LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2001
1-3pm, Main Library, Room 570

There will be a LAUC-I General Membership meeting on Monday, February 12, ML 570 1:00-3:00

The agenda is as follows:


1. Approval of December 11, 2000 minutes

2. Gerry Munoff's visit on March 7.

Discuss topics we would like him to cover for LAUC-I General Meeting in March

3. LAUC Executive Board Meeting Feb 2, 2001 Report

-LAUC Elections, nominations for Secretary by April 5
-LAUC Resolution on New Library Buildings
-Other news: CDL UL Search, UC Merced UL, LTULAG

4. Next meeting March 7, 2001, 1-3, SL 104