LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2001
1-3pm, Main Library, Room 570
Present: Anderson, Ariel, Bisom, Dooley,
Gelfand, Grahame, Horn, Jazayeri, MacLeod, McAdam, Manaka, Palmer,
Renton, Sisson (Chair), Tseng, Wilson, Womack
Yeghiayan (Secretary)
1. Approval of December 11,
2000 minutes
Zwies name was misspelled in 1 place and it was asked that the #paragraph
starting with "In the ensuing discussion..." be changed. The Minutes will
be approved after the changes are made
2. UL Munoff's visit on March 7, 2001.
UL Munoff will discuss the review process and what changes he would like
to institute. Sisson read his e-mail discussion-topics of 4 points to
1. The Review Process for the 1999-2000 cycle. How did it go, what
changes would you like, general comments.
2. Professional development in the library. We are facing rising costs in
airfare, registration fees, etc. But the level of support has not changed
much in the past few years. As the review decision maker, should people
doing less professional development, seeking other sources of funding? How
this effect your evaluation of them?
3. Give us your thoughts on the future of the UCI Libraries. Which
are going to be filled? What new positions do you see coming down the
road in
the next few years? Do we have plans for a new library building?
4. How do you hope to work with LAUC-I?
Discussion-topic 1: Review Process
- There will be a Report on the past review process by the UL, and what
changes he would like to institute.
Discussion-topic 2: Professional Development Issues
The following points were made:
- The UL feels that we are well-funded.
- Professional Development here is canvassing its counterparts on other
- Other campuses do it differently.
- Time and support staff is needed to keep up. Because many positions
are not filled, there is a question of the priority of professional
development for people with conflicting demands.
- Since costs have gone up for travel and accomodations, it would be
useful to gather what out of pocket expenses people have.
- Several people argued that discussion-topic 2 should be postponed for
a later meeting since no effective discussion can take place until
there is more information and it would therfore be premature to
discuss before the
information gathering has been completed.
Discussion-topic 3: Future of UCI Libraries: Vacancies, Positions,
- What is the planning process? The strategy?
- Questions about the planning process and the timeline
- What effect does this have on library operations?
- How can new AULs give informed comment when it will take time to get
them oriented
- Taking the different scenarios approach may be more fruitful than
specific issues. What will happen in the next 6
months without AULs? In the next 12 months?
Certain positions are in place, when will we post them?
- 2 Reference/Bibliographer positions
- 2 Department Heads
- Development Officer
- Publications Officer
- Head of Collections position
- Instructional Services position
- Ellen Broidy's position?
Discussion-topic 4: Library Administration and LAUC-I working
- Suggestions have been made, such as that the UL and members of
library administration should be encouraged to regularly attend and be
with their
fellow librarians LAUC-I meetings, as
happened in the past.
- What areas does the UL see of an advisory role for LAUC-I?
Operational issues? Space-planning? Academic-planning, program and
services planning? The budget process?
- LRC and the Academic Librarianship Committee involvement in the
review process can serve as a model.
- LAUC-I members who serve on academic senate committees should be more
actively involved and inform the membership and administration with
matters that help
with the planning process.
- A suggestion was made that the LAUC-I Executive Board should have a
set schedule of meetings with the UL, and that the minutes of the Board
should be shared. It was proposed that the Secretary should do the latter.
[The Secretary has since created 2 Web Pages, one for last year's
board meetings (1999-2000):
Board agendas and minutes
and one for this year
LAUC-I Executive Board Meeting Schedule and Minutes
2000-2001. The former is on the LAUC-I Information page on the
right under "Historical Information" 1999-2000. The latter is on the
LAUC-I Information page on the left under "Current Year (2000-2001)
Information," the 3rd item down "Executive Board Meeting Calendar
(Including links to agendas and minutes)."]
3. LAUC Executive Board Meeting February 2, 2001 Report
LAUC Elections, nominations for Secretary by April 5, 2001
LAUC Resolution on New Library Buildings
- Judson King's response to the LAUC Resolution was distributed. Ke
purposely missed the point. His basic argument was that electronic
resources can replace library buildings and CDL will replace Libraries.
CDL has minimal impact, in addition to adding to our own work.
- Most libraries are going to grow; they occupy social and institutional
space; study-spaces are needed for students; libraries are part of the
teaching and learning mission of the University.
- Faculty can influence; librarians need to forge alliances with faculty
on this issue.
- Libraries have nonelectronic needs. MacLeod shared a speech given by
Stanford President Gerhard Casper on the need for Library buildings: "Who
Needs a Library Anyway?"
- If you have specific contributions, send comments to Sisson or
Other news: CDL UL Search, UC Merced UL, LTULAG
- Committee for the CDL UL search has been convened
- Bruce Miller of UC San Diego has been selected as the UL for UC
- LAUC Executive Board will be exploring further the barrier step and on
what makes a distinguished librarian.
4. Next meeting Wednesday, March 7, 2001, 1-3, SL 104
There was a motion to adjourn, it was
seconded and passed.