LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2002, 1-32pm, SL104


1. Approve minutes of the April 8 meeting

2. Nominations/Elections - John Sisson

3. Spring Assembly Report @ UCLA - Steve MacLeod (w/Joan Ariel, Pauline Manaka and others who attended)

4. Report from LAUCI Standing Committees - brief 5 minute updates on activities and accomplishments:
Academic Librarianship - Kay Collins
Professional Development - Vicki Grahame
Program Committee - ?? (Christina Woo is on vacation)
Library review Commitee - Judy Horn

5. Report from LAUC (Statewide) Committee Representatives - brief 5 minute updates on activities and accomplishments:
Committee, Rules and Jurisdiction - Jim Crooks
Cultural Diversity - Pauline Manaka
Professional Governance - Barb Lucas
Research & Professional Development - Wanda Pittman Jazayeri

6. Updates:
* Report of the AdHoc Committee to Evaluate Professional Development Funding Process: brief report on next actions
* Proposed changes to Academic Personnel Procedures for Librarians: brief update on next actions.
* Academic Senate reports: brief report on next actions