LAUC-I Executive Board Meeting
Monday, June 4, 2001
Science Library 244

1. Approval of May 7, 2001 LAUC-I Executive Board Minutes

2. LAUC-I Spring election committee report

(Exec Board members need to read the election sections of the Bylaws, esp. Art. VIII Sec 5. no. e. and all of section 6. We must have a common understanding of the Bylaws. http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~lauciweb/foundations/3_2.html )

-Announcement of results calendar
-Possible Run-off election calendar

3. AdHoc committee to evaluate professional development guidelines

-Discuss membership and revised charge
-timeline for report (possible deadline for recommendations?)

4. Agenda for General Meeting, June 11, 2001

5. LAUC-I EB Meeting July 2, 2001

6. LAUC-I Program June 8

7. Other topics