LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, December 11, 2000

Present: D. Anderson, J. Ariel, D. Bisom, S. Eichhorn, C. Ford, J. Gelfand, V. Grahame, J. Horn, W. Jazayeri, S. MacLeod, T. McAdam, R. Minchow, C. Palmer, M. Renton, C. Riggs, J. Sisson (Chair), S. Tseng, M. Urrizola, Y. Wilson, C. Woo, A. Yang, E. Yeghiayan (recorder), R. Zwies

1. Approval of October 5, 2000 minutes and November 13, 2000 minutes

2. Introduction of our new librarian and LAUC-I member

3. Honoring our retiring librarians

4. MELVYL RFP process update and report-- Diane Bisom

5. LAUC-I Elections Committee

6. LAUC Spring 2001 Assembly Arrangements Committee 7. LAUC Fall Assembly November 17, 2000 Report

8. Next meeting Monday, February 12, 2001, Main Library 570, 1-3pm.