1. Approval of October 5, 2000 minutes
There was no quorum for the approval of the minutes.
2. Report from the Academic Librarianship Committee -- Jim Crooks.
This was postponed to the next General Membership meeting, as Crooks could not attend.
Dan Tsang is on the UCI Faculty Senate's Advisory Panel on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors and Financial Aid. For this year's Regent's Scholars, out of 500 offers made, only 40 first-year recipients came to UCI; the target was 100. Recipients get some library loan privileges apparently. Is the library interested in participating in the annual "day" when the campus invites potential recipients to visit? And could library perks for recipients be improved? It was suggested that Gerry Munoff, Angela Yang and Sara Eichhorn be consulted.
4. Discussion of issues for LAUC Fall Assembly
The Fall Assembly will take place in Berkeley on November 17, 2000.
5. LAUC Spring Assembly Arrangements Committee
The LAUC Spring Assembly will take place at Irvine on April 27, 2001.
Julia Gelfand is the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee and volunteers are needed for various things, in particular to drive vans.
There is a need for someone with Web skills to do the Web Page for the Spring Assembly. It was decided that the LAUC-I Secretary should do it.
Whether LAUC-I should comment on professional issues.
Whether there should be an event for retiring Librarians.
Whether members should suggest agenda topics for discussion 2 weeks ahead.
LAUC President Cathy Palmer reported that ULs would like guidance from LAUC on the new Melvyl. Diane Bisom said that there will be an implementation committee.
At the next General Membership Meeting on December 11, 2000 there will be a discussion of the Academic Librarianship Committee Criteria Document. The revised draft is on the LAUC-I Web Page.