LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, April 9, 2001
1-3pm, Main Library, Room 570

Present: Bisom, Crooks, Dooley, Ford, Gelfand, Grahame, Heiman, Horn, Jacobs, Jazayeri, Kaufman, Kjaer, MacLeod, McAdam, Manaka, Palmer, Renton, Riggs, Sisson (Chair), Tanji, Tseng, Urrizola, Wilson, Womack, Wong, Woo, Yeghiayan (Recorder)

1. Approval of March 7, 2001 minutes

2. Welcoming Jennifer Jacobs.

The next Agenda item, LAUC Spring Assembly, was moved to later.

3. LAUC-I Elections Committee -- Yvonne Wilson

4. Annual Plan Guidelines -- Judy Kaufman

5. LAUC Spring Assembly -- Julia Gelfand 6. Report on UCI Libraries open positions -- Judy Kaufman

7. LAUC-I Program Committee
  • Publishing and Presentations Support Group -- discussion

    8. Next meeting May 14, 2001, 1-3, ML 570.

    Meeting adjourned at 2:25.