Tuesday, November 13, 2001: SL104, 1-3pm
1. Approval of the October 8, 2001 General Membership meeting minutes [5 min]
[to be distributed at the meeting]
2. Report: Professional Development Budget 2001-2002 [15 min.]
Purpose: The 2001-2002 Professional Development budget was approved by Gerry
Munoff on November 7th. Details will be shared.
3. Program Committee Ideas [20 min.]
Purpose: In the last several years the Program Committee has concentrated on
major programs of interest to librarians in the Southern California region.
The Program Committee this year is attempting to develop more programs of local
interest specifically to LAUC-I members. We will share some of the ideas they
are developing, and we would like your reactions and ideas for additional programs.
4. 2001-2002 LAUC-I Issues [30 min.]
Purpose: LAUC-I has spent considerable time in the last few years addressing
a variety of issues related to the review process. The Executive Board is seeking
your assistance in considering a variety of new issues that LAUC-I could address
this year. We would like your reaction to the list of possible issues attached,
and would like to hear your ideas for additional issues.
5. Update: Compact Shelving (J. Dooley) [20 min.]
Purpose: Jackie Dooley will provide an update on the Compact Shelving project.
She is seeking your questions and suggestions.
6. Visit by LAUC President Debbie Murphy on 12/10/01 [20 min.]
Purpose: To identify possible topics to discuss with Debbie Murphy when she
attends the next LAUCI General Membership meeting on 12/10/01.
Announcements: [10 min.]
Next Meeting: December 10, Mon, 1-3pm, ML570