LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Thursday, October 5, 2000

Present: Ariel, Bisom, Grahame, Jazayeri, Kaufman, Lucas, MacLeod, McAdam, Minchow, Palmer, Riggs, Sisson, Tseng, Urrizola, Wilson, Yang, Yeghiayan

Volunteers needed to supply refreshments for LAUC-I meetings: November 13 (SL), April 9, 2001 (ML), and June 11, 2001 (SL). Retain your receipts and you will be reimbursed.

1. Approval of June 12, 2000 minutes

2. Introduction of new librarian and LAUC-I member

3. Introduction of new LAUC-I Officers and new LAUC-I appointments

4. Report on LAUC Executive Board Transition meeting- August 10, 2000

  • Sisson reported on the transition meeting which he attended on August 10. 5. LAUC Fall Assembly will be at UC Berkeley on Friday November 17. Spring Assembly will be at Irvine on April 27. Gelfand will be heading the Arrangements Committee and volunteers will be solicited in the future.

    6. LAUC-I Laptop Policy

    7. Professional Development Base Fund allocations

    8. Library Review Committe (LRC) update

    9. Cathy Palmer, LAUC President

    10. Next meeting Monday, November 13 (Science Library 104)