1. Approval of April 9,
2001 minutes
Reminder about the upcoming event "Open Door Policy, Behind Closed Doors, or, Pay at the Door?" by the LAUC-I Program committee for June 8, 2001. The registration deadline is June 1st. Printed announcement will be up on the LAUC-I page soon.
Call for Nominations from the floor and finalization of the slate
Yvonne Wilson distributed the sheet containing the nominations. She ran over the nominations. For Chair/Vice Chair: Crooks and Manaka. Secretary: Heiman. Members-at-large (2 vacancies): Anderson, Ariel, Womack, Yu. Standing Committees: Academic Librianship (1 vacancy): Gelfand, Yang. Professional Development: (3 year term)Jazareyi, Palmer; (1 year term): Frank, Martin. Program Committee: Jacobs, Katzkarov; 1 year term: Wong. LRC: Bube, Tsang, Urrizola.
Wilson opened it for nominations from the floor. Lorelei Tanji nominated Jackie Dooley for LRC. Cathy Palmer moved to close the nominations, it was seconded and approved.
The paper ballot will go out by May 24. The election day is by the end of June 8.
Cathy Palmer then spoke about UL Advisory Advisory structure Committees' vacancies and other opportunities to serve LAUC. Slate of 3 names for each position. LAUC representative to SOPAG. The other 4 positions: Heads of Public Service, Heads of Technical Services, the University Technology Advisory Group, and the Collection Development Committee. The charges for these committees are on the SOPAG web page. Send your nominations to Cathy by May 21st; she needs to submit names by June 12th.
Call for volunteers to serve on AdHoc with 2 members of Professional Devlopment Committee. Volunteer to John Sisson by 5 o'clock May 23rd--2 volunteers needed to serve with Professional Development Committee members: Vicki Grahame and Wanda Pittman Jazayeri. A charge is being developed.
Various comments were made on the present state of funding: that the MOU doesn't say that the amount has to be allocated equally; that supplemental funding was made available under the previous UL; that people need to know the amount to be made available so they can plan, and that reimbursement should be made in a timely manner; that it's not an option to leave the guidelines as they are.
Sisson asked that people send their concerns and comments about professional funding by e-mail to Vickie Grahame or to him.
5. Spring Assembly Report
John Sisson, Steve MacLeod and Diane Bisom attended the Spring Assembly.
Myron Okada gave a report.
CDL/UL Search Committee has been formed. Cathy Palmer is on the Committee. A concern was expressed at the lack of representation of women on the search committee and a discussion took place of the steps that can be taken to remedy it.
Steve MacLeod gave a report on various interesting developments and practices at other LAUC divisions that were described at the Spring Assembly.
Joan Ariel, Chair of LRC, facilitated a preliminary review of the Factual Resume Guidelines in use for the past year. It was emphasized that Factual Resumes should not be exhaustive, but list and describe significant activities. Many useful comments, suggestions and areas for further clarification were noted for consideration in future revision of the guidelines. LRC will also solicit comments from LAUC-I members who were unable to attend.