LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2001
1-3pm, Main Library, Room 570

Present: Anderson, Ariel, Bisom, Dooley, Gelfand, Grahame, Horn, Jazayeri, MacLeod, McAdam, Manaka, Palmer, Renton, Sisson (Chair), Tseng, Wilson, Womack Yeghiayan (Secretary)

1. Approval of December 11, 2000 minutes

Zwies name was misspelled in 1 place and it was asked that the #paragraph starting with "In the ensuing discussion..." be changed. The Minutes will be approved after the changes are made

2. UL Munoff's visit on March 7, 2001.


Discussion-topic 1: Review Process

Discussion-topic 2: Professional Development Issues

The following points were made:

Discussion-topic 3: Future of UCI Libraries: Vacancies, Positions, Buildings

Certain positions are in place, when will we post them?

Discussion-topic 4: Library Administration and LAUC-I working relationship

3. LAUC Executive Board Meeting February 2, 2001 Report

4. Next meeting Wednesday, March 7, 2001, 1-3, SL 104

     There was a motion to adjourn, it was seconded and passed.