LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, October 8, 2001: SL104, 1-3pm
1. Approval of the August 13, 2001 General Membership meeting minutes [5 min]
2. Library Review Committee Workshops (J. Horn) [15 min.]
Purpose: Judy Horn (Chair, LRC) will provide background on two workshops that
the LRC is developing:
· How to prepare factual resumes;
· How to prepare letters of reference.
She will also be seeking your feedback on possible dates for the workshops.
3. 2000/2001 Standing Committee Reports (J. Crooks, A. Yang, J. Bube, J. Horn)
[30 min.]
Purpose: To provide a brief annual report on accomplishments and activities
of LAUC-I Standing Committees in 2000/2001:
· Academic Librarianship -- Jim Crooks
· Library Review Committee -- Judy Horn (for Joan Ariel)
· Professional Development -- Vicki Grahame (for Angela Yang)
· Program Committee -- Judy Bube
4. Update: LAUC-I Executive Board & Library Administration (S. MacLeod)
[20 min.]
Purpose: To provide an update on efforts to improve communication and collaboration
between LAUC-I and Library Administration.
5. Professional Development Issues - LAUC-I Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Professional
Development Funding Process (V. Grahame) [50 min.]
Purpose: The Ad Hoc Committee will present a list of issues that they will be
addressing. They will be asking for your input on these issues, as well as additional
issues that are relevant from the perspective of the membership.
Next Meeting: Tues, November 13,1-3pm, SL104 [note: Mon, 11/12 is Veteran's Day, a campus holiday]