AdHoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process

The AD Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process, shall consist of two members of the Professional Development Committee and two librarians appointed by the LAUC-I Executive Board.

The Ad Hoc committee is charged to:

1. Analyze and identify problems or areas of concern with the process. Administering a survey is one possible way of collecting this information.
2. Investigate whether LAUC-I should continue with our present "Base" and "Tier" system of funding.
3. Surveying other UC campuses to determine:
- Their models and methods of distributing professional development funds
- Method of allocating administrative support funds for travel or professional development
- Amount of supplemental funding (over the MOU required amount) provided by the UL
4. The final report should include:
- Recommended changes if necessary in the present method of distributing professional development funds based on other campus procedures or improvements in the present procedures at UCI.
- Additional specific suggestions for improvement such as:
- Streamlining the disbursement process through the use of specific travel agents, "corporate accounts".
- Direct payment of conference costs, such as, registration, to reduce the time of "out of pocket" expenses.
- Determine if money left over at the end of a year can be built into a model to support other professional development costs, such as, library journals, local speakers, laptop upgrades, etc.
- Other recommendations that relate to travel and professional development funds.
- The final report should be completed by December 1, 2001.
**The major goals of the LAUC-I Professional Development Committee are:
1. To support and encourage excellence in professional contributions and meaningful professional development activities.
2. Review requests from librarians for professional development support.
3. Recommend to Library Administration through LAUC-I the distribution and expenditure of the professional development funds. These funds are made available by Library Administration to help offset personal costs incurred for professional development including travel.
4. Other goals include:
- Insuring that a mechanism exists to distribute the minimum funds to unit librarians per the MOU.
- Working with the Library's Business Office to distribute funds in a timely manner and expending the funds by the end of the fiscal year.
- Help LAUC-I keep track of the professional development activities of its members.
- Disbursing fund in a consistent manner, supporting those who need it most.
- Represent LAUC-I's responses to and administration of LAUC research grants.