LAUC –I MEETINGDate: Monday February 11, 2001
Location: Main LibraryMinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
LAUC-I chair, Steve MacLeod, welcomed four new LAUC-I members, Sylvia Goldberg, Judy Ruttenberg, John Novak and Liza Vick

1. Mentorship Program:
Barb Lucas was the only member of the committee present. She presented the committee’s proposal, indicating that the EB was supportive of the initiative. Two suggestions were made, namely that the committee needs to conduct a literature review to augment new idea, and also that Janice Koyama, at UCLA was considered as a possible trainer and would be contacted. Vicki Graham offered to help by forwarding a bibliography of Mentoring Websites to the committee put together by a committee from ALCTS in ALA. All suggestions can be sent to Kay Collins who is the chair.
Other questions and suggestions centered around:
Ý Priorities of those who wish to serve as mentees – what are they?
Ý Lunch waiver has restrictions regarding UL’s waiver – this needs looking into
Ý Ambitious time-table – will be accomplished in phases/particular populations
Ý Evaluate program later, after clearly laying out what will be done
Ý Pair up people and let them go for it as soon as possible-use guidelines for directions
Ý The training should not complicate the timeline
Ý The proposal was approved in principle, there was general support in principle
Ý The EB would take it back, talk to the committee (after refining the proposal based on meeting suggestions) and the committee can move ahead, call for volunteers, get specific on details, etc.

12 volunteers (maximum); it is not mandatory that the volunteers be new librarians; priorities need to be articulated for each of these groups - Librarians, LA’s and students
2. Job Shadowing
Steve MacLeod introduced the idea which is part of a National program that was started in 1997 as an ACRL recruitment effort to the Library profession. The focus is "to bring high school students into the profession to learn about the library work environment" in order to pursue the profession. This is a year-round effort, with a charge every February first. UCI LAUC is a little late in contacting high schools in Orange County. Steve has received some help from Angela Yang regarding high school librarians. The questions to LAUC-I were:
Ý Is this of interest to LAUC-I this year (2002)? The answer was yes! Have a pilot for 1 or 2 years. Target some High Schools.
Ý Is High School too soon, how about targeting college going students? The idea was worth checking into
Ý Judy Kaufman is working on Mentoring Pilot Program with Library Schools –ported internship.
Ý How are students with interest identified? The High Schools have (regional) offices related to guidance council which UCI already has connections.
Ý Can LAUC choose the day? Is it flexible? Yes, it can be done as a pilot. The EB will set up a new small group to design the program, incorporating ideas from everyone.
Ý Judy Kaufman made a suggestion to be careful who you job shadow.
3. Reports from Academic Senate Committee Discussion
There has not been an ideal mechanism for sharing information about LAUC-I membership and participation to Senate Committees. The EB is interested in the best way to provide these reports to Gerry and the Admin group, hence the effort to brainstorm and generate ideas on the topic.
Ý According to JG Planning & Budget meets 8-9 hours; a confidential workgroup which evaluates proposals of how UCI should grow and expand. The proposals are from units and are confidential until they appear to the Senate, then it is public information. Semiannual and year round reports are submitted.
Ý JC spoke about the Graduate Council as addressing confidential matters, hence the relucatance to have a website. There are matters which are appropriate to bring to the Library such as introduction of new courses
Ý CP spoke to the LAUC-I tradition of having quarterly reports in a round robin (planned) manner. The committee on Teaching, in which she has participated, focuses on honesty and plagiarism. She would like to bring some ideas from the Library to the committee.
Ý JA addresses this as a 2-way communication-from committee to the Library and vice versa. LAUC-I needs to make an evaluation of which, what functions relate to the daily Library activities and make a study to support the Librarians who are members of these various committees as appropriate.
Ý RK who is a member of the Advisory Panel for UG Scholarship was unclear on what her role is on the committee!
Ý MR commented on Grad Council, indicating that the Library usually learns about new programs; the committee memebers is expected to inform the Collections Department/Bibliographers of these developments
Ý The are various ways to ensure consistency of reports by everyone in order to provide information to Lib Admininstration. The EB will make a follow-up, given that there is nothing in the by-laws when people are appointed to these committees.
Ý LT made the suggestion to appoint people according to Committee charges in order to facilitate reporting lines in the Library (within given parameters)
Ý The LAUC-I Board will take on a more active role in ensuring that representatives are accountable to the Library role being of value; the chair of LAUC has the opportunity to write a letter of introduction at the beginning of the term (to Sue Dombrink)
4. On the Question of Confidentiality
A discussion on what we mean by confidentiality as the UCI Libraries with regard to candidates who have interviewed was delved into. We all have to be careful. There are possibly two levels, at the search committee as well as regular level. The responsibility for all of us when traveling to conferences was addressed.
5. LAUC-I Archives
SM announced that these have not been updates since 1994; LAUC-I needs to be in regular cycle to have officers update the files