1. Approval of March 7,
2001 minutes
The next Agenda item, LAUC Spring Assembly, was moved to later.
3. LAUC-I Elections Committee -- Yvonne Wilson
Wilson said that call was sent in the mail. It will be put on the LAUC-I Website in a week. Interested parties should indicate by April 22nd, short biography and goals due by May 18 and the ballots will go out by May 25.There are 3 vacancies on the Professional Development Committee and 3 on the Program Committee. The nominations will close at the May 14 General Membership meeting.
4. Annual Plan Guidelines -- Judy Kaufman
It was emphasized that the annual plans are a collaborative effort between the review initiator and the librarian, and that the former may need training from Human Resources on this and other matters.
There was extensive discussion of various aspects of the guidelines.
For the LAUC Spring Assembly on April 27th 8-10 volunteers needed: registration desk, drivers needed for the campus vans, 7:30-10, 2:30-4:30.
Lunch at noon; cheque for $10.
Meetings of SOPAG and UL's group.
2 candidates for Science Librarian position.
Electronic Special Formats candidate status is up in the air.
The UL is talking to the AUL for Technical Services candidate.
There will be an e-mail about the Reference/Bibliographer positions; hoping for candidates in May.
Instructional Librarian position profile done.
Advancement candidate search is campuswide.
Judy Bube is elsewhere. Lots of details have fallen into place for a LAUC-I Program on Friday June 8. The theme will be on research using government resources and freedom of information, with Professor Jon Wiener participating in a program with others.
Publishing and Presentations Support Group -- discussion
Professional Development activities need collegial and feedback support.
Suggestions were made that the Program and the Professional Development Committees work together on this, to change their charge; to use the present LAUC-I alias as a newsletter; to send out a survey to the membership on what people are doing in this area, for example, whether they are on editorial boards.
Meeting adjourned at 2:25.