LAUC-I General Membership Meeting
Monday, December 11, 2000
1-3pm, Science Library, Room 104

There will be a LAUC-I meeting Monday, December 11 1:00-3:00 in SL 104.

We will be honoring Eric and Sara on their retirement. Please (if you wish) be prepared to say a few words about our colleagues.

The agenda is as follows:


1. Approval of November 13, 2000 minutes

2. Welcoming New Librarian
       Richard Zweis (new web manager)

3. Honoring Retiring Librarians Sara Eichhorn and Eric MacDonald
       Tributes and stories

4. LAUC Fall Assembly November 17, 2000 Report
       (See UniversityLibrarians)

5. LAUC-I Elections Committee

       -Members are: Yvonne Wilson (chair), Bill Wong, Sally Tseng
       -Special election in December on LAUC Bylaws- Yvonne Wilson

6. LAUC Spring 2001 Assembly Arrangements Committee

       -Members are: Julia Gelfand (chair), Judy Bube, Richard Zwies, Bill Landis, Christina Woo, Roumiana Katzarkov.

7. MELVYL RFP process update and report- Diane Bisom

8. Next meeting February 12, ML 570