LAUC-I General Membership Meeting

Monday, December 10, 2001: ML570, 1-3pm


1. Approval of the November 13, 2001 General Membership meeting minutes (to be distributed at the meeting) [5 min]

2. Discussion with Debbie Murphy, LAUC President 2001-2002
Purpose: Debbie will be visiting all LAUC Divisions this year. She will be meeting with LAUC-I today 1-3pm, followed by a
meeting with Gerry Munoff at 3pm.
Issues to discuss (draft):
A. Update on LAUC: [50 min]

President's Report
Distinguished Step: How is this issue moving forward at other Divisions and system-wide?
Other issues

B. System-wide Issues Raised by LAUC-I: [50 min]
Note: LAUC-I Executive Board suggested two issues to be addressed at the LAUC Executive Board meeting at the Fall
Assembly. We would like to discuss these issues, and possible strategies, with Debbie Murphy [see memo below for more

Generational Change in Librarianship and LAUC
Building a UC System-wide Information Literacy Program

Announcements: [15 min]

In preparation for the LAUC-I General Membership meeting with LAUC President Debbie Murphy on Monday, I'm
forwarding to you DRAFT notes from the LAUC Executive Board meeting at UCD on November 15, 2001. The notes will
perhaps provide you with some background on some of the issues that Debbie Murphy will raise with us. If you have specific
issues that you would like to address with Debbie please send those to me by Friday (tomorrow) at noon. Again, the attached
are DRAFT notes -- they are not official notes.

Next Meeting: January 14, Monday, 1-3pm, ML570

Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 15:12:39 -0800
From: Stephen MacLeod <>
To: Deborah A Murphy <damurphy@cats.UCSC.EDU>

Debbie -- The LAUC-I Exec Board met last Thursday. We had the following questions and suggestions for you to possibly
consider for the agenda for the LAUC Exec Board meeting on November 15th:

1. Will LAUC consider follow-up actions to the 11/17/00 Fall Assembly discussion related to the Stanley Wilder video
Generational Change in Librarianship? There are several possible outcomes that might be supported systemwide:

Acknowledging the two major "library schools" at UCLA and UCB , could we encourage and support library assistants
employed in our libraries attending those schools and completing degrees in those programs?
Could we further encourage them by guaranteeing a professional position in the UC system upon graduation?
Could we provide material support for more internships?
Could we clarify current resources available for our library assistants to pursue an MLS?

These are many other possible outcomes that could be facilitated systemwide. LAUC could act to develop policies and
procedures, and resources in support of those outcomes.

2. UC Systemwide Information Literacy Program Development:

Could LAUC encourage and facilitate a systemwide effort to develop information literacy standards within the University
of California, similar to what the CSU system has done via the CSU Information Competence Project -