Volunteers needed to supply refreshments for LAUC-I meetings: November 13 (SL), April 9, 2001 (ML), and June 11, 2001 (SL). Retain your receipts and you will be reimbursed.
1. Approval of June 12, 2000 minutes
2. Introduction of new librarian and LAUC-I member
Sisson introduced and welcomed Wanda Pitman Jazayeri to LAUC-I.
3. Introduction of new LAUC-I Officers and new LAUC-I appointments
Introduction by Sisson of LAUC-I Executive Board officers (Ariel, Bisom, MacLeod, Minchow, Wilson, Yeghiayan)
New LAUC-I appointments announced by Sisson:
4. Report on LAUC Executive Board Transition meeting- August 10, 2000
Library Plans and Policies was suspended for the year, no new members are being appointed and the current members were released because the current President wants to appoint a task force to evaluate the current University Librarians and CDL advisory structure.
For the Scholarly Communications Web Page it was decided at the Spring Assembly that this group will function as editorial board. So they are still looking for people who are interested in being editors of special sections. So people may be interested in looking at the statewide page to see if something interests you.
Patricia Inouye, the Past President of LAUC, is going to serve as the Executive Board liaison to the Committee on Bye-Laws and Jurisdiction.
Andrea Duda of Santa Barbara will be the Web Manager of the statewide LAUC Page and revising it.
Sisson explained the additional features of the Policy which has already been adopted. Staff laptops should be used for ongoing duties. The LAUC-I laptops are for professional activities, conferences, or actual duties for LAUC or LAUC-I Committee work. Reservation policy has been added and changed. Back to back reservations of the same laptop will not be accepted any more. It was suggested that the wording of the paragraph on "Requests for exceptions to these reservations policies" be changed and that they be mailed not to the Executive Board but to the Chair or the incoming Chair. These exceptions would be such things as the length of the loan. Requests for special software should also be made to the Chair or incoming Chair.
7. Professional Development Base Fund allocations
Executive Board will send out a charge to the Professional Development Committee, and a Chair will be appointed.
The total amount by the Library is the same as last year (circa $34,000), and the base funding will be $268.
Ariel, as the Chair of LRC, provided the quick update of their recent activities which will become a regular feature at future LAUC-I meetings, if people favor it.
LRC can help individual librarians with their factual resumes; there is a question of how uniform or custom-tailored position profiles should be. There was an invitation to e-mail your concerns on these and other matters to LRC.
The draft of the Work Plan is in the works and moving through the sub-committee of Academic Librarianship to the Committee, and then up the ladder.
LAUC President, Cathy Palmer, is visiting all 9 campuses this year and meeting with the LAUC Executive Boards and ULs. In the Fall she intends to visit the Southern campuses, to be followed by the Northern campuses in the Spring.
Palmer discussed her vision of what LAUC can do during this difficult year, and it generated a wide-ranging discussion of various matters affecting the age, rank and status of librarians and the various ways to attract a more youthful generation to the profession.