement. It would create more flexibility. She also raised the issue of equity increases that exist at other campuses as well as accelerated reviews. Kaufman mentioned "off-scale" salaries that exist for faculty allowing them to be paid higher than the published rank, but do not exist for librarians.
--Munoff said the current structure is what the ULs negotiated. Another possibility is doing away with the Distinguished Step altogether.
--Tseng suggested campus librarian of the year award with financial reward.

The meeting was adjourned.