Present: Anderson, Ariel, Bisom, Bube, Collins, Dooley, Gelfand, Grahame, Heiman (Recorder), Horn, Jackson, Jazayeri, Kaufman, Kiehl, Landis, Lessick, Lucas, MacLeod (Chair), Manaka, Renton, Riggs, Sisson, Tseng, Urrizola, Yu
1. Approval of October 8, 2001 General Membership Meeting Minutes
· The minutes were approved.
2. Professional Development Budget, 2001-2002-Vicki Grahame
· 2001-2002 budget was approved by the UL on Nov. 7.
· $37,138 (budget approved for 2001-2002; potential hire of 6 new librarians
figured in)
5,792 (unallocated from last year & rolled over to this year)
$42,930 (total budget for this year)
· Deadline for funding requests was Oct. 9. There will be no second call
this year. Money not used will not rollover to next year.
3. Program Committee Ideas
· Showing and discussion of Stanley Wilder video Generational Change
in Librarianship on Dec. 12. The video will be followed by discussion relating
its issues to the UC System and UCI.
· Group visit to The World from Here: Treasures of the Great Libraries
of Los Angeles exhibit at the UCLA Hammer Museum will be investigated.
· Program/symposium on information literacy/competency. System-wide effort
suggested to Debbie Murphy by LAUC-I executive board. UCI could do something
locally, e.g. organize workshop to build campus-wide coalition. Lessisk said
that SOPAG is working with campus groups on developing goals. ACRL Information
Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education can be used as a starting
point. Gelfand suggested connecting with and working in conjunction with other
programs on campus.
· Kaufman expressed desire that Program Committee focus beyond personnel
issues in their programming.
4. 2001-2002 LAUC-I Potential Issues
· Discussion focused on mentoring of new librarians.
· The possibility of library assistant internships mentioned. Kaufman
pointed out that LAs employed full-time by the Library get 2/3 off tuition at
UCLA to attend library school plus $1000 a year from UCI.
· Possible forum for LA and student employees where UCI librarians discuss
their jobs and rewarding aspects of being a librarian.
· LAUC-I presence during Grad Week.
5. Compact Shelving Update-Jackie Dooley
· Construction to be ready by fall 2002. The UL says it is a priority to keep going forward. We have the money for the preliminary construction, but not for the installation of the compact shelving. There is a commitment from the EVC that there will be money, but not as to when.
6. Visit to UCI by LAUC President Debbie Murphy
· Murphy will attend next general membership meeting on Dec. 11. Potential
agenda items discussed.
· The executive board suggested information literacy and continued discussion
of Cathy Palmer's theme of demographics as agenda items for the LAUC fall assembly.
· Gelfand raised issue of professional development support as being insufficient
and varying widely among the UC campuses. It is over 10 years since it has been
looked at system-wide.
· Starting salaries for librarians on CSU campuses $11,000 more than
UCI campuses.
Collins moved to end the meeting. It was seconded and the meeting adjourned